Is Make Up Good For Women's Skin ?


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Jan 16, 2004
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Do you think a make up is good for women's skin? Please, share your feedback, opinions, and experiences. Thanks! :)
Honestly, I don't know if it does spoil your skin. However there's many factors that can contribute to your skin being unhealthy, for example, diet, pollution etc. I don't wear makeup much so I would not know whether if it does make it worse or not. I guess it really depends on the type of your skin and what makeup you use. I believe it's a good idea to never wear too much makeup because that can make your skin worse as you're not giving your skin enough room to breathe. That's my opinion and feedback for now. Hope it helped you. :)
I believe make up's not healthy for the skin -- I go au natural because I've been told that I'm beautiful without make up. Sure I do put light mascara and lippie when I go out, but not the whole works, you know? :)
My step daughter who is 14 -- she wears make up and heaps of it! She is always looking like a clown as I can see the line where the foundation is at the jawline and she puts too much make up on. :roll:
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Well, i dont know if it is or really depends on her skin type like sensitive or normal etc..mine is kinda sensitive but i dont have any problems with make up on my face, maybe cuz i wash my face real good every night and slather on face moisturizer as i do have dry skin.
It would usually depend on your allergies and the kind of make-up you use. Some people have allergic reactions to specific types, kinds, or brands of make-up. Some make-up aren't good either, not because of allergic reactions, just plain bad for your skin. There are some make-up that's actually good for your skin as well. Try going to a dermatologist and they could help you.
Maybelle's and Covergirl's make-up cover itch my face off. I think I am allergic to make-up cover up....

I only wears mascara, eyeshadows and lipstick on my face. :ugh:
VamPyroX said:
It would usually depend on your allergies and the kind of make-up you use. Some people have allergic reactions to specific types, kinds, or brands of make-up. Some make-up aren't good either, not because of allergic reactions, just plain bad for your skin. There are some make-up that's actually good for your skin as well. Try going to a dermatologist and they could help you.
Yes u are right about allergic reactions to some brand of makeup..i forgot that i m allergic to Maybelline mascara! It made my eyes swell up so bad ,had to go to the doctor and he gave me meds for it and told me to stay away from Maybelline brands so i never buy any Maybelline afraid if i use Maybelline face makeup id break out!...I hate Cover Girl smells bad like medicine...ewww!
I don't buy Maybellie and Covergirl.. I buys mascara and lipstick from Avon... I like Avon more than Covergirl and Maybellie...
It's not about my face. I apologized for not explainin' it clear. LOL It's about what the make up did to women's skin. I wash my face 3-5 times a day with warm water everyday and I don't wear make up since I have olive skin. I use mascara and SPF 15 lipstick (clear). I noticed that some women has a bad skin when they wear their make up everyday... or usin' it too much (heavy).

The reason I wash my face 3-5 times a day everyday is because, of dirt in the air (pollution) and it is not good for the pores. And, also the make up makes a woman's skin gettin' old fast ! It's why I don't wear make up.

In 2001, I saw my young sister before I moved up in Alaska here... she looked really O L D E R than me, because of make up she was wearin' for many years. I was :shock: . I haven't seen her for a long time... like maybe 5 years at least. When she first saw me, she studied my face like she wasn't sure if, I am the same sister she had. LOL I don't have wrinkles around my eyes. She has a few lines around her eyes. I work and I don't wear make up to show "nice". I am just plain "down to earth" gal. :thumb:
CyberRed said:
It's not about my face. I apologized for not explainin' it clear. LOL It's about what the make up did to women's skin. I wash my face 3-5 times a day with warm water everyday and I don't wear make up since I have olive skin. I use mascara and SPF 15 lipstick (clear). I noticed that some women has a bad skin when they wear their make up everyday... or usin' it too much (heavy).

The reason I wash my face 3-5 times a day everyday is because, of dirt in the air (pollution) and it is not good for the pores. And, also the make up makes a woman's skin gettin' old fast ! It's why I don't wear make up.

In 2001, I saw my young sister before I moved up in Alaska here... she looked really O L D E R than me, because of make up she was wearin' for many years. I was :shock: . I haven't seen her for a long time... like maybe 5 years at least. When she first saw me, she studied my face like she wasn't sure if, I am the same sister she had. LOL I don't have wrinkles around my eyes. She has a few lines around her eyes. I work and I don't wear make up to show "nice". I am just plain "down to earth" gal. :thumb:

well i dont know about that make up causing lines on faces..i have worn make up for years and i dont have any lines on my face at all! so it is not really proven that it does cause wash your face 3-5 times a day??
good grief! where u find time to do that? Im at work all day so i dont do that, geez..i dont dare do that anyways cuz it will dry out my face big time as i have dry skin..its pretty excessive to me but thats your business.
Defee said:
well i dont know about that make up causing lines on faces..i have worn make up for years and i dont have any lines on my face at all! so it is not really proven that it does cause wash your face 3-5 times a day??
good grief! where u find time to do that? Im at work all day so i dont do that, geez..i dont dare do that anyways cuz it will dry out my face big time as i have dry skin..its pretty excessive to me but thats your business.

I have time to wash 3-5 times a day. I said in between 3-5 times a day. It doesn't dry out my face, but feelin' clean with right soap. Every individual don't have the same kind of skin... some have oily, some have dry and some have normal. Mine is normal. It depends on person which kind of soap that person is usin' to wash her face. Sometimes, some soaps can cause skin too much dry. I don't use Lever2000 or other kind of soaps that may cause my skin too dry. I am usin' "almond" soap without chemicals in it. (That "almond" soap was handmade by a woman who lived in this town). The make up is not good for women's skin. It depends on what kind of make up a woman is usin'. As its for me, I don't need them because, my skin is olive. I am usin' cap to protect my face from the sun. I don't trust the sun much, but if, I want to get a tan on my skin then I will use SPF 15 lotion. It's why I ask for your opinion, feedback and experience. I share mine as well. :)
Banjo said:
Most lipsticks are made from fish scales.

I would like to ask you a question: Is Vitamin E made from fish scales ?
CyberRed said:
It's not about my face. I apologized for not explainin' it clear. LOL It's about what the make up did to women's skin. I wash my face 3-5 times a day with warm water everyday and I don't wear make up since I have olive skin. I use mascara and SPF 15 lipstick (clear). I noticed that some women has a bad skin when they wear their make up everyday... or usin' it too much (heavy).

The reason I wash my face 3-5 times a day everyday is because, of dirt in the air (pollution) and it is not good for the pores. And, also the make up makes a woman's skin gettin' old fast ! It's why I don't wear make up.

In 2001, I saw my young sister before I moved up in Alaska here... she looked really O L D E R than me, because of make up she was wearin' for many years. I was :shock: . I haven't seen her for a long time... like maybe 5 years at least. When she first saw me, she studied my face like she wasn't sure if, I am the same sister she had. LOL I don't have wrinkles around my eyes. She has a few lines around her eyes. I work and I don't wear make up to show "nice". I am just plain "down to earth" gal. :thumb:
I know what you mean. There are old people who try to make themselves look young by getting tans and wearing a lot of make-up. They end up looking very old! I once mistook a blonde as being 50 years old when she was actually 25! :eek: *shudders*
Banjo said:
Most lipsticks are made from fish scales.
Why would they use fish scales for lipsticks?? Cant imagine the factory scrapin all them fish scales just for lipsticks..ugh!................
Defee said:
Why would they use fish scales for lipsticks?? Cant imagine the factory scrapin all them fish scales just for lipsticks..ugh!................
It could be worse! They use cow bone grindings for jello! :eek: