Mac OS X


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Sep 27, 2005
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I am here telling you all about that Mac OS X is true 64 bit operating system the most advance system on the planet. Many people were stunned that they bought their new Apple computers and realized that Mac OS X never crash on them. Lucky I did not decide to get Window computer many years ago. I know many people are confused and still think that Mac OS is sucks. Can't anyone see different between Mac OS X and Mac OS (classic)? Many people don't get right. My friends have linux computers and always talked to me about their opinions and facts. I also know few different operating systems but do not how to play on them. I prefer Mac OS X simply.
I haven't used Mac OS X yet. It seems nice because it's an UNIX based system and I have used some UNIXs before, like Linux and Sun OS. Mac OS X has a totally different code base from classic Mac OS and is based on the Darwin operating system, which can run on x86 and PowerPC. The Darwin kernel is based on FreeBSD kernel and the Mach microkernel. The Darwin mascot reflects that by having the FreeBSD mascot's horns and pitchfork.

Mac OS X
Darwin OS
Mach kernel
I have a PowerMac G4 (2003) with Tiger and Apple is way ahead and XP IS GETTING OLD!!!
starrygaze said:
I am here telling you all about that Mac OS X is true 64 bit operating system the most advance system on the planet. Many people were stunned that they bought their new Apple computers and realized that Mac OS X never crash on them. Lucky I did not decide to get Window computer many years ago. I know many people are confused and still think that Mac OS is sucks. Can't anyone see different between Mac OS X and Mac OS (classic)? Many people don't get right. My friends have linux computers and always talked to me about their opinions and facts. I also know few different operating systems but do not how to play on them. I prefer Mac OS X simply.

Don't forget about the Linux distributions, there are 64 bit Linux distros out there now. Fedora and Gentoo are some of the 64 bit Linux Operating Systems available for 64 bit powerhouses along with FreeBSD.

As for Macs, I still think they suck, no matter how powerful they are. It's just that the interface, the specs and everything about Macs feel wrong to me.
I use Mac OS X here since I first used the 10.0 in 2000 or 2001 (don't remember). I have the Tiger (10.4) and it's a HUGE improvement from 10.0.

I use it on my G4/733 (digital audio) and it runs great, very stable and I don't have to worry about viruses/spyware either. I have been using Mac since Mac OS 7.0 on a old 25 MHz back in 1993. Macs are great if you know what you're doing.

Mac OS X is not Mac OS classic (OS 7, 8, 9, etc) They're very different operating system. You cannot run software directly from Mac OS 9 on Mac OS X. I think OS X is far better than what OS 8 and 9 offered.

Yes, it's based on UNIX core which makes it very stable. OS X has the power to do everything in web design and video editing. Gaming isn't one of them, I would rather do video gaming on a console than on the computer.

Tiger (Mac OS 10.4) is 64 bit that can run on G5 faster than the normal 32 bit G3 and G4.
All I know about Mac OS X is that I want it! (I wouldn't mind getting Mac Tiger, too.) :)

How many shopping days left until Christmas? (hint, hint)
Reba said:
All I know about Mac OS X is that I want it! (I wouldn't mind getting Mac Tiger, too.) :)

How many shopping days left until Christmas? (hint, hint)


Would be nice to have one of these Quad PowerMac equipped with Dual-Core processors!

I currently have a Dual 1.25GHz PowerMac and loving it. I've had it since late 2002 and haven't had a problem with it since then. It still run like new and I'm constantly downloading great freewares and softwares to run on it.

Mac computers not having enough softwares is a dead-on myth.

There's so many great softwares that you can get on the Mac that you may be not able to get on the PC because of the intergation designs in the OS X. Something that Microsoft is really desperate to achieve at the moment with their Windows Vista.

I also use a PC, but I do all of my works and even play some games on the Mac. Though I always had preferred playing games on consoles to computers my whole life.

I personally like Mac computers. A computer a computer, but it's the operating system that I prefer and that is Mac OS X. If Mac OS X was available on the PC, you can bet that I'll be using it.
I like my iMac G5, 17 inch monitor that is approximately 2 inches thick because it contains the hard drive, DVD slot, etc. It has a 2 GHz processor speed and 1 GB RAM.........It is more computer than I'll ever need since I'm not terribly computer-literate. :mrgreen:

P.S. It's running 10.4.2, obviously the latest in Tiger ....
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I am happy and surprised recently that Apple redesigned better architectures with PCI-express, the fastest PCI on the planet on iMac G5, PowerMac, and PowerBook computers. I will think about getting my girlfriend for surprise present! I can wait if I have enough money for her. I do have Tiger on my Powerbook G4 too. Tiger will eat most of Longhorn meat! ahahah!

Remember PowerPC is based on RISC that needs bigger memory if you put alot of RAM memory so you will notice faster than recommend RAM. I did not add more yet. I can wait. I love Mac OS X too.

PS My powerbook is running on Mac OS X 10.4.2 Apple will upgrade better and security reasons.
Yeah I was stunned few months ago that Apple CEO made its decision to switch from PowerPC to x86. Mac OS X pinned under Darwin and FreeBSD layers. Apple will release first Mac OS X on Intel chips in 2007 or early. I saw Steve Jobs did demo Mac OS X running on Intel chip without problem!
^^I believe the new Macs will run on dual core or single core 64 bit Intel chips...I believe they will go that way.
starrygaze said:
I am here telling you all about that Mac OS X is true 64 bit operating system the most advance system on the planet. Many people were stunned that they bought their new Apple computers and realized that Mac OS X never crash on them. Lucky I did not decide to get Window computer many years ago. I know many people are confused and still think that Mac OS is sucks. Can't anyone see different between Mac OS X and Mac OS (classic)? Many people don't get right. My friends have linux computers and always talked to me about their opinions and facts. I also know few different operating systems but do not how to play on them. I prefer Mac OS X simply.

Who care about 64bit and 32bit for now. Both are same speed. Just add more MAX.

Architectural component 64-bit Windows 32-bit Windows
Virtual memory 16 terabytes 4 GB
Paging file size 512 terabytes 16 terabytes
Hyperspace 8 GB 4 MB
Paged pool 128 GB 470 MB
Non-paged pool 128 GB 256 MB
System cache 1 terabyte 1 GB
System PTEs 128 GB 660 MB

More info.

I used iMac with Mac OS classic at high school and pain in ass for crash down each an hour. I lost some grade from stupid OS classic crash. It's give me hard time. That's how people THINK Mac OS classic sucks. Same idea Windows ME. ME is suck too. Later Mac OS X much better than OS classic SHIT. Yes, XP is very old and it's need up. I already try Microsoft Vista beta 1 and it much quick than XP as W2k3 more quick than W2k. Mac just best for Graphic art and Video edit.

I don't like Mac because there is not many programs that I need like camfrog, Half-life 2, etc..
i have mac laptop
will get tiger when i go to see my brother

he works at apple on mac team
See new Window Vista is not release until next year but beta for developers only got first virus surprisely.
According to Apple, there are "close to 16 million Mac OS X users" in the world and there are still zero (0) viruses. Zero. According to CNET, the Windows Vista Beta was released "to about 10,000 testers" at the time the first Windows Vista virus arrived.

Those who surf the Web using a Mac tend to be better educated and make more money than their PC-using counterparts, according to a report from Nielsen/NetRatings. - CNET News.

Using Wildstrom's "logic:" Virus writers are motivated by profit, so they attack those who surf the Web using Windows because they tend to be less educated and make less money than their Mac-using counterparts. If profit is the motivator, wouldn't it make more sense to try to steal from those with the most money? Or perhaps, it's too hard and they can't get into Mac OS X user's machines at all?

Using common sense, there should be a least one virus in the over 5 years since Mac OS X was released, shouldn't there? But, there is not one Mac OS X virus. Where is it? The reason why has so much more to do with inherent security than anything else, that to continue to try to equate "security via obscurity" (for an OS that, by the way, isn't "obscure") with the inherent security built into Mac OS X, is ridiculous. The New York Times' David Pogue once tried the Mac OS X "security via obscurity" myth on for size. It didn't fit. Pogue thought about it and quickly recanted. (Read Pogue's simple explanation why Mac OS X much more secure than Windows XP here.)

People who propagate the "Mac OS X is secure because it's obscure" myth are either not thinking the issue through completely or are Microsoft apologists. Apple Mac OS X is vastly better than Windows at protecting its users from malicious attacks. Mac OS X is so much better, in fact, that it's literally a joke to write lines like, "still, all operating systems have vulnerabilities, including OS X. Like Microsoft, Apple issues a monthly set of security patches to plug the holes." Those words suggest that Wildstrom thinks Mac OS X would be as prone to viruses, spyware, adware, etc. as Windows, if only it had "90%-plus of the market." (Windows doesn't have "90%-plus of the market," by the way.) Mac OS X would not be as vulnerable to viruses, worms, spyware, etc. as Windows if it had Windows' installed base. Not even close.

Windows was not designed for open networks like the Internet. Microsoft could never say no to backwards compatibility and now have an OS in the hands of millions of interconnected people that wasn't designed to be secure when interconnected. Microsoft has been promising better security for years with each successive Windows packaging change. If you think Windows Vista is going to magically fix the problems, we've got a nice bridge in Brooklyn for you on sale at eBay now.

Note to all of you "security via obscruity" types: please stop insulting Apple Mac OS X's (and NeXT's and decades of Unix's) brilliant operating system designers while simultaneously trying to cover for Microsoft's ineptness. The reason that Mac OS X users surf the Web with impunity is because of the secure way Mac OS X is designed, not because it's "obscure." What kind product that 16 million people use daily is "obscure?" Your argument is as flawed as Windows. 16 million people use Mac OS X daily and it's never had one single virus in over 5 years. Let's get serious. Mac OS X not secure because it's obscure, it's just better.
wow you said he works at apple as mac team i really want that job badly. it would be easy job. but i live in wyoming and there is no apple store here.
Neo said:
I used iMac with Mac OS classic at high school and pain in ass for crash down each an hour. I lost some grade from stupid OS classic crash. It's give me hard time. That's how people THINK Mac OS classic sucks. Same idea Windows ME. ME is suck too. Later Mac OS X much better than OS classic SHIT.

I am agreed with you. I first bought old strawberry iMac in 1998. It was with Mac OS 8.5 that always crashed many times! I had to be careful and correct extensions or you mess with extensions that can cause freeze or crash down. Until Mac OS X did surprise me never crash on me. I bet Apple is winner!
my brother said that they works hard to make the apple computer
and even update their products and etc....
he is right they always update their products all the time