Man who raped, killed Fla. boy to be executed


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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STARKE, Fla. -
A man who raped and killed a 9-year-old boy from Miami-Dade County 18 years ago, spurring the boy's parents to work for enhanced sexual predator confinement laws, is scheduled to die Wednesday by lethal injection.

Juan Carlos Chavez is scheduled for execution at 6 p.m. at Florida State Prison in Starke.

Chavez abducted Jimmy Ryce at gunpoint after the boy got off a school bus on Sept. 11, 1995, in rural southwestern Miami-Dade County. Trial testimony showed Chavez raped the boy and then shot him when he tried to escape, dismembering his body and putting the parts in concrete-covered planters.

Despite an intensive search by police and volunteers, regular appeals for help through the media and distribution of flyers about Jimmy, it wasn't until three months later that Chavez's landlady discovered the boy's book bag and the murder weapon - a revolver Chavez had stolen from her house - in the trailer where Chavez lived. Chavez later confessed to police and led them to Jimmy's remains.

He was found guilty of murder, sexual battery and kidnapping.

Chavez's most recent round of state and federal court appeals have focused on claims that Florida's lethal injection procedure is unconstitutional, that he didn't get due process during clemency hearings and that he should have an execution stay to pursue additional appeals in the federal courts.

The Florida Supreme Court, however, refused Wednesday morning to stay the execution to allow Chavez time to pursue those challenges. As the execution drew near, Chavez still had an appeal pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ryce's death led to changes in the legal system, and the way police respond to missing child cases.

Don Ryce, Jimmy's father said recently that he and his wife became determined to turn their son's horrific slaying into something positive, in part because they felt they owed something to all the people who tried to help find him. They also refused to wallow in misery.

"You've got to do something or you do nothing. That was just not the way we wanted to live the rest of our lives," he said.

The Ryces created the Jimmy Ryce Center for Victims of Predatory Abduction, a nonprofit organization based in Vero Beach that works to increase public awareness and education about sexual predators, provides counseling for parents of victims and helps train law enforcement agencies in ways to respond to missing children cases.

The organization has also provided, free of charge, more than 400 bloodhounds to police departments around the country and abroad. Ryce said if police searching for Jimmy had bloodhounds they might have found him in time.

Another accomplishment was 1998 passage in Florida of the Jimmy Ryce Act, versions of which have also been adopted in other states. Under the law, sexual predators found to be still highly dangerous can be detained through civil commitment even after they have served their prison sentences. Such people must prove they have been rehabilitated before they can be released. Chavez had no criminal record, so the law would not have affected him.

Man who raped, killed Fla. boy to be executed | News - Home
Its good that this guy paid for his crimes. And also that association been created, it is very much needed.
These parents worked very hard to change the laws. They finally get what their family deserves. know it won't be long before certain people get this thread closed????
Another Monster is gonna bite the dust...and good riddance!...Been too long for justice for this little boy and his parents/family!....

One more down...and hundreds/thousands to go!....This crime is the worst of the worst...not an ounce of sympathy from me....
My only thought is the boy is dead and his killer is going to die as well. I wouldn't want my killer to die with me. Unknown what happens after we die but just the thought of it... know it won't be long before certain people get this thread closed????

Like they did with the other execution thread. See what happens here. That last one got way out of hand.
Then why post so many threads about executions? Isn't that rather macabre? know it won't be long before certain people get this thread closed????

It sounds like you wish for this thread to be closed! Ha.

It is sad how people do not take care of their mind in which this causes them to do inhumane things. The mind is the most crucial organ in our body. Once a person loses his/her mind, there's no point of return.
I guess as ling as we are nice abouy giving our opinions the thead wont have to be closed? But idk how much chance of that there is.
It's rather fitting. Talk about executions and the thread gets executed.

LOL. I can picture it now. The moderator walks over to a refrigerator that stores syringes of virtual Pentobarbital and grabs one. He casually strolls back to his computer and puts the needle in a special port in the computer case. He slowly pushes the plunger. He watches as the virtual drug causes the thread to shake and after five minutes, it stops shaking and the text shows up, "Closed."

The moderator sighs and signs, "I just committed another virtual murder of a thread."
I guess as ling as we are nice abouy giving our opinions the thead wont have to be closed? But idk how much chance of that there is.

Once those guys see this, all bets are off. Those who have commented here so far are all right-- we are civilized, and do not do what they did.
Then why post so many threads about executions? Isn't that rather macabre?

Would posting about murders and rapes be macabre?...Even watching ur local news and seeing/hearing about it be macabre?....
Feel my position on execution of criminals, and especially the one that's to be executed for the rape and murder of a known....and so are the opinions of other AD'ers....As far as the thread being locked...not much ado to me, actually!...It's just getting the news out there...that a little boy and his family have gotten justice! my State...
It sounds like you wish for this thread to be closed! Ha.

It is sad how people do not take care of their mind in which this causes them to do inhumane things. The mind is the most crucial organ in our body. Once a person loses his/her mind, there's no point of return.

You are absolutely incorrect. I have no desire to see this thread locked as so many of them before. People do not know how to stay ON TOPIC. If you can't contribute to a topic, then start your own thread.
Would posting about murders and rapes be macabre?...Even watching ur local news and seeing/hearing about it be macabre?....

Yep. :lol:
Don't get me wrong. I do not think less of anyone for believing in capital punishment. When I was 25 (long ago...:D), my girlfriend was raped and murdered by someone and her body was never found. I desperately wished death to him. Then a couple years ago they finally caught him and tried him here in my town. I no longer wished him to be sentenced to death, oddly enough. I have been around the block a few times since my youth and my philosophy changed, and I just accepted the life term he was given. I won't go deeply into my reasons for my present stance against death sentences except that is begets bad karma.
Keep on postin', rockin'robin.
What a horrific crime! That poor little boy. :(

May God bless the boy's brave and gracious family, the group they formed.