

Active Member
Apr 1, 2003
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Oh my my my what a weekend that was? I am so :pissed: at my coworkers and now my exb who decided not to help me out to move. I had my exh, his wife and my stepson to help out to move. It was not an easy weekend for me. First the water was not running cuz someone have turn off the water pump. :pissed: Later my exh turned it back on. Thanks goodness. I am at my old house cuz there will not be any cable polly by 2nd week of Aug. That I dont want to wait for the high speed internet grrrrrrrrrrrr.

So I am hoping thing will be smooth and still have few left in my house to move.

I am so tired and now relaxing drinking beers. :giggle:
Whew...I can sympathize with you, having moved TWICE last year. The first time was driving most of our stuff from Colorado to an apartment in Houston, TX. We were staying in the apartment temporarily so we could look for a house to buy. When we did find a house several months later, we moved into that house. Then, my husband had to fly back to Colorado to get the rest of the stuff from storage and drove them down here. So I guess that's more like 3 moves...whew.
Looks like you got most of the 'bigger' things out of the way and hope the rest of the moving will go a lot smoother for you as well as having everything in working order at the new house too!

As for you Sab., obviously moving from one state to another can be quite hectic and perhaps even stressful too. By now, I am sure you and hubby are finally settled and able to enjoy the new home and location!

Wishes you both lots of success and happy memories in the new homes! ;)

Oh Bad time weekend but Hope this weekend would be good for you moving more stuff! :):):)

Wow wait too long for Cable Company to come installing!:( :ugh: :):)
Awww... anybody who can help you out sort it things for moving day.... ? *wish I could help*

Wishes AD'ers whoever would be handy help you moving day.. (chuckles)

By the way congrats have you settle new home... :)
Aww..moving is always stressful! Nice of your exh and his wife to help u out. :)

Soon all that hassle will be worth it once u settle down in your new home. :cheers:
*pointing at Alex* he lives close to Horselover :naughty: If i was close to ya, i'd be there in a second to help! but Hope everything works out at the end! I miss ya!!! my daughter has been asking about your son.
Yay the cable company coming next week not have to wait til the 2nd week of aug. Now not much things to move just some heavy stuffs like fridge, stove, washing machine my bed, and couch. :D
Yay the cable company coming next week not have to wait til the 2nd week of aug. Now not much things to move just some heavy stuffs like fridge, stove, washing machine my bed, and couch. :D

That s wonderful new!!! ;):) and Wish I could help you too !! :):)
Oh wow Horselover.. ya certainly been busy moving in and etc... hope ya can be completely settled in your new place by then!!
I was up at my new home and trying to change the mailbox. But the darn bee stunk my nose and I went home to my old house. Darn bee. I am gotta get ya :rl: Wait til u see me tmw bee!!!! :rl:I am going to be arm.
Good Luck with the move and when that's over with - You'll be sighing a big relief knowing that it's over, heh.

I know how it is moving from a old place to a new place. It can be a hassle and a headache but in the end, You do feel better knowing that the new place will great in the long run.

Do let us know how it goes.
I feel for you horselover:hug: Moving sucks, but I hope you settle in nicely and that you enjoy your new digs. We just moved and man, we're still feeling tired and out of sorts. Cheers to you!:cheers:
Will be my turn probably next week for moving to our house if everything goes well with the sellers. They are still haggling over small issues. I was just on VP with my agent for another small issue that just popped up. God..I want this OVER with! I hate not knowing if we are getting the house or not and settlement is supposed to be on Monday but if the sellers fuck things up, it may get delayed! I am VERY :pissed: ..I want to get this OVER with!

sorry for the vent but the talk about moving and everything got me riled up.

Horselover, hope all is well!
Will be my turn probably next week for moving to our house if everything goes well with the sellers. They are still haggling over small issues. I was just on VP with my agent for another small issue that just popped up. God..I want this OVER with! I hate not knowing if we are getting the house or not and settlement is supposed to be on Monday but if the sellers fuck things up, it may get delayed! I am VERY :pissed: ..I want to get this OVER with!

sorry for the vent but the talk about moving and everything got me riled up.

Horselover, hope all is well!

Wow, the moving is so much hectic for us. Blessing to have my sons's bunches of friends (taller, stronger and younger men) will help me to move. After my vacation, I will start to pack and clean for three weeks straight. It is hard to think about where would we put the stuffs into a new place.

Hope, your good relator estate do properly job for you. Best of wishes with your house selling. Keep us a posted ! Hang in there
