Kid gets his ass KICKED! *Video*

Yeah, way immature.
Oh very!..

They don't have a brain. They could have make a judgment before they would go further, but they already did. black guy thinks it'd make him look good. Perhap, it doesn't. I d saying he is dumbass. What if he snapped his neck and he ends up in the jail, eh? - being in a jail is smart move.
Yup, you got that right, Eternity...
Wayyyyy immature.
I don't understand why would anyone want to see this video, and have it available on the internet. :roll: I guess some ppl find the humour in watching this crap.
... that white kid got fucked up.... its a lesson for us all not to be THAT STUPID.

that's the difference.

do you consider me immature?

i think not.