

Active Member
May 1, 2003
Reaction score
  • Is DeafLife magazine, with the $30 subscription price, worth the money?
  • Is it a quality publication?


$30 I think it is fine, if this Magazine cost for 1 year (all 3 month) $30.
same thing the magazine from Germany, it cost EURO25 for all 3 Month

Life InSight
Is it a monthly or or quarterly magazine?

If it's a quarterly magazine, forget it. I don't want to spend $30 for 4 magazines. Eek!
Seriously... don't waste a penny on this magazine. The publisher screwed a lot of subscribers over the years by not publishing any magazines for months or years at a time.
Seriously... don't waste a penny on this magazine. The publisher screwed a lot of subscribers over the years by not publishing any magazines for months or years at a time.

Oh wow...thanks for that information Banjo. Now I am not going to subscribe.

Tell me, are there any other Deaf related publications I should consider?
  • Is DeafLife magazine, with the $30 subscription price, worth the money?
  • Is it a quality publication?


I have not seen this magazine "Deaflife" but I do know that magazine subscription is kind of expensive like all magazines that charge too much. Only you will make the choice if you want the magazine so that you can read about celebrity or anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing. Thirty dollars might be worth if you want subscripe for one year. It depends how you look at the subscription form. Just don't rely on us for your feedback. Just make your choice, that is all. Good luck. :deal:
Oh wow...thanks for that information Banjo. Now I am not going to subscribe.

Tell me, are there any other Deaf related publications I should consider?

Well, I can't really recommend one as I don't read any deaf-related magazines. I do subscribe to magazines, but not deaf-related magazines. I know of several magazines over the years but most of them are no longer being published.

I often go to Deaf Blogs and Vlogs - DeafRead to read blogs and watch vlogs. I'm a blogger myself too, I find their commentaries far more interesting and up to date rather than reading deaf-related magazines since they are often old news.
Well, Depends on... See if they are good magazines. I have been received books called "Food & Wine" (cookbook) every monthly. It's cost me $35.00 per a year.


Well, Depends on... See if they are good magazines. I have been received books called "Food & Wine" (cookbook) every monthly. It's cost me $35.00 per a year.



That's what I want to find out. Is DeafLife a good (well written) mag?
As others have replied that this is indeed a magazine--. I happen to know upfront a few years ago regarding this as I was set in motion to have my own column in this magazine. Anything else pertaining to that and what's going on now, I must keep a lid on anything else regarding these issues due to the fact that I could find myself in 'hot water' legally. (in a sense, I have no direct connection whatsoever anymore--)

For what it's worth--the replies before this post...they're your clues. ;)

Is it a monthly or or quarterly magazine?

If it's a quarterly magazine, forget it. I don't want to spend $30 for 4 magazines. Eek!

Check in their link, it's $30 per year.
Meh - it's ok ... it's "little" now ... not a huge amount of content that you couldn't find online.
I decided to subscribe this year (kicks and giggles ? or insanity don't ask me) - I don't plan to renew.

Perhaps suggest that you're local public library looks into a subscription ?
A MUCH MUCH better publication is SignNews. Its like a Reader's Digest for the Dhh community.
They offer a free issue. I took advantage of that offer in order to review SignNews. Thanks for the suggestion.