Need to vent. Hmmm, I don't know if my post is allowed

Gemtun said:
Well said!

They say best revenge is to live well despite what others say or think :)

Thanks - Ah yes, I'm with you on that. ;)
kayla123 said:
Hi guys, i'm here to gain some knowledge about the deaf culture for my daughter(i'm hearing she is deaf with CI). I've gotten some great support from alot of people in here, but then there are those who just love to critisize and are so so angry at the world. My daughter is 5 and has been going to audio verbal therapy. We are gonna start taking ASL classes together. I want her to expierence both worlds. Even though she talks, i know she is still deaf , but it's like all i see is critisizm about teaching her to speak, and i dont get it?? I'm all for total communication. I'm here to learn about the culture but all i seem to hear is how i dont love my daughter and how selfish i am. It's ridiulous, and i think to myself ,why should i expose her to all this anger?. You read so much about people gettting angry because they think parents are killing the deaf culture by implanting their children and thats so wrong. We know our children are still deaf. They are the ones pushing us away.We are trying to get our kids involved but it's still not good enough.

I'm hearing and my son is Deaf. No CI, he refuses to wear his aids, and prefers ASL. When I first found out he was deaf, I started hanging out with Deaf ppl at the Deaf club, and ask them--"What does my son need? I have never been deaf child, but you have. You can tell me what I should do." I think that is all the Deaf community wants from hearing. To understand that only Deaf can tell what Deaf need. Hearing only know what they think it is like. Also, hearing often think deaf needs to be fixed and made more like hearing. That is problem when hearing parents implants deaf child with CI. Deaf sometimes feel that they not accept their child as deaf, but try to fix them into a hearing child. But keep trying. Deaf community has been great to me as a mom of Deaf kid.