Mother of a deaf child

:wave: :welcome: Hello Ellie and welcome to Alldeaf. You came to the right forum to seek help and all kinds of information. I hope that you have enjoyed your stay here at AD.

Have you tried the school for the deaf in your state and inquired about their Family Guidance program? They would be able to help you along with your child's education and guide you to other agencies and organizations that would help you and your child. Good luck and I hope that the road will become easier for you and your husband. Your child is very lucky to have 2 loving parent's as yourselves.

God bless you both!!! :grouphug:
Thanks for the support. I've felt very welcomed since I joined. I live about 2 hours from Dansville, KY where the Kentucky Deaf School is and hoping to make a trip out there soon. I live in Louisville and there is a Oral and Deaf School here. In fact my son's Speech Theorpist works there so she lets me know when things are going on that we could join in.