Mice: Buck or Doe


New Member
May 5, 2013
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I was just wondering, what should I get(if mom says yes)? I need to plan this out because it will be a part of my essay. This will be my first mouse, I have had hamsters(normal and dwarf) and I currently have 4 guinea pigs. I would either have 1 buck, or 2(MAYBE, if I'm lucky,3) does. They would probably stay in a 10gal tank, I say probably because it will either be the tank, or a bin cage(still doing that research. If I do get a mouse, can they eat the same things as a guinea pig(veggie wise). So I have a few questions that will be clearly stated at the bottom of the page. Thanks guys!

1. Buck or does? What is your opinion between the two, positives and negatives please!
2. Bin cage or tanks, your ups and downs please!
3. Can mice and guinea pigs share the same vegetable and fruit diet?
1. Female - they don't fight as much and their pee doesn't smell as bad.
2. I'd think bin cages would hold the smell and stains more than glass tanks. Bin cages would be good for holding them when you're cleaning the primary cage. I like the regular cages- they ventilate better, allowing the bedding to dry. The bottom of the cage is usually removable for easier cleaning, so toys and water tubes that are attached to the side can stay in place. They are also much lighter and cheaper than glass and you can touch and pass things through the bars. I wouldn't be surprised if mice could chew through bins and some of the plastic cages out there.
3. I'd think that mice can eat anything a guinea pig can, but I know that guinea pigs have a pretty restricted diet compared to other pets we've had.
i have rabbit and had mice guinea.not sure what bin cage is..my mice i put in fish tank (no water)i would say yes can share food but the piggy needs proper rabbit piggy food,but my piggy had full use of garden so got his fresh stuff.
the tank was glass so mice no chewed and i never would put piggy in glass tank..my piggy was male, mice male female big mistake male mouse ate babies