Man Fined for Scratching While Driving


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Oct 19, 2003
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These policemen must be BORED..this story made me
laugh though...Nancy
Man Fined for Scratching While Driving
Thu Nov 13, 1:53 PM ET Add Strange News - AP to My

MADRID, Spain - Highway police who stopped a driver
they believed was using his cell phone erred twice.
First, he was just scratching his ear. Second, he was
a lawyer.

Tomas Valdivielso showed the two officers that the
last call from his phone went out the night before.
The duo huddled, then came back and fined him $70

The charge: driving while "holding his ear with his
right hand in a permanent fashion."

"Am I on hidden camera?" Valdivielso recalls saying,
according to Thursday's edition of the newspaper El

The flap happened Nov. 7 while Valdivielso drove into
Madrid on a busy highway in the morning rush hour.

Valdivielso filed a 10-page appeal that El Mundo
praised as a work of tongue-in-cheek art.

The appeal says the fine failed to say which ear was
being held, or even how many ears Valdivielso has, and
argues that Spanish law does not bar scratching them
while driving or oblige motorists to pull over to do

Valdivielso wrote: "To presume that this unconscious
act cannot be performed would lead us to the absurd
situation of having to wait to stop the vehicle in a
place that does not pose a danger for other occupants
of the road in order to scratch, by which time,
depending on how bad the itch is, I probably would
have crashed before finding an adequate place to stop,
or the itch would have gone away, reducing the
pleasure I get from scratching."
I'ts becoming evident of how sad the world has become...getting fined over trivial things such as THAT! *RME*
:shock: :rofl: hahahah this has gotta be the MOST stupidest citation ever given!!!!!! and i agree WaterRats -- its gotten really idiotic these days :roll:
OH BOY cops getting way to wacky these days what's next, adjusting the seatbelt become phobited when its viturally choking u ? GAWD poeple can be SO dense! it's all abt a damn if u do and a damn if u don't if ur bored do something useful like solve a unsolve mystery case! :roll: