Is Islam a Threat?

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Teresh said:
The Torah (and the rest of the Tanakh) is not the entirety of Jewish scripture. There is also the Talmud, the Midrash, the Responsa, the Mishneh Torah, the Shulkhan Arukh and others. Judaism didn't end with the completion of the Tanakh.

That's the Christian interpretation, though it's not sufficiently grounded in traditional Jewish teaching.

That's pretty much the Jewish idea of salvation, yeah.

This is a theological difference, but I don't believe Jesus "came down from Heaven" anymore than any other previously nonexistant person comes from heaven.

No, that is the Christian belief. In Judaism, the Messiah is something entirely different from what Jesus was.

Knowledge isn't sufficient in and of itself, but it's nonetheless important and not to be ignored.
Remember, christians belief doesn't grounded in SOME jewish teaching. Not all. Bec all of the jewish has disagreements. And divided and argumentive about Jesus is a Mesiah or not and seeing why it isn't fulfilled or met the prophet as some jewish see the point of who Jesus. It isn't the whole jewish.
Reba, thank you for you explanation of being born again. I understand some of the history, like with John 3:1-5 and Charles Colson's role in the propagation of the born again concept in America post-1960s. It is, however, helpful that you provided me with a clearer illustration of what it means to you.

Another question ... would you say many American Christians are really born again? Or few?

Off point -- I have a quick question about the "boi" in your name. Do you mean to express that you are gay? Or that you are androgynous? Or what?
Endymion said:

Off point -- I have a quick question about the "boi" in your name. Do you mean to express that you are gay? Or that you are androgynous? Or what?
Well, I changed my sn on aim as christlovedeaf and want the same on this, well, this is struggle issue here, I'm a strong believer of Jesus Christ, and I'm in warfare of gay lifestyle and I m very strong disagree gay beliefs and I'm not supportive gay marriage and I do not believe God made me that way or I was born that way and what I did always be gay, I don't believe in that. I strongly believe gay is a sin and He has enable me to deal I face, I'm still in the flesh, but praise God this flesh won't be long and I don't have to worry about this stinky flesh. Hehehehe
hottiedeafboi said:
Well, I changed my sn on aim as christlovedeaf and want the same on this, well, this is struggle issue here, I'm a strong believer of Jesus Christ, and I'm in warfare of gay lifestyle and I m very strong disagree gay beliefs and I'm not supportive gay marriage and I do not believe God made me that way or I was born that way and what I did always be gay, I don't believe in that. I strongly believe gay is a sin and He has enable me to deal I face, I'm still in the flesh, but praise God this flesh won't be long and I don't have to worry about this stinky flesh. Hehehehe

Makes sense. So is it a challenge to change yourself to a point where you can be wholly straight? If it makes you happy, then I'm glad for you. I think what's most important is that we're all happy, regardless of who we are.
Endymion said:
Makes sense. So is it a challenge to change yourself to a point where you can be wholly straight? If it makes you happy, then I'm glad for you. I think what's most important is that we're all happy, regardless of who we are.
Yeah, not just being happy, but also the joy I have. Well, about wholly straight, its a growing process or I say healing process. When I was growing thru very dark times of all kinds, and I know some here knew me personally what I have gone thru. Before all of this happening, I told the Lord, if I'm in danger zone, I want You to bother me and He did. As of this point is where I'm on the healing process. He begin to reveal of deep inside of me and allow me to go thru the "fire" to enable me to become more like Him as long if I'm stand firm in my faith, sure, I will fall and make mistake along the way, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I continue to strive toward the finishing line. Love the poular phrase in the old days, God isn't finish with me yet. I face challenging everyday. And ask God what I go wrong and stuff. That's why the more I rely on Him, I stand firm. Smile and again, I am happy and do have joy in God of my Father of my Lord Jesus Christ. Smile
The claim that the name Allah stems from a preceding pagan moon god is an interesting argument if it is isolated. Would one say, however, that this argument does not stand very well because the Christians have done similar things?

The fact that Jesus' birthday was changed to match that of Mithra of the Cult of Mithra is well known. The argument for this is that Christians were trying to mitigate conversion. Christianity has other pagan traits that were likely influenced by that process and similar ones.

Should Allah be any different? Should Allah, for example, not be called such despite the presence of religious competitors and the difficulty of a conversion process? Here's another thought to chew on: Arab Christians use Allah to describe God.
Endymion said:
The claim that the name Allah stems from a preceding pagan moon god is an interesting argument if it is isolated. Would one say, however, that this argument does not stand very well because the Christians have done similar things?

The fact that Jesus' birthday was changed to match that of Mithra of the Cult of Mithra is well known. The argument for this is that Christians were trying to mitigate conversion. Christianity has other pagan traits that were likely influenced by that process and similar ones.

Should Allah be any different? Should Allah, for example, not be called such despite the presence of religious competitors and the difficulty of a conversion process? Here's another thought to chew on: Arab Christians use Allah to describe God.

I dunno if you happened to see the etymology I presented for both the Arabic, Hebrew, and Phoenician/Canaanite terms for God? They all share the same root. I have that one on good authority from someone well-educated on the Arabic language.
Rose Immortal said:
I dunno if you happened to see the etymology I presented for both the Arabic, Hebrew, and Phoenician/Canaanite terms for God? They all share the same root. I have that one on good authority from someone well-educated on the Arabic language.

Read it. Thought it was a great piece too!

And I still think you're evil. ;)
If I'm in islamic world, I would've be hanged or beheaded. Like christmas on dec 25th, is not when Jesus was born. Did you know few months ago, both in the early 20s, two guys were involved in homosexual relationship and they were hanged.
hottiedeafboi said:
Well, I changed my sn on aim as christlovedeaf and want the same on this, well, this is struggle issue here, I'm a strong believer of Jesus Christ, and I'm in warfare of gay lifestyle and I m very strong disagree gay beliefs and I'm not supportive gay marriage and I do not believe God made me that way or I was born that way and what I did always be gay, I don't believe in that. I strongly believe gay is a sin and He has enable me to deal I face, I'm still in the flesh, but praise God this flesh won't be long and I don't have to worry about this stinky flesh. Hehehehe

Wait a minute, weren't you married?

If you don't think you were "born" gay, what made you gay in the first place? I am curious.

And you're trying to be straight for the Lord?
Teresh : I'm female.

Then you're not a Christian. You've just denied that you worship God. Does that not make you ?

Yes, I am a Christian. I worship Jesus Christ, the ONE and ONLY God..... and, nothin' else. IF, you believe in all the names of one god such as Allah, Mohammed and others... then, you are a " whore " for bein' adultery with many religions.

You're mistaken. I don't have to convince you of the fact that you are mistaken though. Indeed, you are content in your ignorance, so I would be unable to do so anyway.

No, I am not mistaken and ignorance. You don't know my experiences with God in the past when I first found Jesus Christ in my life. You were not there to witness my experiences. It's too bad that you don't have ANY experience with God yourself. You don't experience Him personally.

I don't have a problem with your beliefs, I have a problem with the fact that you disrespect Muslims and disrpect God. If you're really a Christian, heck, if you're even really a Theist, stop denying the existence of God. If you deny God, and yet claim to have theistic beliefs, you're just lying to yourself.

Disrespect ? :ugh: THAT's their beliefs, not mine. I always believe that God exists. If, you don't have a problem with my beliefs, then you wouldn't insult me or accuse me sayin' that I am not a Christian or denyin' the existence of God. I am tellin' you that your beliefs is way, way DIFFERENT than mine and I don't insult you or accuse you in any way. It's just that I don't believe in what you believe in respectfully. And, of course, I still believe that Allah is a MOON-GOD they worship, not same as my God spiritually. I also believe that there's the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father all are workin' in ONE accordance. God is NOT a " thing ". He is the REAL LIVING Person in spirit.

