Need info on Hearing Dogs!!!

*Bam bam bam* my computer?!?!? You gonna buy me a new computer? :deal:

Ops, i didnt tell it.. i dont know where live you? how could i creep in your home?.. *whistle*
I was asked once for a demonstration, after that there weren't any more questions. I was also asked to talk about my dog for another presentation, which was really nice. I don't do demonstrations, as we're not a circus act.

I don't believe in programs, as they are the ones that want the current ADA laws changed to force all service/hearing dogs to go through their program and damn the rest, which means that if you don't have a service/hearing dog from a program, the dog will not be allowed into any business. No sorry about it, but, my dog will continue to come with me. If people don't like it, they can either sue me or have me arrested.

My dog, Snickers, is Akita and German Shepherd. She does an outstanding job and yes, she is a humane society rescue from Minnesota, where we live.

In addition, there was a problem a few weeks ago when I was in a rest area shortly before midnight in Alabama. The old man there wanted to know, even screaming at me, why and what the dog is for; I did tell him the dog was a service dog. I replied that it's not his business. Needless to say, he almost climbed over his desk to hit me. Wherever I go, I find that the southern states are very against service dogs or anyone who has a disability or hearing loss. Some are even downright hostile.

wow, just peeped in here , been a while since
yeah thats rought Pete, like i aren't saying it like, 'oh thats tough' and ignore it, because it DOES matter to me - and i think it should matter to you all too, needless to say, I think there is a alot of hype about sign language, culture, CI implants and all that is just that, a distraction, nothing more and nothing less.
It doesnt educate hearing people (or deaf people because we already KNOWs) and nor does it help to purvey an idea that deaf people are not idiots if they want to train hearing-ear dogs. to me its an INSULT of recognition oh our (deaf people's) intelligence and rights to BE as what we are, WE CAN TRAIN DOGS dammit, just give us a chance, , even HELP us, often the best dog-trainers DON'T charge people stupid amount to 'hide' the flawness in training methods they SHARE their love and understanding of animals to others, that itself worth ALOT more and they knew that , yet Never charge much - or if anything at all. it's all about character of people and dogs, to all the people and doggies united reading this!

I am having good success with (so far) a top-notch breeder of a particular dog that I intend to get, and to my joy and amazement that she,(experienced breeder and her husband is a JUDGE for over 250,000 dogs Internationally in dog shows - this is seriously good) said she knew a deaf lady once long ago, belonged to the club and trained her dog to do exactly as i described (point to show where sounds coming from - that's the style of how I'd want me dog to work and yes it was done in the past so I am even more enthursciatsic about it now).
It unbeliviable thats how people continue to harrass you in this manner Pete, i would (but do) not tolerate this, but in time I hope, we deaf people would surpass to another level of enlightenment where what we are and what our dogs do for us, it undisputable as does to sighted people dont ever try discount or object guide dogs to blind people !,
you see, I believe that blind people got 'favourism' partly because they are speaks the language of the hearing - that how convenience is used to fast-track the progression in treatment towards the blind has gotten so much attention. Id say stupid society and we really do have to be aware of what Pete is saying and act on it before its too late. I kind of feel its 'not just the 'programs' its the hearies vs deafs, but yes programmes belongs to the hearies......grrrrr now this is annoying.

OK i must admit some hearies are Ok , good, but sadly these types of 'good people' never see the day in the office where they have so much powers that be, actually changes the world from a few strokes of the ink-pen.

Not all the same

I will agree with you on certain points.... However, NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE DOG TRAINERS...... Yes, a person with a fair amount of experience with dogs COULD train their own dogs.... The fact of the matter remains that not all people are good with dogs.... I have met a lot of people that have 6 month old dogs that still urinate and defecate on the floor.... If you are not a dog trainer, and just trying t train your own dog on a whim,..... it is not fair to parade around a half trained, or badly trained dog, and force people to put up with it....

As a professional dog trainer that has worked in every imaginable line of dog handling and taining, I would say that a lot of wanna be dog trainers, ruine dogs. They do not know what they are doing,... they stress the dog out,... and then they bring it to the trainer, whining and crying that it has bit someone in public,... or barks in the other room and the neighbors are petitioning to have them evacuated frm the building because of noise in an apartment building that is supposed to be pet free....

