Leaving for now; may be back later

Okay, I'm not sure it's appropriate, but Lavender posted something that Hear Again couldn't see or perceive or whatever, and so I interpreted. I said "he meant" whatever. Lavender made a crack back at me suggesting that I thought Lavender was a "he." In Lavender's defence, this is where I should have laughed and shrugged it off. But instead, I went on to explain why I did that. However, I guess it didn't come out right because Lavender was offended by my response and told me off. I responded by saying I was gonna leave the forum. My conflict is that I'm guilty of everything that I've accused Lavender of.

I've chosen to just move on from this. I hope at least I have learned a lesson from it, but I still can't predict what I'll do under medication. Hear Again has given me some good advise to try to avoid the forum when I'm under the influence of medication. This seems like sound advise to me.

Let me ask you something. Do you never get this way in real life even if you're not on medication? I understand that you're on medication, but even people not on medication can get this way.

I am saying this because, it's human to not always be so on the same level all the time and please people all the time. Sometimes you will have people understand your explanation when they take offense and you don't mean it. They might forgive you, and there are times they don't want to understand or want to forgive you for it.
sigh. I don't think hear again by her post actually meant it is the same with you - I don't see being under influence is the problem because to me and what it seems to me almost everyone else too, you're talking fine and have recognized the problem. otherwise you're also saying you'll never be back since you'll always be medicated if 'the help' is found.

I don't know but alright, I give up. you decide. take care then.
Simplymints, next time....try not to use anyone's name that are members of this forum. It's Alldeaf's rules, so I just wanted to let you know. :) Many forums are like that too.
Simplymints, next time....try not to use anyone's name that are members of this forum. It's Alldeaf's rules, so I just wanted to let you know. :) Many forums are like that too.

I know, I didn't mean to, but by now, it's too late, and I was just trying to apologise.
Let me ask you something. Do you never get this way in real life even if you're not on medication? I understand that you're on medication, but even people not on medication can get this way.

I am saying this because, it's human to not always be so on the same level all the time and please people all the time. Sometimes you will have people understand your explanation when they take offense and you don't mean it. They might forgive you, and there are times they don't want to understand or want to forgive you for it.

Most of the people I talk to in real life have known me for most of my life, and they don't take offence when I say things. I make mistakes, but it makes people laugh rather than get mad. Because they know me, they know I wouldn't try to hurt them.
Lavender had no right to insult you - but afterall, we cannot please everyone - who cares if we have one or two person insulting us - Lavender does not respresent the entire AD - you will find plenty of other people who will respect your opinions/feelings without judging you harshly even if you do make one or two mistakes - I have made many mistakes on this site yet I keep coming back but I know I wont win the popularity contest :)

I had no right to make accusations against Lavender when I was guilty of the same accusations. It's true everybody makes mistakes, but that doesn't excuse them. I think we both over-reacted to each other's responses. Perhaps it's inevitable that that will happen sometimes.
sigh. I don't think hear again by her post actually meant it is the same with you - I don't see being under influence is the problem because to me and what it seems to me almost everyone else too, you're talking fine and have recognized the problem. otherwise you're also saying you'll never be back since you'll always be medicated if 'the help' is found.

I don't know but alright, I give up. you decide. take care then.

It does seem to me that Hear Again understands, and so do you. I hope I will not always be medicated though because my medication is not for a chronic condition as I understand Hear Again's is. When I say I'm medicated, I don't mean I'm falling over drunk. I certainly would have made the same initial mistake without medication because that's just the way I handle things, unless the medication prevented me from remembering something that would have told me I knew her gender already. However, I do think it was the medication that caused me to over-react because like I've said so often, and the whole reason this became such a big deal to me is that it goes entirely against my personality! I'm far from flawless, but this normally isn't one of my many flaws.

I have decided to stay. Right now, I'm just in the clean-up stages, trying to answer everybody's questions. Kind of hoping they don't boo me away again :roll:
Most of the people I talk to in real life have known me for most of my life, and they don't take offence when I say things. I make mistakes, but it makes people laugh rather than get mad. Because they know me, they know I wouldn't try to hurt them.

and that's exactly what we are to you - a friend. I'm sure most of us don't take offense in what you say. We all understand some gaffes/misunderstandings we make. Even though Internet is anonymous, the posts we make are usually a rather accurate representation of who we are in real life.

I think I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again - It's easily understandable you misspoke about something that may offend some people. If you realized it - you simply apologize it and most will forgive you. If a few did not, well... they can go fuck themselves. They're the one with issues and they're the one who need to learn how to deal with imperfect life.

You did your job by apologizing and being more aware next time. Now it's their job to forgive and move on. If they can't - simply extend a courtesy like this -

Hear Again - it's an emoticon of a smilie smiling, waving hello and then suddenly flipping a bird.
I agree with Jiro, Freckles, Hear Again and Gemma.

Mints, The best is ignore some AD members' judge and insult your POV. Don't attention what Lavender said.

I was almost to quit AD because of brutal members which I don't appreciate with their nasty posts on me. They already hurt me. I will never talk to them again. If they tell apology to me. I will accept as satisfy. If they don't apology to me. Then I will ignore their posts on me forever until they tell me apology first.

I have nothing against you. You're being fine. You're nice to me. :) I am honest. I could be mean to few members if they insult me as nasty. Then I will pay back. If anyone treat a nice to me. I will be nice back. I like to be fair.

You know how internet is. I like real life face to face than online. It's hard to see the face express. I hope you will get well with medicine. You can break time from AD for a while until you're feeling better. :hug: