Mom Delivers 16th Child and Thinking of More!!

webexplorer said:
Reba ... Jesus never thought of overpopulation in the future. He did not create a bible book. Why? It was so rare for people who had papers in these days especially they do not know how to write. Also very rare they had a few printing machines. It would be interesting for us to know if Jesus ever had one child?
Jesus knows everything, past, present and future. The world population was not a surprise to Him.

I'm not sure where you got the impression that the people of Jesus' lifetime were so uneducated. It was common for Jewish boys to study God's Word in the temples and synagogues, so obviously they knew how to read and write. In fact, many of the disciples were bilingual, and could read and write in more than one language (Hebrew and Greek).

They had no printing "machines" during that time but the Scriptures were carefully copied by hand. When a scribe made an error in copying, the entire manuscript was destroyed. That is how careful they were to be accurate.

Jesus did not father any children.

It is so stupid that you think that it is okay to have multi-children.

You need to wake up and be aware of what is happening in our country. It is so wrong that they produce more unnecessary babies.
What is an "unnecessary" baby? Some people might say having even one baby without the parents being married to each other, and depending on welfare, is "unnecessary". Some people might say having a severly handicapped baby that can never support itself is "unnecessary". Do you want to go there? About 60 years ago in Germany, deaf babies were "unnecessary." Come to think of it, 60 years ago in Germany, there were many "unnecessary" people, and they had a "final solution" for that.

Please don't talk about a bible. This is out of date issue. Definitely, you are brainwashed by your bibles. ..
If that is true, then who is "brainwashing" the large Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, animist, pagan, and atheist families?
Reba said:
Jesus knows everything, past, present and future. The world population was not a surprise to Him.

I'm not sure where you got the impression that the people of Jesus' lifetime were so uneducated. It was common for Jewish boys to study God's Word in the temples and synagogues, so obviously they knew how to read and write. In fact, many of the disciples were bilingual, and could read and write in more than one language (Hebrew and Greek).

Unfortunately, Jesus is dead as he was a human being thousands of years ago. About uneducated people, they have had very limited of papers in the old days. Indeed, you are right that they studied with group of people in the temples and synagogues. I am pretty sure that they had no resource to study other education. My opinion is that it was a very small group of people that were able to study in foreign language because of the Europe neighbors. Probably, most of them were too busy to work on their farm, and they had sort of no freedom. i.e. taking care of animals, weaving clothes, gardens, constructions, etc. Like no easy or quick job.

They had no printing "machines" during that time but the Scriptures were carefully copied by hand. When a scribe made an error in copying, the entire manuscript was destroyed. That is how careful they were to be accurate.

Jesus did not father any children.

How come there is no book about his personal life? Does he ever had a girlfriend when he was in teenager?


Not really. We use common sense...

Reba said:
What is an "unnecessary" baby? Some people might say having even one baby without the parents being married to each other, and depending on welfare, is "unnecessary". Some people might say having a severly handicapped baby that can never support itself is "unnecessary". Do you want to go there? About 60 years ago in Germany, deaf babies were "unnecessary." Come to think of it, 60 years ago in Germany, there were many "unnecessary" people, and they had a "final solution" for that.

Would you please rephrase your statement? I am not sure if you are talking about different people. ....Hilter ordered his military doctors to destroy handicapped people or removed their testicles. Also, they eliminated healthy people who have brown eyes. Other subject, some werid artists sell Jewish's human skins. That's so horrible.

Reba said:
If that is true, then who is "brainwashing" the large Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, animist, pagan, and atheist families?

Meaning to brainwash born in Christians to allow them to produce more babies by God's order that came from the Bible. I think that other reglious people's Bible does not say that. I do not think that atheist families produce more babies. If they do, then I would be surprised.

To be honest here, the family looks really happy and so for the children, the children looks healthy, dressing up nice and very clean too....I don't see anything that say the children are unhappy, and I don't see a point where we can sit here and judge those family for having 16 children or wanted more, they loves children, and if they believe in their heart that they want more, then let them, as long as the children are well taking care of, then I don't see a problem with that.....Be happy that they're not being abused, and beside it their life, not yours....

