Japan bill to let women on throne

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If I had a daughter or son and is sexually active, even if it's a one time occurance, I would hope that they were safe, or at least as much as possible. I, as a parent, would have the kind of relationship with my children where each of them can ask me or their mom any question and get an honest, on their level of understanding answer. This starts way back when they're bouncing on my knee and spitting up all over. This also occurs when they come into the bathroom and I'm using it. It occurs in a locker room and we see each other naked (a family together). I refuse to allow Hollywood to show my daughters how they think they should be...hence, the "Barbie Syndrome." It will never happen. My kids will know what the opposite sex looks like and be comfortable, not only with themselves (body image), but also while in mixed company.
Reiko said:
"Japan's PM Junichiro Koizumi has pledged to submit a bill to parliament letting women ascend to the throne."
Full Story

This may be my chance to take over!


Sorry about hijacking your thread, as Heath has been very confused.

I, personally, see nothing wrong with a woman leader. I intend on voting for Hillary in '08 and hopes she wins. Got a question for you, though. How many women can say they've been not only "First Lady" but also "Commander-In-Chief?" How about Bill...how many men can say they've been president AND the "First Husband?" :thumb:
pek1 said:

You're letting your ignorance get the best of you.

Did you know that abortions were done when Christ walked the earth? Did you know that it was performed way before then? Countries do it for family planning, wanting one sex of child over the other. Are you aware of the party that was residing in the White House in 1973 when Roe vl Wade legalized abortions?

What about them, Heath? What about them? You, nor I, can dictate what deems to be morality, in the United States. What about the young woman who becomes pregnant and her body can't carry the baby? Then what? Oh well, so what? What about the woman who comes home and gets beat up by a parent "for getting pregnant" or a boyfriend or other friends? Look at the entire picture, Heath. The speech, "Well, then you shouldn't have had sex" is beside the point and can't be used.

You are the one being ignorant and not me. Of course, I know baby sacrifices were common in Biblical times. God commanded to stop them. The President of the United States of America in 1973 tried to stop the abortion agenda and I know the U.S. President told the Supreme Court to not legalize abortion and the Supreme Court did not listen to the US President. I would tell them they should of not had sex but I also will support them 100 % in whatever they do and advise them what to do to make the best decision.
pek1 said:

What Heath doesn't understand that for every Scripture verse he can find and shove into a woman's face, For example, did you know that the Bible commands the man to love his wife, but nowhere does it command the woman to love her husband? It also doesn't command the woman to bend over and kiss the man's ass (can I speak that plain to you?), do his laundry, cook, clean and pick up his undeez...

The Biblical Scripture when looked at as whole then you will understand what the Bible says. I am not shoving anything in a woman's face as you said, quite the opposite. You are jumping to conclusions here. Men are to be leaders.

Typical liberal trash talk from a liberal church to suit their radical left wing agenda and leave out the ones that they hope no one will look at:

There are MORE Scripture verses aimed at men than for the women.

Here is news... God had alots to say about the role of a woman more than for a man !!!!!

You are trying to twist the agenda here to make me out to be the enemy here. Of course, I will love my wife as God commanded. You are jumping to conclusions here. God commanded the woman to be a housewife. That worked for many years until the feminist radical and satanic agenda came along and rebelled against God.
This is a fencing match between Heath and Pek. :popcorn:

Lunge! Parry! Riposte!

Riposte! Counter riposte! Riposte to the counter riposte! Counter riposte to the counter riposte!
pek1 said:
If I had a daughter or son and is sexually active, even if it's a one time occurance, I would hope that they were safe, or at least as much as possible. I, as a parent, would have the kind of relationship with my children where each of them can ask me or their mom any question and get an honest, on their level of understanding answer. This starts way back when they're bouncing on my knee and spitting up all over. This also occurs when they come into the bathroom and I'm using it. It occurs in a locker room and we see each other naked (a family together). I refuse to allow Hollywood to show my daughters how they think they should be...hence, the "Barbie Syndrome." It will never happen. My kids will know what the opposite sex looks like and be comfortable, not only with themselves (body image), but also while in mixed company.

