Is it called, Adultry?

Yes I'm agree with rockdrummer's and Cheri's comment.
adultery vs CHEATER!!!

If you're in relationship as gf/bf seriouis... if you went another woman or man wha..ever unless you touch their bodies.. that called "AFFAIR as same CHEATER" Destory trust in the relationship will come worst.. as simalir marriage mutal.. but not "marriage" as conidser.

Common Law: Yes sort of marriage simlair actually can be called Affair but not sure sort of adultery... Perhaps can be break boundary due children seprate w/Mom or Dad side... Long haul battle and ain't fun as same marriage too.

Yes that called "adultery" if you went another woman or man.. still count Adultery" Possible can save your marriage but depends person have very senstive want contuine divorce due you become adultery... their decison made "what the best interest for children's safety future may look up the FATHER OR MOTHER'S ROLE" Up to the court decision... Marriage can be easily sunk in the wreckage!

Your choice... decision and wise!

If you're single... want have sex someone who have marry man/woman.. but STILL you're part of responbile damage their marriage... can be pain your guts and eat up your somatch..."feeling insints" Your choice!

I want to make it clear....remmy I shared with you all at the first post?

Well, I foundout that everything the lady complained to me about her friend and her husband's emailings were BULLSHIT! None of it were true! :roll: :roll:

This lady has paranoid issues...Im getting burned about this!

This below is for only OKIES...Im talking directly to them, not any of you ADers out of OKIES...:D

BTW, TO: OKIES - I'm telling you right now...stop the rumors and assuming who this person is or who this person did or whatever...It doesn't mean I'm talking about anyone here in OKIE...It could be mean anywhere in U.S. America....:roll:
i dont think it right for a hubby talk to a girl-friend. if u are good friend of girl-friend then she should not talk to hubby.. i throught email not good for a best friend do that. they can talk in person front of u, but through email without ur knowing about this.. that is bad sign
I think what you have here is a friend meddling in your marriage not a case of adultry. Why she is puttnig herself in between you and your husband is a good question. Sounds like you are having a gut feeling that she is "lusting after him". All this sounds like a whole lot of drama, and it's quite possible you may loose her as a friend as a result, is your marriage worth it? My best advice is to confront both your friend and husband in a dignified manner and get the truth out. Follow your gut insticts, there's a reason you have them. Good luck to you.
I happen to agree with Rockdrummer and Cheri on this, they say pretty much what I was going to say, so I'm not going to repeat :)
Heath said:
When I was younger , There were alots of my friends getting married. I found out it was much better to not visit married couples and to only come by invitation also if I needed to see a friend and she is married. I would just wait until she is with her husband that way prevent problems. I never go to a married couple's house then push the doorbell when I know her husband is not home to chat. I did this by accident and not on purpose but I got a beating from him anyway even though I was innocent. I never enter the house to chat with her. I will just stand on the porch then say I will come back later when her husband is home and leave , never enter the house when the husband is not present. I also think it is inappropriate for a married couple to be giving out e-mail addresses except to their families and work related jobs and only 1 or two friends. The rest of friends would have to meet at Deaf social club that way there are less problems. I learned this the hard way and Ever since I have not had anymore problems due to following this policy that I had to learn through hard experience. Things change alots when single friends find that their friends are getting married then they start a family and are very busy, focused with their kids and hardly have any more time for single friends. Contacting friends through e-mail when they are dating boyfriend/girlfriend or engagned or are married are not a good idea. Best for e-mails to be only for their families, work and maybe 1 or 2 friends. That is it. I find it a really good policy and much more safer for all concerned.
Cheri said:
Amen! I see nothing wrong with talking to someone outside of the marriage, if the marriage isn't working any more where there is no communication, there are times it just die out, Where can you go to get advice? a confide in a friend would do it, doesn't matter if a friend is a female or male, as long that friend can understands "you" while the wife or husband doesn't understand.

I believe that talking to someone from online, emailing, aims does not consider Adultery, it would consider Adultery if a spouse went out and had the affair. ;)
very true and good posting!
Well, I have that experince! ugh. its not a pretty view but to answer your question..
its really not phsycially adultery but yes its emotional adultery. I know it is just a word but the husband should have say "excuse me this is not apporiate issuse to talk about because i love my wife very much" then it proves how much he truly respect and love his wife. you know..
i know some of my friends said it is just a word.. yes i agree it is a word but sometimes words can be really powerful and it do cause some harms... soo.. i would say its more of emotional adultery not phsycially.. hope that helps? heh
GalaxyAngel said:
adultery vs CHEATER!!!

If you're in relationship as gf/bf seriouis... if you went another woman or man wha..ever unless you touch their bodies.. that called "AFFAIR as same CHEATER" Destory trust in the relationship will come worst.. as simalir marriage mutal.. but not "marriage" as conidser.

Common Law: Yes sort of marriage simlair actually can be called Affair but not sure sort of adultery... Perhaps can be break boundary due children seprate w/Mom or Dad side... Long haul battle and ain't fun as same marriage too.

Yes that called "adultery" if you went another woman or man.. still count Adultery" Possible can save your marriage but depends person have very senstive want contuine divorce due you become adultery... their decison made "what the best interest for children's safety future may look up the FATHER OR MOTHER'S ROLE" Up to the court decision... Marriage can be easily sunk in the wreckage!

Your choice... decision and wise!

If you're single... want have sex someone who have marry man/woman.. but STILL you're part of responbile damage their marriage... can be pain your guts and eat up your somatch..."feeling insints" Your choice!

I agree! :)
Gemtun said:
I call it as " crossing over boundary lines " does not reek of adultery just yet but it clearly shows that both persons are crossing boundary lines and not respecting respective spouses' privacy or wishes, etc.