Peace out!
webexplorer said:
Unfortunately, Jesus is dead as he was a human being thousands of years ago.
Fortunately, Jesus is alive as He is God, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

My opinion is that it was a very small group of people that were able to study in foreign language because of the Europe neighbors.
That might be your opinion but that is not fact. Many port cities in the Mediterranean area and other coasts, and important cities on the common trade routes were quite cosmopolitan. That means the residents of the cities frequently interacted with foreign travelers. Also, the Roman armies and government introducted new languages and cultures throughout the empire. Why do you think Jewish disciples wrote the Gospels in the Greek language while living under Roman rule? It was because Greek was commonly known throughout the Roman Empire. It was common for people to know several languages; it wasn't just the select few.

How come there is no book about his personal life? Does he ever had a girlfriend when he was in teenager?
The Bible is the Book about Jesus' life. It includes very personal information. It tells us about the deep feelings of Jesus for His people. It tells about His physical suffering and death. Those are very personal things. God provided us with the information that He decided was important. The Bible is not a soap opera story or People magazine for our entertainment.

BTW, during Jesus' time, there was no special classification as "teenager". A person was either a child or an adult. Teens are a recent invention of society. Also, people of Jesus' time and culture didn't "date". Most marriages were arranged by family.

Not really. We use common sense...
George Orwell would love you.

Would you please rephrase your statement?
OK. Who decides which people are "unnecessary"?
Hitler claimed he used his "common sense" to get rid of "unnecessary" people.

I do not think that atheist families produce more babies. If they do, then I would be surprised.
You better check your facts; you truly may be "surprised".

You still didn't explain why non-Christian families have lots of kids. There are many people all over the world who don't believe in the Bible but they still have lots of kids. What do you say about that?
CrazyMomma said:
It's shame to see that Duggar's kids doesn't have a real life outside of their homes. No real friends from other place or anything. They probably will not change their lifestyles to what other people are wearing, having boyfriends, going to movies with friends, etc... They only spend time with baby brothers and sisters..

Unfortunlately yes, I began to notice after read their websites, homepages etc. I has no good feeling about their kids. It's sad.

The parent are careful about their children's outside influence which it's no good.

I feel awfully sorry for the kids. What/How they react when they saw what the real world is outside from their home where they grew up in isolation from the real world & real people etc.? I mean: the parents protect their children by remove books, magazines, Nintendo, television, or worldsite internet to replace good things like music, biographies of great Christians, good old-fashioned family fun and games etc where they never learn the kind of real world we have. :ugh:

Why would a parent think that what they want for their children what they didn't know what their children wants? Choose color clothes for them... :ugh:

12 to 14 years old kids helping with household chores and taking responsibility for the younger kids? Remember that children doing chores due limit, not cheap labor or not little machines that the parents can order them to do the work what the adult doing BUT respect children growing bodies & teach them how to right or wrong - how to use or take care of etc. etc. The children are treat being responsible adults who washing their own clothes, preparing their own meals, take care of their little siblings - I read their website that the mother said proud that her eldest daughter could be become teacher since she homeschooled her siblings... Where are their future dream wish? :ugh:

It's parent's job & responsibly, not push the children into responsibly but limit them with chores. What they doing is an extreme.... :ugh:
Reba said:
I am curious about where so many posters are getting the impression that the Duggar children feel unhappy, poor, deprived, overworked, etc. Did the children say that? Did they look depressed or tired? Who told you that they were living a terrible life without opportunities? Do you have some special knowledge that the rest of us missed?

Interesting, I would like to give you an example about Filmstar Joan Crawford who adopted 4 children. Look at beautiful & happy picture... but really is they were physical/emotion abused... Christina told the story what she & her brother Christopher had been through when they were children.

Anyway, nobody here says that Duggar abuse their children. All what we feel sorry for their children, that's all.
To me, they are extreme people, not abusive parents.

I know the difference. I has no good feeling after read their websites/homepage what they did to their children is not normal. It's my opinion.

I read some magazines about a large family who have 10 or 13 children... which tooo opposite from Duggar's children. They did not treat their children doll & expect responsibly from them... They wear clothes normal due their tastes. A mother cook herself to feed her children & do wash laundry HERSELF... She limit her children with chores which it's good. She let some of her children talk to reporter. Her husband is full time worker and support his family as what he can. It look normal family but Germans are not happy with it because of welfare/tax situation... I don't care as long as they are well cared and be treat fair instead of put them too much burden.