There is no mention of teaching your daughter Biblical values here? Did you know that a condom is not 100% safe from STD or HIV therefore abstience is the best way to teach with purity rings. Multi culturalism never works as people are starting to find out just exactly that. Why the hell do you want your family and you as the father to see each other naked together as a family? :barf: You are just as sick as what the liberal church teaches.
Heath said:
The NOW is a very evil and very satanic organization and breaks God's laws all the time.

God has laws against people having knowledge of sex? Then how are people supposed to be able to procreate? Cloning? Provide some Biblical passages supporting this claims.

Heath said:
p.s. I do not understand what you mean or are talking about when you said..... " Misigynistic women "..... I am a guy so I am not sure what misigynistic women means.... tell me what it means please?

Misogyny is the hatred of women. Conversely, misandry is the hatred of men. Both misogyny and misandry are fundamentally wrong in God's eyes. And yet, as it turns out, a lot of fundamentalist Christians (both men and women) are misogynistic. Some feminists are misandranistic. Both groups are wrong for having those beliefs.

Heath said:
What does this have to do with this discussion and this is :topic: It is clear to me you are looking for a lawsuit. These days, can't even have a good debate without some bloodthristy liberal evil minded lawsuit being slammed. Is that why you are here in AllDeaf looking for a bloodthristy evil liberal minded lawsuit. Well you are not gonna have have it. This conversation ends right now. You are put on ignore.

I know you will probably put me on ignore for calling your bluff, since you're too immature to understand why what you believe is ridiculous, and because I'm not a Christian, but if I remember correctly the topic was about Prime Minister Junichirou Koizumi and his Liberal Democratic Party in the Japanese Diet supporting legislation to allow female members of the Imperial family to ascend to the throne.

Under what reasoning you decided that obviously the thread had to turn into a Bible-citing argument about women's rights or women having positions of authority completely eludes me. I honestly do not see any logical or even understandable connection between the two. *YOU* took this topic OT... Just accept that.

By the way, the LDP is the CONSERVATIVE party in the Japanese Diet. They're a centrist-right party, similar in many ways to the Republicans of the US, although since Christianity is particularly common in Japan it does not have as much of an influence on the LDP's politics as it would in US Republicans. The centrist-left opposition party (which actually lost seats in the House of Representatives this last election) is called the Democratic Party of Japan. Funny that supposedly the "evil bloodthirsty liberals" in the diet actually are really conservative.

Heath said:
I am born in Texas and about as Texan as you can get.

I assure you, my girlfriend is more Texan than you are and she isn't a fundamentalist Christian. You're not a Texan, you just hide behind the label because you hate your life.
pek1 said:

Sorry about hijacking your thread, as Heath has been very confused.

I did not hijack Reiko's thread. I just said what I had to say about the Jezebel spirit and the research I read and went through and thought that would be interesting .... I did not except a fierece debate but alots of good will come out of that.
Heath said:
The President of the United States of America in 1973 tried to stop the abortion agenda and I know the U.S. President told the Supreme Court to not legalize abortion and the Supreme Court did not listen to the US President.

Nixon? :ugh: That was before your time and he didn't do squat, except have wine with the pm of China, which is all he did!
Teresh said:
I assure you, my girlfriend is more Texan than you are and she isn't a fundamentalist Christian. You're not a Texan, you just hide behind the label because you hate your life.

Here , I got to laugh really hard because you are assuming and jumping to conclusions big time !!!

I do not need to hide behind any label and I love my life. I am a Texan and born there. I intend to move back to Texas someday because I love the warm weather , the aggressive , hard working law abiding culture and people still obey God in Texas and go to church.
Heath said:
There is no mention of teaching your daughter Biblical values here? Did you know that a condom is not 100% safe from STD or HIV therefore abstience is the best way to teach with purity rings. Multi culturalism never works as people are starting to find out just exactly that. Why the hell do you want your family and you as the father to see each other naked together as a family? :barf: You are just as sick as what the liberal church teaches.

Heath, have you considered the significant portion of people who may make a claim to abstinence and then break it? It's true, people do that. One of the falling points of social control, is that when you try to control behaviors fundamental to many people, you're going to have a very hard time getting things perfect.

