It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

Yo! I LOVE a good beer! I'm tolds Tooheys is good in Australia. Whats best beer in USA?

Well I'd have to go with Goose Island Brewery in CHICAGO (I'm from there) and they make a great blonde ale. Most of the time I drink Guinness when I'm out for a night of fun.
An insensitive person who can't understand or put themselves in other peoples shoes. We should all learn to be Altruistic...

Was your grandmother kind?

She was the kindest person in the world. She would give you the shirt off her back. She was also a strong woman in mind and soul. While she was kind she didn't take any shit. I really hope I am like her.
My fave gramma was one of the very few people that accepted me for who I wuz. We resonated on a very deep level. and even when I was a bad -ass punkity rocker (some 24 years ag or so) she loved me and spoke to me with resepct and unconditional friendship. Rest in peace Gram!

If you had to lip sync one song to a audience of ten thousand, which song would you pick ( you can also name the musicians you would choose for your band if you like!)

Hugs! lip sync here. Even if I know I'm singing bad I still just sing out loud. Makes me feel good. I love to sing Janice Jopplin. If people dont' like it, F*ck them!! LOL
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schermy, the game is like you only answer the person's question above you... and then make a question for the person below you. I think it's how this game works??


Favorite comedian, and why?
schermy, the game is like you only answer the person's question above you... and then make a question for the person below you. I think it's how this game works??


Favorite comedian, and why?

I'm well aware of that, but we kind of got in to a "conversation" amongst us. Sorry for the inconvence.

Robin Williams..............He is funny 24/7/365 about everything and everyone.

When is the last time you were sick?
Last x-mas my thyroid screwed up and I was freaking exhausted for weeks.

btw, Janis Joplin rules, I love to sing her to ...really loud and strong, rock on girl!! and for no reason, I will tell you that I hate beer and wine, only drink vodka!!

If you could know when you were going to die, would you want to know??
Last x-mas my thyroid screwed up and I was freaking exhausted for weeks.

btw, Janis Joplin rules, I love to sing her to ...really loud and strong, rock on girl!! and for no reason, I will tell you that I hate beer and wine, only drink vodka!!

If you could know when you were going to die, would you want to know??

That's a great question. I think I might want to know and then I'd make sure that I did everthing I wanted in life with no regrets. However, I think if I did know, I'd start to get sad/depressed as the day came closer.

Side note: I love vodka, but only the good stuff........a little Grey Goose will do you good. :) Also, Hell Yeah Janis Rocks!!!! I love her!

What is the one place in the world you would want to go if you could go anywhere?
I have always had this desire to go to the north pole, see the tundra burst into color in the spring...see the ice burgs and lay on the earth watching the sky....

I also want to explore the Haida Gwaii islands off of the coast of Vancouver....I would like to visit more of the smaller islands and meditate on the old totem pole runes, watch the whales...lay naked on the earth and connect with the ancients.

Are you ever quiet and still enough to feel your own heartbeat??
Nope.. Only after Exercise then I could feel my own heartbeats

Do you take vitamin ?
Nope, don't even know what or who you are referring to, I am not into sports and don't watch tv (KILL YOUR TELEVISION!!).

Do you like snow? If it snowed today, would you run outside like a child to catch flakes on your tongue?
Nope, don't even know what or who you are referring to, I am not into sports and don't watch tv (KILL YOUR TELEVISION!!).
Homecoming football game to be shown live on web

For the first time, Gallaudet will broadcast the Homecoming football game live online.
Inside Gallaudet - Gallaudet University
Thats what I was refering to...
Do you like snow? If it snowed today, would you run outside like a child to catch flakes on your tongue?

I LOVE the snow! I don't know if I'd catch snowflakes on my tongue, but I'd definiatly be very excited!

How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?
Less than one hour per day. Am new to this computer stuff and do not want it to consume me. I visit this site and two metaphysical sites, the odd e-mail and that is it!

What other computer things do you do other than this brilliant site?
What other computer things do you do other than this brilliant site?

I do a little programming kind of stuff.. a lot of what I do is just broswing... I chat alot on a few IRC channels...

What celebritys have the same birthday as you?
I do a little programming kind of stuff.. a lot of what I do is just broswing... I chat alot on a few IRC channels...

What celebritys have the same birthday as you?

I dont know :lol:

What sort of softdrink do you drink when you are on the computer?