Mohammed is a prophet in Islam, not God.

Mohammed is a false prophet. Just like Jesus warned about " anti-christ" in His Name. It's a vain of Mohammed to be a prophet.
So you feel that you have the authority from God to determine what GOD, the Absolute Authority in the universe, believes in? Wow. I bet you think you're God Incarnate too.

Wow ? You don't make sense. Jesus Christ is the Authority of all. HE was the ONE who DIED for ME. HE was the ONE who PURCHASED ME with His BLOOD. ALLAH - the Moon God DON'T died for me. It don't give me the life. Mohammed don't DIED for me, either. None of them are the Creator, except Jesus Christ Himself.

That's your naivete speaking. Muslims believe in Jesus, if you didn't know. Muslims regard both Hebrew and Christian scripture as canon and the Word of God.

You are contradictin' yourself with many conflict words to miggle all around. You don't know Jesus Christ personally nor to experience Him personally to understand without makin' accusation/insult. Muslims use Koran, not the Holy Bible. One day, you will be tremblin' at the Feet of God when you stand facin'. His Word will fly straight at your heart and it will split your soul in HALF to reveal WHO you really are.

You worship statues of Jesus, crucifixes, crosses, whatever. What's your point?

FYI, I don't have the statues of Jesus here with me...neither the crucifixes or crosses. Nada. Wanna me to spell somethin' out for you ? Okay, the word I will spell for ya. It's F A I T H. Just faith... simple said, simple done.

It's spelled Brahma.

Mormons worship Jesus.

Mormons' doctrines are entirely different, too. And, I don't believe in their doctrines as well.

Sorry, but I'm a monotheist. I don't believe that there is a Satan because I believe in only one God. If you want to believe there is a such thing as a God of Evil, fine, go ahead, but don't claim to be a monotheist.

I sure can. If you don't worship their God, you don't worship your own God. Thus, you are not a practicioner of your own religion. That's both irrational and nonsensical, so why don't you just accept that God exists and that Allah is simply another name for God? Your other option is to reject your faith and that's fine too. Pick one or the other, but your current way of living, claiming to be a Christian but denying the existence of God is hypocritical and illogical.

I just already said it all.

Muslims feel the same for God as you do.

Feel ? No. They MUST feel their own god by seein' the moon. I don't. Faith is somethin' that you don't SEE and KNOW that God is there.

Most of the major religions don't have idols... Idolatry is by and large disappearing.

You don't have to agree with me, you just have to stop living a lie.

Lie ? How would I lie ? I believe in Jesus Christ that He is really the Son of God and He is God. I don't lie about Him. He is the Truth, The Way and The Life.

The fact that you deny God does not make you right... Like CyberRed, actually, it makes you a liar to yourself.

So where does Adonai fit in there? Elohim? El? YHVH? Ein Sof?
CyberRed said:
Yes, I am a Christian. I worship Jesus Christ, the ONE and ONLY God..... and, nothin' else. IF, you believe in all the names of one god such as Allah, Mohammed and others... then, you are a " whore " for bein' adultery with many religions.

Allah = YHVH

Unless Jesus is a different god, the truth of that statement eliminates any argument you may have that Allah is not the same God. Mohammed, however, is not considered a god by Islam or by anyone.

CyberRed said:
No, I am not mistaken and ignorance. You don't know my experiences with God in the past when I first found Jesus Christ in my life. You were not there to witness my experiences. It's too bad that you don't have ANY experience with God yourself. You don't experience Him personally.

No, I don't know you're experience. The fact, though, is that your experiences regardless, you've stated that Allah is not the same God you worship, something which is simply not true.

I experience God constantly during the day, what gave you the idea that I don't? Just because I'm not a Christian doesn't mean I don't have a relationship with the Divine.

CyberRed said:
If, you don't have a problem with my beliefs, then you wouldn't insult me or accuse me sayin' that I am not a Christian or denyin' the existence of God.