Maybe it's because of the "evil liberals" or maybe it's just because people become aroused all of a sudden and before you know it, off fly the clothes. I am certain you have heard of people who say, "I had sex, and I regret it."

It is important to consider that these people who break their abstinence also be aware of proper sexual health practices. Condoms are not 100% perfect, but they are far, far more effective than someone who breaks abstinence and doesn't know what to do.

I hope you are interested in protecting all people, including the ones who make mistakes in their lives. I hope that you support giving them the opportunity to protect themselves as well.
Heath said:
1. Here is news... God had alots to say about the role of a woman more than for a man !!!!!

2. God commanded the woman to be a housewife.

3. That worked for many years until the feminist radical and satanic agenda came along and rebelled against God.

1. That's because God has to keep repeating things to men because they don't listen. Tell a woman once, she has no problem hearing or listening.

2. He did? Where?

3. It never did work, as the man overstepped his boundary on the woman and she had no choice. Leadership should be the one who can lead, not the one who has sex organs on the outside and halfway down.
Heath said:
Here , I got to laugh really hard because you are assuming and jumping to conclusions big time !!!

I do not need to hide behind any label and I love my life. I am a Texan and born there. I intend to move back to Texas someday because I love the warm weather , the aggressive , hard working law abiding culture and people still obey God in Texas and go to church.

I've driven truck over-the-road and been in Taxes, excuse me, Texas, several times. I have yet to NOT see tons of traffic on a Sunday morning, including full parking lots of churches I've passed by. I don't see full parking lots of churches.
:popcorn: Here, Endymion, another box of popcorn :popcorn: ...just don't start eating mine. ;)
pek1 said:
1. That's because God has to keep repeating things to men because they don't listen. Tell a woman once, she has no problem hearing or listening.

2. He did? Where?

3. It never did work, as the man overstepped his boundary on the woman and she had no choice. Leadership should be the one who can lead, not the one who has sex organs on the outside and halfway down.

You are manipulating the subject away from the issue at hand. Just what I would except from a liberal church.
pek1 said:
I've driven truck over-the-road and been in Taxes, excuse me, Texas, several times. I have yet to NOT see tons of traffic on a Sunday morning, including full parking lots of churches I've passed by. I don't see full parking lots of churches.

What is the 9th Commandment of the Ten Commandments ?

" Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. "

You just did that.

I have been to Texas and saw churches on Sundays with overflowing parking lots.

Here in the north where yankees live there are churches with almost empty parking lots.

That is because the north is dis-obeying God meanwhile the South is obeying God.
Heath said:
What is the 9th Commandment of the Ten Commandments ?

" Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. "

You just did that.

I have been to Texas and saw churches on Sundays with overflowing parking lots.

And why is Christianity the only religion in the world that kills their own wounded? Why are Christian people the meanest people around? Why don't Christians follow what the Bible says regarding the Fruits of the Spirit? Oh, sorry, liberal church here...we believe in having sex in the baptistry. :dizzy:
I will say, however, I have never seen such HUGE billboards for x-rated businesses like the South does! :-o One place even bills itself as a "family" environment and a playground outside for the little kiddies. That is scary! :jaw: :Ohno: The "Bible Belt" of all places!!:giggle:
Heath said:
Here in the north where yankees live there are churches with almost empty parking lots.

I don't know where you're residing now, but you obviously aren't anywhere I've ever been to. I've never seen a Church on a Sunday whose parking lot is not full or nearly full.

I'm guessing you're a pessimist, as to you 'nearly full' means 'partly empty'.
pek1 said:
I will say, however, I have never seen such HUGE billboards for x-rated businesses like the South does! :-o One place even bills itself as a "family" environment and a playground outside for the little kiddies. That is scary! :jaw: :Ohno: The "Bible Belt" of all places!!:giggle:

I find that one hard to believe. I know that if they did that then there will be outrage and the business will be closed as fast as it opened.

I have nothing further to say on this subject and let's close this on a positive note then get back to the orginial topic which was the next Japanese leader.
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