Israel knows how to deal with terrorisim than the US does

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US have only so many soldiers and resources and we are maxed out on man power now. We cannot go after every country that is on Bush's shit list becuz then we will implode at home. Look into Roman Empire history--at one point, they put their soldiers at every border problems and since the empire area is so large, they maxed out on their man power and resources. Eventually, they fell apart--one of reasons is the Vandals tribes from germany terrority (it was under different name back then) invaded Roman Empire becuz the Romans did not have enough soldiers to defend themselves. If US does the same thing, we are doomed like the Roman Empire.
US have only so many soldiers and resources and we are maxed out on man power now. We cannot go after every country that is on Bush's shit list becuz then we will implode at home. Look into Roman Empire history--at one point, they put their soldiers at every border problems and since the empire area is so large, they maxed out on their man power and resources. Eventually, they fell apart--one of reasons is the Vandals tribes from germany terrority (it was under different name back then) invaded Roman Empire becuz the Romans did not have enough soldiers to defend themselves. If US does the same thing, we are doomed like the Roman Empire.

Good observation! I agree we can't be the world's policeman. Their are limits to power even if your county is the 900lb guerilla in the world.
We got rid of sadam we should now let them rule thier own country
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