Last Movie You Watched?

I recently watched House.

Yeah, it's old... but I've never seen it captioned. So, I thought I'd watch it with captions. :)

Soon, I'm gonna watch the sequel. :thumb:
I'm home full time, taking care of my wife who's been hospitalized for a year (may 2008 to may 2009) after suffering congestive heart failure, renal failure, respiratory arrest and a stroke.

She's home now and will be bedridden for life. I have to use a hoyer lift to get her out of bed and into the electric wheelchair (she's a double amputee btw) so she can go to the dialysis center 3 times a week. The rest of the time I'm constantly taking care of her even though she has a limited of 3 hrs of help per week from each different nurses. A reg nurse, a bath nurse and a occupational therapy nurse. The rest is me.

So we have plenty of time for movies.

I'm in the process of applying for SSD, I already had my hearing test done, next up tomorrow is my physical. So, knock on wood that I get it.

Then I'll have more time for movies. :giggle:

I'm home full time, taking care of my wife who's been hospitalized for a year (may 2008 to may 2009) after suffering congestive heart failure, renal failure, respiratory arrest and a stroke.

She's home now and will be bedridden for life. I have to use a hoyer lift to get her out of bed and into the electric wheelchair (she's a double amputee btw) so she can go to the dialysis center 3 times a week. The rest of the time I'm constantly taking care of her even though she has a limited of 3 hrs of help per week from each different nurses. A reg nurse, a bath nurse and a occupational therapy nurse. The rest is me.

So we have plenty of time for movies.

I'm in the process of applying for SSD, I already had my hearing test done, next up tomorrow is my physical. So, knock on wood that I get it.

Then I'll have more time for movies. :giggle:


A least you could enjoy to watch some movies with your wife. :yesway:

Off topic: Perhaps, you might be interested to read the articles on Dr. Mercola's website Health Newsletter by Dr. Joseph Mercola about health issues.
Lately I've been watching the Winds of War and War and Remembrance mini-series. Very good series.

The author of the books made heavy demands that if they're going to turn the books into movies, he wants absolutely no changes from the books and every line to be utter directly from the books. He was very strict about that.

As it turned out, the mini-series was hugely successful.

Thomas Crown Affair (McQueen version)
The International
The Reader
The Third Man
Karoke Terror
Season 1: War at Home

I've been busy
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. DONT MAKE FUN OF ME! :D
*laughing at you*

Sorry. Heh!

Don't feel bad. I do the same thing. It's not because I'm stupid or being childish. We all want to be kids from time to time.

When I used to work at a local video rental store, I would watch almost every new release that came out. I didn't do it because I thought they were all good. I did it so that I could be truthful to my customers. I would even watch movies that I heard were stupid or movies that were intended for kids. I actually watched a few of those Power Rangers movies.

It also gave me some insight on how those movies were made. One thing I learned... a lot of the costumed fighting scenes were made in Japan where the series were originally made. When they (some production company in America) wanted to Americanize it, they simply re-did some scenes with American actors and cut-&-paste in the original Japanese scenes. ;)
LOL Christer you watced a children film ! LOL LOL LOL LOL

no, seriously I want to watch that too, i think the squarepants humour is outrageous and good, its like 'introduction to psychology but in the funniest way' weird.....but cool

Yesturday I saw Appaloosa, its a typical western film, very dry compared to the much more explosive 3:10 to Yuma. If you were to pick of the two, id get the latter.
The Book of Ezekiel in my opinion plays a keyrole in Knowing. What exactly where the "strangers/whispering men". Extraterrestrials? Angels? Both? Ezkekiels "chariot vision" (seen in the film in a drawing) has been analyzed for centuries but just most recently are people discussing whether or not, Ezekiel's encounter was a UFO sighting. Watch any UFO documentary's on Sci-fi or even Discover channel and almost always Ezekiel is mentioned simply because his encounter is so well-detailed. I'm actually surprised the book remained part of the bible because a lot of other text similar was removed. I.E. The Book of Enoch, which is Apocrypha scripture, has been said to also prove that aliens exist. According to Biblical scripture, other then Elijah, Enoch was taken into Heaven where he then "walked with God". The book goes to great lengths to depict everything he witnessed while there. The book also mentions Nephilim excessively. Nephilim are offspring of fallen angels (known as watchers) and human women. Yet some people categorize them as Aliens as well. Things of this sort are not discussed at Church for obvious reasons.

1:5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

^^ If I'm correct, when the 'whispering men' took the children into their craft, there were exactly 4! Coincidence? Maybe I'm wrong about this though. I'm going to re-watch the ending to clarify this.

There is a theory that aliens brought life to Earth. The ending to Knowing, in a sense, supports this.

Yea, thanks for sharin'. I've read the scriptures relatin' to some of the movie, " Knowing ". There were some pieces that fit together in one puzzle. Please, let me know if, there's coincidence when you are goin' to re-watch the endin' to clarify this. ;)
I watched -

Nothing but the Truth: I really like it. It is scary sitaution. O_O

Watchmen: It is not so bad. It's very interesting about Mars and superheros. Mmm...

Coraline: it is very creative and something is new to me. It is a dark and dramatic. I really like it. But, it bothers me is a sexy old woman with big boobs. I meant, what the hell? I don't think kids need to watch this like that. =/
last night i saw Transfornmers 2 Revenge of the Fallen with my family. we really enjoyed it
I just watch the movie called " The Great Debaters" and I loved it! I love movies that have the underdogs winning! And this it a true story!
Denzel Washington was amazing in it!
So many movies, so little time. *sighs*


I feel your pain. Didn't get to watch the entire movie, but I got to watch part of Gone in 60 seconds last night. What I do is write a list of all the movies I want to watch and when time presents itself, I watch a movie and wait for next time.

Yes I admitted I watched it over and over like 3 times of Spongebob movie :)

So my fiancee surprised me she bought me Prison Break Season 4. We done watch DVD 1 last night and will continue watch DVD 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 CDs.
I just watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last night at the theaters with my girlfriend. I love it!!! It's the best out of all six Harry Potter movies!!! At the end was a bit moving.... little emotional.