Need an confrim this rumor- purple VRS work lay off ??

Cool, It is best not to say never, because you won't know. ;)

It is best left for sorenson interviewer answer that question to whoever seek employment with Sorenson.

Oh, maybe I missed that part. I was a contractor for SorensonVRS for a few years. I think that I will never go back since I am retired after working in IT for 34 years.

Care to tell us what benefits SorensonVRS offer for PT. Thank you...
There is a lot of confusion going on with VRS and the FCC there are a lot of calls in the grey zone. Aaaaare they payable or not? Some of the call types in question are calls to podcasts and other recoreded information line where the Deaf caller is never connected to a hearing person or business calls made by VRS employees (not fake calls that are made to run up min but ligitament business calls.) For now none of that has been clearly defined by the FCC. Some companies are playing it safe by not placing any of those calls, some are making the calls but not billing the FCC and some are making the call and billing until they are told not to. For now all they know for sure is that hiring people (hearing or Deaf) to place fake calls just to run up their min is illgal.

As for closings fireings, layoffs and the rest. I've haven't seen anything offical come out for any of the companies. Benefits are another thing that are kept quite secretive until you are hired or go to an interview. All of this is so the companies can remain competative.

Hope that helps clear things up a little. Things change everyday so tomorrow all of what I said could be different.
