Is it weird?

I do not use Netflix but have found that without changing anything on my TV captions can really vary even for the same show on at different times on the same station. It makes me wish for the old analog captions from the earlier days when they were all the same size and generally larger. When I first started using them I did have to get used to sentences completely in capitals.

That bit is likely on the end of whoever created the captions and/or the tv show themselves... the only variations I've seen of that are all caps (which I like) and all small letters (which I dislike- Jeopardy! is an offender this year).
If they leave the captions on for a week or two they will get used to it.
It's not weird.. In fact, it's weird for me not to have captions on!!!! It's so hard to understand without captions... Thankfully my friends and I have been watching anime/korean shows so none of them are bothered by CC . If anybody get annoyed, just tell them that listening makes you tired and its easier to follow with captions. Even English on a show is like foreign language to us anyway!