New here: single mom of deaf toddler w/ CI in Colorado


New Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Hey all! My name is Heather, I'm a single mom of three kids. My son Taro is 5. My daughters, Anwyn is 4, and Alaurial is 2. We live in Denver.

Alaurial began to lose her hearing around 4 months old. When she had a hearing test around 10mos I was told that she has profound hearing loss. She received a cochlear implant on May 9th of this year, was activated on June 9th, a few days later said "up!" (she's always been extremely vocal), and then responded to her name (signed or otherwise) for the first time in her life 2 weeks ago while on a family trip to the zoo! :dance2:

I've known some sign since a teenager. My mom learned through our church and was the interpreter there for about 10 years, and my youngest sister is going to school to become one, and my brother is planning on doing the same when he graduates high school next year.

And that's me and my family in a nutshell!
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:welcome: to AD!

Your kids have very interesting names.

My mom was from Denver herself, and I was born in Grand Junction. ;)
It's good that you're being bilingual-bicultural with your daughter! Keep up the good work! :thumb:


¡Bienvenidos a AllDeaf!
LuciaDisturbed said:
Your kids have very interesting names.

Yeah I know :) But their dad's name is Taro, and I knew from our 2nd date that if he had a son he wanted him to have the same name. And well, after naming your first child Taro instead of something like Michael, you just can't go back to normal names :)
Hey you are not far from my hometown! Welcome to! Enjoy your stay here! I am from Cheyenne.
LuciaDisturbed said:
:welcome: to AD!

Your kids have very interesting names.

My mom was from Denver herself, and I was born in Grand Junction. ;)

Oh you born in Grand Junction, Colorado. I raised in Grand Junction.

When did you left Grand Junction?