Calling your bluff isn't "insulting". Criticising your claim of being a Christian and yet your unbelief in God is not "insulting".

CyberRed said:
I am tellin' you that your beliefs is way, way DIFFERENT than mine and I don't insult you or accuse you in any way.

You don't insult me? You audaciously claimed earlier in your post that "It's too bad that you don't have ANY experience with God yourself. You don't experience Him personally." I do have a relationship with God, so your claim is ridiculous.

CyberRed said:
It's just that I don't believe in what you believe in respectfully. And, of course, I still believe that Allah is a MOON-GOD they worship, not same as my God spiritually.

There are some beliefs in which one can be mistaken. This is one of them. Muslims worship the same God as you do. If you can't accept that, then you're an atheist and that's all there is to it.

CyberRed said:
Mohammed is a false prophet. Just like Jesus warned about " anti-christ" in His Name. It's a vain of Mohammed to be a prophet.

Just like several Jewish prophets claimed that there would be false prophets. Just because you don't believe Mohammed is a prophet is not an excuse to claim erroneously that he is worshipped or that Allah is not God.

CyberRed said:
Wow ? You don't make sense. Jesus Christ is the Authority of all. HE was the ONE who DIED for ME. HE was the ONE who PURCHASED ME with His BLOOD.

Um... That's kind of gross.

CyberRed said:
ALLAH - the Moon God DON'T died for me. It don't give me the life. Mohammed don't DIED for me, either. None of them are the Creator, except Jesus Christ Himself.

Allah is God. God cannot die because God is eternal. To claim that God has the capacity of death is completely absurd as that would decrease God's power and authority. Mohammed is a prophet.

CyberRed said:
You are contradictin' yourself with many conflict words to miggle all around. You don't know Jesus Christ personally nor to experience Him personally to understand without makin' accusation/insult.

I haven't contradicted myself even once. You are just blind to the truth.

CyberRed said:
Muslims use Koran, not the Holy Bible. One day, you will be tremblin' at the Feet of God when you stand facin'. His Word will fly straight at your heart and it will split your soul in HALF to reveal WHO you really are.

Actually, Muslims use both. The fact that you don't understand that just shows how ignorant you are of the subject.

CyberRed said:
Mormons' doctrines are entirely different, too. And, I don't believe in their doctrines as well.

No one is requiring you to accept Mormonism, just to acknowledge that they worship the same God.

CyberRed said:
Feel ? No. They MUST feel their own god by seein' the moon. I don't. Faith is somethin' that you don't SEE and KNOW that God is there.

Then you really don't understand Islam. Muslims do not worship the moon.

CyberRed said:
Lie ? How would I lie ? I believe in Jesus Christ that He is really the Son of God and He is God. I don't lie about Him. He is the Truth, The Way and The Life.

You lying here and in this thread by claiming something that isn't true, that you worship a different God than everyone else. There is only one God, so that claim is invalid.

And you conspicuously chose to ignore this: So where does Adonai fit in there? Elohim? El? YHVH? Ein Sof? Care to respond?
Well, every Religions beleive in God and Jesus. Yes, they worship on same God and Jesus but they are being influence by different bibles. The bibles are the mainly problem who lead people battle. Example: Muslims beleives their "Bible" is true than all other bibles of different beliefs but Christians beleive that their Bible is word of God - other bibles are false etc.

What should I say? Nothing but neutral and respect every beliefs. I only beleive what I see myself... is AUTHOR of different Religions who writes the bibles in different way.
netrox said:
Wait a minute, weren't you married?

If you don't think you were "born" gay, what made you gay in the first place? I am curious.