Crossing over boundary lines will lead to problems, whether it becomes adultery or just violation of privacy.
I agree with Gemtun here.
Well, there's a difference between cheating and friendship. I would not cheat on my fiancee, event though most of my friends are women. I always inform her of everything, I always introduce her to them, and I would never go see them without bringing my fiancee along. ;)
If that happened, I would start getting suspicious... But, it would not be considered "adultry" yet. The act of sex with another person other than your spouse would be "adultry", but NOT the act of private, hidden conversations.

Still, if that were to happen to me, I would probably start getting very upset and worried. I would hope that if I told my husband how I felt, and why I felt that way, he would understand and not have these private conversations with someone who is no onlger my friend.
Not to sound horrible, but I'll explain shortly. You're all three wrong.

1) You're husband should not keep that he has been talking to your friend from you.

2) You're friend should not keep that she has been talking to your husband from you.

3) You should not not forbid them from talking, it will only aggrevate things, and it's their right as people to do. Would it be any different if he was talking to a male friend of yours?

Best course of action is to be more honest with each other. Don't try and control you're husband, end of the day he's his own person. And I am aware that there is a degree of ownership of each oter from marriage, but at the end of the day. If you can't trust each other, whats the point?
satyromaniac said:
Not to sound horrible, but I'll explain shortly. You're all three wrong.

1) You're husband should not keep that he has been talking to your friend from you.

2) You're friend should not keep that she has been talking to your husband from you.

3) You should not not forbid them from talking, it will only aggrevate things, and it's their right as people to do. Would it be any different if he was talking to a male friend of yours?

Best course of action is to be more honest with each other. Don't try and control you're husband, end of the day he's his own person. And I am aware that there is a degree of ownership of each oter from marriage, but at the end of the day. If you can't trust each other, whats the point?
i can really say that I do aboustely agree with you on this one. Point taken! :)
No, I don't think it sounds like adultery, but I believe in husband and wife communication with each other. That's trust in each other. If there is a communication problem with husband and wife, then the problem should be addressed via counseling or pastor help because this is between husband and wife. I think husband and wife should work on communicating with each other.

It's okay to talk to friends that you trust or your family member about an issue that you need help with, but it's not okay to blab on and on with that person that isn't your wife/husband without resolving the issues between husband and wife. Husband and wife are not to be strangers to each other and have communication discomfort. Friends should respect husband/wife when asked to stop e-mailing private issues. I think it's embarrassing the wife/husband.
Oh well... chat on aim or emails on sly... i would not call it adultery..My good friend had caught her husband chatting with a female all the times during the night..... so she threw him out.. called it internet affairs.. sure enough her husband went to that female he had been chatted with for long while.. he still is with her... my friend got a divorce called it internet adultery...

SxyPorkie :dunno:
is it adultry

I would call it BALONEY! That is just a perfect excuse. He should always confide in his wife first and only, period. I dont buy it that he should be confiding in a female friend about their marriage problems. It should be between husband and wife, period or it will fail due to trust issues.

If he is genuinely concerned about his spouse, he could have suggested counseling. There is no point of getting a personal friend involved. It will only ruin trust issues, etc.

The bad news out of this I been in this exactly position twice in one year , 3 years ago. My husband was communicating back and from to a woman who moved to the states. The words were very touch and personal. Things he never used around here. SUch as what is your favorite rose, or what a ring you like etc....

I have took those emails back and from to the computer and print them and showed them to the lawyer. YES IT IS ADULTRY with out sex. Even though he or she may claim there was no sex involved . So there is a 3 rd party involved.

WHat goes inside of the house is not of people business for those are outside of the house. It is very very difficult to forgive and forget. per experiences myself.

GOOD LUCK what every you think it iis.....
I want to challenge with you...

Supposed if your female friend is emailing your husband and they have been talking about issues...and your husband hasn't informed you about his conversation with female friend through emailing...later, you find out and read their emails....(or male friend emailing your wife)

Also, you keep telling your female friend to stop emailing your husband but she refused and keeps emailing your husband....

And...if you are having problem with your female do you feel when she forward your emails to your husband? like big mouth telling your husband on you? you tell her to stop it and she keeps doing it....

How do you feel about this?

Do you think that is called, "adultry"?

Do you think it is inappropriate for your husband not telling you about his emailing to female friend?

I personally believe it is inappropriate for me or any singles to chat or email to spouse's husbands...because it could lead into adultry! I am very careful whom I chat or email with...I dont fool around with married men!

Let's discuss about bashing or putting anyone down...thanks!

Yes I think it is "adultry". He has aloud someone in to your bedroom in a differnet way. Not to be preachie,but bible Matthew 5:27,28 says that if you think it you have already committed adultry.

This woman is not your freind! She is foward the emails to drive a deeper wedge between you and your husband. A real freind would not think of doing a thing like that.

As for your husband, if you already have not done it, I would be talking to MISTER because what that is saying by what I have read, she is not the first.

Maybe you can find out what the problem is and try to fix it. What you hear will hurt but at least you will know what you are dealing with.

Hugs because I know this is painful. :hug:
The truth of the matter is. We are commiting adultry everyday. It also say it that verse "anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already commited adultry with her in his heart"

Yes I think it is "adultry". He has aloud someone in to your bedroom in a differnet way. Not to be preachie,but bible Matthew 5:27,28 says that if you think it you have already committed adultry.

This woman is not your freind! She is foward the emails to drive a deeper wedge between you and your husband. A real freind would not think of doing a thing like that.

As for your husband, if you already have not done it, I would be talking to MISTER because what that is saying by what I have read, she is not the first.

Maybe you can find out what the problem is and try to fix it. What you hear will hurt but at least you will know what you are dealing with.

Hugs because I know this is painful. :hug: