Louisiana Woman


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
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My name is Deidra and I am from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I am 22 years old and I am a full time student in the practical nursing program. I am African American and a growing Christian woman :) I love God and love people so ya'll should have no problem getting along with me.

I lost my hearing when I was a preschooler and wear one hearing aid in my right ear. I am completely deaf in the left - which could be a good thing because I don't have to pay for a full pair ;)

My goal in life is to simply follow my dreams no matter what anyone says. Throughout my life I had several people saying that I could not do things because of my disability and not suprisingly, I let them tell me that and failed miserably for a little while. But soon after, I picked myself up and told myself that I am capable of doing ANYTHING with God on my side.

And what do you know? Prayer works. Now that I am in nursing school, I've already accomplished half of my goals. Anyways, I don't want to ramble on but let me make this short:

Don't ever give up. Being deaf or hard of hearing should never stop you from reaching your goals - it didn't stop me!
G'day deirda,
Welcome to AD. I hope you'll enjoy your visit. Good luck with achieving a nursing degree. :)
Cheers! :wave:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here....
:wave: :welcome: to AllDeaf Deidra. I hope you have been enjoying your stay on AllDeaf, and making many new friends. Have fun posting. Good luck with achieving your goals, and always follow your heart!! Best of luck in Nursing School!!! Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay!!! :)