Man who faked being deaf arrested for drunken driving

Well, if a Cop yelled at me "Are you deaf or something?""....I would write..."As a matter of fact, SIR...I AM!"
Well, if a Cop yelled at me "Are you deaf or something?""....I would write..."As a matter of fact, SIR...I AM!"
That happened to me once. A cop pulled my friend over and gave us a hard time. He wasn't even speaking clearly. When he asked why I couldn't understand him, I told him that I was deaf and he choked. Then he yelled at my friends for not understanding him.

A month later, he pulled me over (with one of the same friends that was there in the last incident) and tried to give me a hard time. I guess he realized who I was before he quietly put down my license/wallet and left without saying a thing.

(If you want more details, ask me in my "Ask Me Anything" thread.) :)
Well, if a Cop yelled at me "Are you deaf or something?""....I would write..."As a matter of fact, SIR...I AM!"

when I told the cop the cop I HOH , you could had use his face for a red stop light! Maybe that made him think twice before saying that again.