That's why I knows the difference since I read a large families's stories, kennedy's stories, etc. etc. etc. I has no good feeling about Duggar's family. I has to agree that they are extreme people...

Some people think Duggar's children are happy... For parents yes but children? :dunno:

This is my own opinion. I can agree or disagree whatever I like... What's this forum for?
^Angel^ said:

To be honest here, the family looks really happy and so for the children, the children looks healthy, dressing up nice and very clean too....I don't see anything that say the children are unhappy, and I don't see a point where we can sit here and judge those family for having 16 children or wanted more, they loves children, and if they believe in their heart that they want more, then let them, as long as the children are well taking care of, then I don't see a problem with that.....Be happy that they're not being abused, and beside it their life, not yours....

Peace out!

Remember that, the children are not clones so parents can have a second chance at a better life.

Children are also not little dolls that the parents can dress-up in cutesy outfits to take out in public only to set back on a shelf when you get home.

Remember that it's only "happy family" pictures... You will understand more when you read their websites/homepages...

Nobody here saying that their children are abusive but not expect children to assume adult roles, too much caregiver responsibly...

All what I say here is they are extreme people, not abusive...

I gotta give a shout out to all you females out there, i dont know how you do it .... you are all far stronger than us men.
Too many children.. Parent enjoy them but children are happy ???
Hard tell and to see real life their lifestyles..

They are staying home and homeschooling..
I bet they are quite not happy.. I bet!
Nice family yes but too many..
I think Parent are looking for Reduce the Child tax as IRS sumth'n like that ?
I don't knowledge about USA stuff..

I know about Canada (Child tax) to receving $$ monthly.. but usa ?
Liebling:-))) said:
Interesting, I would like to give you an example about Filmstar Joan Crawford who adopted 4 children. Look at beautiful & happy picture... but really is they were physical/emotion abused... Christina told the story what she & her brother Christopher had been through when they were children.
I see absolutely no connection between Joan Crawford's family situation and the Duggars. You must be getting desperate if you are using such unrelated examples.

I know the difference. I has no good feeling after read their websites/homepage what they did to their children is not normal. It's my opinion.
I looked at their web pages too. I had a good feeling after reading their pages. That is my opinion.

... They wear clothes normal due their tastes.
What are "normal" clothes? None of the pictures of the Duggar kids looked "abnormal". They aren't weary raggy clothes, they are not wearing anything see-thru, too tight, or too short, they aren't wearing anything with nasty pictures or words. That seems normal to me.

kennedy's stories, etc. etc. etc. I has no good feeling about Duggar's family. ..
The Duggar and Kennedy families have nothing in common with each other.
Liebling:-))) said:
Unfortunlately yes, I began to notice after read their websites, homepages etc. I has no good feeling about their kids. It's sad.
The websites that I saw looked fine. Maybe we are not seeing the same websites. :dunno:

The parent are careful about their children's outside influence which it's no good.
Parents must be careful about outside influences on their children. That is the only way to protect them; if the parents don't protect them, who will? Who should? Parents can't let their children grow up like wild animals. (Now that I think about it, even wild animals protect and train their young.)

..I mean: the parents protect their children by remove books, magazines, Nintendo, television, or worldsite internet to replace good things like music, biographies of great Christians, good old-fashioned family fun and games etc where they never learn the kind of real world we have. :ugh:
You are kidding me, right? You can't really believe that Nintendo, TV, and the internet are better for children than good music, inspirational biographies, and "good old-fashioned family fun and games".

Why would a parent think that what they want for their children what they didn't know what their children wants?
Because parents have more experience, maturity, and responsibility.
:dizzy: That's ALOT of Children......

Just Think:


WOW That's Alot $$$$$

I think Thresher and I will think having two Children... lol
Reba said:
I see absolutely no connection between Joan Crawford's family situation and the Duggars. You must be getting desperate if you are using such unrelated examples.

I answer on your question.

