Most Scariest Movie?

VamPyroX said:
Which one? They've got like 6 or 7, maybe 8 of them. Of course, the first one was the best. The sequels were alright... until it went past part 4. That's when the rest started to bomb.
i didn't know there were many sequels of this movie...but I'm not sure exactly which one I've seen but I'm sure it was just plain awful.
VamPyroX said:
Have you seen Ringu? They made Ringu, Ringu 2, and Ringu 0 before The Ring was ever made. Ringu was originally made in Japan and it's scarier and darker than The Ring.
I've seen the Japanese version of this movie...and in my opinon...I think the American version is way more scary than the Japanese version...

The Japanese version is just alittle too.....corny. sorry.
@ Steel: I don't agree with you, that Ringu (Japanese version) is corny. I preferred the Japanese version over the American version. I liked the simplicity of it whereas the American version added up too much to the story.

The scariest movies I would recommend are:
FUNNY GAMES (Austrian movie)
ANATOMIE 1 (German movie)
HANNIBAL (American movie)
Steel said:
i didn't know there were many sequels of this movie...but I'm not sure exactly which one I've seen but I'm sure it was just plain awful.
You'll be surprised with what they have...
  • Children of the Corn (1984)
  • Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice (1992)
  • Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1994)
  • Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996)
  • Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998)
  • Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return (1999)
  • Children of the Corn: Revelation (2001)

After the 6th movie, they just named them instead of adding numbers. They do that now with many of the current sequels.
The Shining

something related to a scary movie -


"Come and play with us forever and ever and ever and ever."

One of The Shining's scariest scenes. IMO.
VamPyroX said:
You'll be surprised with what they have...
  • Children of the Corn (1984)
  • Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice (1992)
  • Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1994)
  • Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996)
  • Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998)
  • Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return (1999)
  • Children of the Corn: Revelation (2001)

After the 6th movie, they just named them instead of adding numbers. They do that now with many of the current sequels.
Wonder'n these movies does release comes with DVD ? I dislike use movies comes with VHS. Too pain ass becz of captions appears missing of wording.

Let me know if there possibily release the movies comes with DVD.
I'd love curiouis to get know more about children of corn p1 to last edition.
thx :)