I understand what you are saying...... But in essence,... that is like saying that EVERYONE should be able to home school their kid,.... regaurdless of their own personal level of education......
OnQSiberians, i never said Everyone should have a right to, it might sound like it, i only stressed that to make a point, which should be made, so those have given it serious consideration with honest self assessment of ability to train dogs, with back up with or even to juxatpose with professional trainers to assist the process.

i would agree similar experience could be made parrallel to home schooling for that sort of responsibility to exceed certain a level of expectation in competency. and with dogs yep - public safety is especially highlighted.
im just concerned that since it became an industry and that itself could easily take away the freedom which deaf people (who KNOWS dogs)to do otherwise.
Do you have a picture of that your dog? Could you post it? An Akita/German Shepherd cross sounds like a good mix.



pm me with your email address and I'll send you a pic during Christmas break.
Guess what?!? I had a phone interview with one of the staff at CCI. They will send me some paperwork for me to go see a doctor to verify that I am deaf. And soon, visit their facilities in Santa Rosa.

I am getting excited about this. I am getting closer to getting a hearing dog.:wave:
I obtained my hearing dog from a breeder. I talked to many breeders in search of a dog with the right temperament for a hearing dog.

Yes, I trained my own dog. I worked with several trainers and it was a lot of work, but it was fun. My dog and I share an incredible bond. I would do the same again.

There is a guide dog living in my town, the dog has charged my dog several times. The police told me the dog has a history of fighting.

Each dog is different - sometimes it is scary having a dog that is smarter than you :)

I obtained my hearing dog from a breeder. I talked to many breeders in search of a dog with the right temperament for a hearing dog.

That is great that you were able to train your dog. What breed is it? I wonder if do have a legal right to bring it into a store or restrurant?

Yes, I trained my own dog. I worked with several trainers and it was a lot of work, but it was fun. My dog and I share an incredible bond. I would do the same again.

There is a guide dog living in my town, the dog has charged my dog several times. The police told me the dog has a history of fighting.

What did you mean by this? "the dog charged my dog several times"???
Buy yourself a doorbell and phone notifying system. They do not eat or get sick.
I obtained my hearing dog from a breeder. I talked to many breeders in search of a dog with the right temperament for a hearing dog.

Yes, I trained my own dog. I worked with several trainers and it was a lot of work, but it was fun. My dog and I share an incredible bond. I would do the same again.

There is a guide dog living in my town, the dog has charged my dog several times. The police told me the dog has a history of fighting.

Each dog is different - sometimes it is scary having a dog that is smarter than you :)

What kind of dog do you have? Can you explain how you went about training your hearing dog?

I'm totally deafblind and have a guide dog. Even though I already have an Alertmaster signaling system, I'd like to have my dog trained to alert me to the phone, doorbell, fire alarm, etc. but have no clue how to go about doing that. Any suggestions?

A representative from a local school who trains hearing dogs offered to train my guide dog in my home, but I wasn't sure if the added responsibility of guide work and alerting would be too much responsibility for her. I've been told by several disabled people who have trained their own dogs that this wouldn't be an issue. Since that's the case, after I retire my current guide dog (who is 10 years old and in perfect health -- knock on wood :)) I plan to have my successor dog dually trained.
Hi just whanted to say Hi to eveyone iav been looking for chat rooms on the net to chat to othere pepol on haveing a hearing dog as iam hoping to get my soon thay say it coerd be up to 2 yer to get one chat to u soon i hope Ja. :Oops:
Guess what?

I have been asked whether I can participate in a 2 week training session with CCI in June. I am not too sure if I can go because of work. I am excited about this.
I don't like when people get a hearing dog just to take advantage of the system so they can bring their dogs to the places that do not allow dogs or residence that don't allow large size dogs. I think that's absurb. I don't need a hearing dog because it's not really neccessary since I wear hearing aids. I can understand there's dog for the blind or disabled, but hearing dogs...oh please.

Before I got my hearing dog when I was out grocery shopping people would hit me with their shopping cart if I did not let them pass me! I could not hearing the person saying excuse me and they thought I was being rude! So the ass would run their cart into my ankles! I would be bullshit! I finally had it when a 300 lbs woman did this to me and nearly gave me a whiplash! Now people do not hit me with their damn carts anymore and I can shop in peace!
I wear a HA too but I can't hear people talking softly while behind me in a grocery store! And I can only wear one HA after I was in a horrible car accident! I got TMJ and it too painful for wear a HA for very long !