I looked at their web pages too. I had a good feeling after reading their pages. That is my opinion.
Okay, I respect your opinion as what you said it´s fine

Originally Posted by Liebling:)))

Nothing scary in that story. The family seems fine.

What are "normal" clothes? None of the pictures of the Duggar kids looked "abnormal". They aren't weary raggy clothes, they are not wearing anything see-thru, too tight, or too short, they aren't wearing anything with nasty pictures or words. That seems normal to me.


The girls exclusively wear dresses and skirts. The children wear wet suits instead of bathing suits when they go in the water in order to be modest.

When the Duggars went on vacation in 1999 to Washington, D.C., they got attention wherever they went. They walked in a single-file line through the city's sidewalks so they wouldn't take up too much space. Each child wore the same color,

Also, laundry is made easier when we wear matching colors (Mon- red, Tues- blue, etc ...We call it our 'homeschool uniforms'. We feel unified & more serious about school, like a team!) We keep socks simple, too. The girls wear white & the boys wear black.

Is it normal to treat children as just clones of each other, dressing them all the same?

Is it normal for the parents to dress-up children as dolls ?

Do you still want to say that it´s normal or fine? *goose pump*

I let my children choose what clothes they like to. I dont beleive to choose clothes for my children. My children know what fashion they want to wear. I use to wear my children same clothes when they are little, now they grow and understand about clothes tastes when my children were between 6 & 7 years old. Should I clone them? Should I dress my children as doll? No way, I let my children free to choose whatever they like but they knows our price limit. I look at the Duggar pictures and can´t image that the children wear same color & also outing trip to Washington DC, too. It look like that the parents choose their taste for their children. I can´t image that all children like taste...? My hubby feel awfully sorry for them and know what´s this because he himself had been through in the past. His parents choose the clothes for him & his brother. It´s awful... They has to wear to please their parents. They are happy when their Grandparents let them choose clothes what they likes. His parents are mad with Grandparents for not "interfere" thier family life.

The Duggar and Kennedy families have nothing in common with each other.

It´s children, I´m talking about.
Reba said:
The websites that I saw looked fine. Maybe we are not seeing the same websites. :dunno:

Maybe you dont want to see it or we are different :dunno:

Parents must be careful about outside influences on their children. That is the only way to protect them; if the parents don't protect them, who will? Who should? Parents can't let their children grow up like wild animals. (Now that I think about it, even wild animals protect and train their young.)

Sure, we parents protect our children but not hide them from world. Let them face what kind of world we have. All what we do is teach them into good path is help our children to learn responsible behavior because they deserve to learn important things from us. We want them to learn to feel, think, accept, respect for themselves and for other people instead of expect too much from them is push them responsibly what the adult are suppose do their work or turn them into servant/cheap labor.

You are kidding me, right? You can't really believe that Nintendo, TV, and the internet are better for children than good music, inspirational biographies, and "good old-fashioned family fun and games".

:confused: We have to face that kind of life what we have like this, not like what we have at 30 years ago. :roll:
I´m surprise that you say nothing about magazines, books, etc. but TV, Nintendo or internet???

Liebling´s post
..I mean: the parents protect their children by remove books, magazines, Nintendo, television, or worldsite internet to replace good things like music, biographies of great Christians, good old-fashioned family fun and games etc where they never learn the kind of real world we have

I want an answer from you about this remove book & magazinje. Is it okay to remove anything from real world like books, magazine, etc. They dont want to let them to learn what kind of world we have? Not even let them to learn their own experience.. scary... :ugh: We all grew up knowing what was right and what was wrong is normal. We parents are responsible to teach them..., not hide them...

It´s okay only if we parents limit our children with hour of TV, computer, & computer games... Its important that the children show their respect on their parents´s rule. We want our children´s trust & respect, not hide anything from them.

Because parents have more experience, maturity, and responsibility.

Sure but we parent should consider our children´s feeling instead of do what we want for them. Remember that the children have the feeling but the parent limit them with talking why they can´t have etc. instead of choose anything without talk children first. Spy children´s privacy without their knowledge would hurt their trust. All what I want is their respect & trust... it´s important to me and show them into good path, too.
Liebling:-))) said:
I´m surprise that you say nothing about magazines, books, etc.
I didn't realize that you expected a reply to every single point. I was trying to condense it. However, if you want, I will discuss magazines and books if you can be more specific. Which books and magazines are they not allowed to read?

... they never learn the kind of real world we have...
How do you know? Do you think TV and popular magazines are the only way to learn about the "real world"?

I want an answer from you about this remove book & magazinje. Is it okay to remove anything from real world like books, magazine, etc.
Depends on the magazines and books. Which ones?

They dont want to let them to learn what kind of world we have? Not even let them to learn their own experience.. scary... We all grew up knowing what was right and what was wrong is normal. We parents are responsible to teach them..., not hide them...
I don't know why parents want to expose their kids to negative, bad influences of the world. How do kids develope into better adults by covering them and filling them with negativity, filthiness, materialism, violence, and hatred? We don't even do that to our computers; why should we do that to our precious children? Do you purposely download viruses and spam into your computer to make it tougher? No. Do you download erroneous data into your computer and then expect accurate production? Of course not. GIGO.

Kids will be living in the "real" world for decades; why can't they enjoy the security of their home for at least 18 years before they are thrown to the wolves?

Sure but we parent should consider our children´s feeling instead of do what we want for them.
I didn't read anything about the Duggars that indicated the parents don't consider the children's feelings. Just because they didn't share it with you doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Just because they don't do things your way doesn't mean they are wrong and you are right.
Liebling:-))) said:
Remember that, the children are not clones so parents can have a second chance at a better life.

Children are also not little dolls that the parents can dress-up in cutesy outfits to take out in public only to set back on a shelf when you get home.

Remember that it's only "happy family" pictures... You will understand more when you read their websites/homepages...

Nobody here saying that their children are abusive but not expect children to assume adult roles, too much caregiver responsibly...

All what I say here is they are extreme people, not abusive...

Oh o-kay
Reba said:
I didn't realize that you expected a reply to every single point. I was trying to condense it. However, if you want, I will discuss magazines and books if you can be more specific. Which books and magazines are they not allowed to read?

How do you know? Do you think TV and popular magazines are the only way to learn about the "real world"?

Depends on the magazines and books. Which ones?

I think they allow their children to read all the bible books instead of normal magazines with tips, etc. or book (bestseller books). I love to read bestseller books, magazines for any tips...etc.. Of course my children read magazines.

I don't know why parents want to expose their kids to negative, bad influences of the world. How do kids develope into better adults by covering them and filling them with negativity, filthiness, materialism, violence, and hatred? We don't even do that to our computers; why should we do that to our precious children? Do you purposely download viruses and spam into your computer to make it tougher? No. Do you download erroneous data into
your computer and then expect accurate production? Of course not. GIGO

Kids will be living in the "real" world for decades; why can't they enjoy the security of their home for at least 18 years before they are thrown to the wolves?

Okay, I beleive to show my children what kind of world we have & show my children to good path. You beleive to hide your children instead of teach your children what good or bad. That's fine, I respect you.

I didn't read anything about the Duggars that indicated the parents don't consider the children's feelings. Just because they didn't share it with you doesn't mean it didn't happen.

As she and Jim Bob sit on the plastic blue auditorium seats that serve as the family's dining room chairs, she rests her hand on her husband's leg and joyfully proclaims her beliefs in God, Jim Bob and the sanctity of family. Strains of "Amazing Grace" can be heard from the next room where her children practice piano and violin in one of the girls' rooms that doubles as a music room.

Is that what the children want? :dunno:

I have 2 sons who have different taste of pick music. I know it's not just them but every children who have different tastes. All what I fulfill my children's wish because I love them too much & want them happy.

It's parents who pick the music for their children... It's sad that their children can't pick which music they like. It's parents's dream, not consider to fulfill their children's wish. :tears:

Just because they don't do things your way doesn't mean they are wrong and you are right.

:confused: I never say that they are wrong but disagree the way what they did to their children, that's all.

What's the forum for? They are open for everyone to debate/share their agree/disagree. :dunno: We all need to open our mind to collect more experience thru agree/disagree debate. I can agree or disagree with anyone here whatever I like as they to me as well. Is it harm? You often debate with anyone in different threads... I do not say anything against you or what but respectful? :confused: