Lost In Space


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Hi. I have been losing my hearing slowly most of my life and I "woke up" the other morning and realized I couldn't hear, with or without my hearing aids. I think I knew it all along, I just didn't want to admit it. Now I'm about to be on my own for the first time as an adult (yucky divorce) and I'm scrambling to slide into a new existence as a late deafened woman. I'm trying to get a TTY, signaling alert system, and proper alarm clock. Whether I'm ready or not, I have to take the next sign language course. I have to stand on my own two feet. People do this every day, right? I'm scared. Not hearing anymore ... not Deaf. Not ready either. I'm looking not only for cheerleaders and friends but I'm looking to cheer on others. Thank you for letting me vent. :bye:
Most days lately I feel like venting, so I get what you are saying!

I am not ready either, but I guess it doesn't matter does it? You can stand on your own, it may be scary but we will overcome... How cliche! I even make myself sick ;-)

I am trying not to fall into the pity party trap and I am guessing that you are too. Do you have things to do outside of your house? I feel pretty trapped in my four walls... Not sure where to go next.

Hang in there, get ready for another cliche, you are not alone... :roll:
Hi. I have been losing my hearing slowly most of my life and I "woke up" the other morning and realized I couldn't hear, with or without my hearing aids. I think I knew it all along, I just didn't want to admit it. Now I'm about to be on my own for the first time as an adult (yucky divorce) and I'm scrambling to slide into a new existence as a late deafened woman. I'm trying to get a TTY, signaling alert system, and proper alarm clock. Whether I'm ready or not, I have to take the next sign language course. I have to stand on my own two feet. People do this every day, right? I'm scared. Not hearing anymore ... not Deaf. Not ready either. I'm looking not only for cheerleaders and friends but I'm looking to cheer on others. Thank you for letting me vent. :bye:


Check this thread to find a lot of other people with your same thoughts and feelings.


Check this thread to find a lot of other people with your same thoughts and feelings.

Hi Bottesini,

I have to say you have repeatedly peaked my curiosity. SilentLaughter is going through something.... Maybe not the same thing as you (or me), but some unique thing to her. I am traumatized by my experience which is similar to SilentLaughter. Does it really matter WHY we cannot hear?

I am, and I'm guessing SilentLaughter is too, trying to find answers, kindred souls, people who know what it feels/sounds/smells to NOT be able to hear.

How do you accommodate?

What strategies help you get along in a hearing world?

What do you expect from others?

What do you do for a living?

How do you adjust to your lack of hearing (admittedly the non hearing are a minority)???

Do you have an extended family? How are/did they accommodating to your lack of hearing now/growing up?

What are, and where did they come from, these distinct groups of non-hearing people?

While I agree there are differences, you have so much you can teach us. Does it matter how I (we) ended up in your world? tlk
I so understand what you're feeling. I feel like a total peabrain in my ASL class...signs that I absolutely know just disappear when the eyes turn to me. I find myself signing crude things to coworkers that talk to me when my back is turned, then yell or make fun when I can't hear.

It's really frightening when you live in a world that doesn't often try to communicate in a manner that you can understand...any manner, not just signing. But, it does get better. Take the suggestions of the Deaf that you know..even if it feels like your doing pushups to cure smallpox. You end up doing things that don't seem like they will help, then after a while, you realize that it's abit easier.

Hang in there...sorry to be a Pollyanna.