It not easy to find Bible beleve lady that want to date

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I had 3 uncles that did not married a Jewish woman and they all had a good marriage. My dad was the only that married a Jewish woman and they had all kind of conflicts. Marrying someone of the same faith does not guarantee
you will have a good marriage.

......sorry, but I wasn't talking about religion between a couple God forbids that. Lol. However, it doesn't matter for one to marry someone else outside of his/her religion. It's not always true for some married couples having a conflict due to the religion difference. The real example - my Uncle who is a Methodist and he married my Jewish Aunt-in-Law. They have been married for 35 years now. My father is strictly Catholic and is married to my Methodist/Baptist mother for 48 years. My mother used to be a teacher for Catholic Trinity class once a week. and she doesn't go to church with my father except Easter's and Christmas. I haven't heard any conflict between them. I've seen a plenty of happliy married couples with different religions...especially at the church. I don't know if all regular churches do welcome all walks of religions...but i know my church (not to mention baptist 'cause religion name isn't important) does welcome any. Oh, yes...I remember it so interesting from reading one article and a picture in a magazine about Islamic Arab man married Jewish lady in Isreal. Something about love and respect.
Don't tell me to google....too late. This is not 2001. :aw: And you're telling me to seek a companion? For your information know it all said:
reference that material otherwise it is plagerism which is ILLEGAL.[/B]
And i wish you a wonderful Christian Day!:wave::giggle:

OK, i never get on this site and throw my ideals around at other people, but buddie let me tell u, this person has every right to go and seek his hearts desire regardless religion or what it is! just the same as u or i do as well! Everyone is making a big deal out of what this post is asking!! good grief! leave the man alone, what is wrong with you!?! all the man is asking is a simple uncomplicated question, hes not askin what the H-ll u think about it sir?! SO, unless you can contribute to answer his question, then leave the poor guy alone!

To answer your question, you can do a google search of websites online key word christian dating. That should pull up several sites or maybe look into other babtist churches in/or around your town. maybe go on a mission with others of like mind as you. but, most of all just be your self and be honest about what you are seeking. God Bless and good luck! Everyone, yes everyone ,deserves to find a companion in this world if they so disire! I wish you well, and dont listen to the people in this world out to make everyone miserable just

The colored words above.

It says all about me, me, me you are referring to after my quote to the OP. How can I know that you said it wasn't directing to me? I'm not interested in your little tricks or whatnot.

And wtf about plagerism is illegal? Uh, are we in school or what? I took part of the paragraph off the link to provide the proof to you. What, are you saying that anyone copy it off from some chapter and verse words in the bible and put it on any message board forum or facebook status is illegal? Oh, please!

Sorry, I ain't no "Christian", bozo.
Read the rules. This comes from Alex. We are not bozos. Take particular note of #11 if you don't want to read the rest.

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Fine, here you go (for Reba) beware of us getting a warning or banned for providing a source of this.
Boy, I am glad I met hubby at church. We dated a short time and got married. We've been married for 17 1/2 years. Now, even though I met him at at church, it was not the faith I was brought up in. We are still in the same religion, but I do not attend church any longer for reasons that don't need to be brought up.
I had 3 uncles that did not married a Jewish woman and they all had a good marriage. My dad was the only that married a Jewish woman and they had all kind of conflicts. Marrying someone of the same faith does not guarantee
you will have a good marriage.
There are no guarantees but for a person with strong religious beliefs, marrying someone who doesn't share those beliefs is starting out married life with a major challenge from the get go.
Fine, here you go (for Reba) beware of us getting a warning or banned for providing a source of this.
Why should I be warned or banned for the posts that you make? :confused:
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