And you're trying to be straight for the Lord?
Yes I was married, and have 2 wonderful daughters. No, I want born gay, when I was around ten, something has change after some of my firends and I what I learned from older guys at school has lotta dirty signs which I don't know what that mean and show each others prvt part to compete who has bigger size and all other "male". During my teen I was struggling by the feeling about guys and always know it is wrong. I wasn't raise with close dad, but verbally abused by him and feel rejecting, not gay thing, its no compliment from him. Then when I gave my life to Christ, thought I finally was free, but didn't relize, still will have temptation. Bec been explained in the Scripture who I am and the why/ I met a girl and got married, I does everything possible to get thru to my wife, what destroyed our intimate relationship is her mom, very serely dominate our marriage. That when my sense of her mom presence in my wife which caused me struggle to ignore my uncomfortable feeling and drawn us apart. Yes, my wife knew I was struggling with my feelings. Our major arguments is about her mom. She got punished by her mom and criticize and many thing that been going on. My girls now know who I was. As of now, my exwife and I still in contact secretly, bec if she get caught by her parents by keep in touch with me, she will get punished. Even tho, this is off topic. But that is why, the way I experience and knowing the pproof that gay is matter of choice and its psychological. And you ask if I try to be straight, the answer is no. I give up myself to the Lord and lately, I see what was my problem why I failed and there so much I learned from that, and noone in human can tell me even what I hear what some churches did and treat people like me going thru. I face all kinds, even, I react wrong and jump in without thinking and the pain I was going thru, I tell you its very very dark time I ve been going thru. Lately things I giving myself and taking devotional and also solitude everyday of my life, I see the work of the Lord. Like I said, I'm not healed, but in process and also molding, it isn't me, but the Lord. Some here in AD knew me very well and have seen what I have been going thru and some heard thru gossipping, and didn't know what's really going on and even forgot about my ex wifes mom bec knew my exwife always depend on her mom bec she's from wealthy family, I'm more as relationshipp than wealth, wealthy is good, but no relationship and very high rate by being wealthy is destroying relationshipp. My ex is only deaf in the family, that's why controlling. There is so much the way of mortgage and tax and all of that I don't learned, bec I was frustrated, bec that's btwn me and my wife, but instead her mom do for us, that's what my ex wife rely on and there is so much there. You know what? I forgive them regard, but do they forgive me(not include my wife) forgive me, no. Why? Bec I keep fighting trying to have a family of our own, and that's why I found someone, bec I felt like I'm a doormat or dirt. But being with someone else give me an excuse? No. It is very struggling and painful experience I've been going thru. But I don't give up. Only thing I give up is me and give all myself to the Lord and learn His way. And still learning. Yes, I fall along the way, but like I said, I keepp running toward my goal by arriving my finish line. It is a life changing, do I still feel tempting? Of course, I will always till Lord called me Home, bec my body hasn't yet glorified, I'm still in the flesh.
Hehehehe CORRECTION: the S wasn't filled in, must not press hard of enough, by my saying I want born gay, it should be I wasn't born gay. Oopsy boopsy. Smile
hottiedeafboi said:
Hehehehe CORRECTION: the S wasn't filled in, must not press hard of enough, by my saying I want born gay, it should be I wasn't born gay. Oopsy boopsy. Smile

Aw... very understandable ! :hug: That's keyboard. :D
Endymion said:
Read it. Thought it was a great piece too!

And I still think you're evil. ;)

Thought you'd enjoy it. It was just funny how someone passed that fact along at random on the same day I needed it!

And :P ;)
Honestly, hottieboi, you should just tell her mother to back off. Your ex-wife married you for worse or better, richer or poorer.

Did you have a wedding? Or did you elope?

As for your psycho-sexual expereinces, most straight guys have done that and never turned gay from those expereinces and you want to blame yours on that experience? Don't you think its possible that phase is what made you realize you like guys a lot, not because they made you gay?
netrox said:
Honestly, hottieboi, you should just tell her mother to back off. Your ex-wife married you for worse or better, richer or poorer.

Did you have a wedding? Or did you elope?

As for your psycho-sexual expereinces, most straight guys have done that and never turned gay from those expereinces and you want to blame yours on that experience? Don't you think its possible that phase is what made you realize you like guys a lot, not because they made you gay?
That's a very good questions you ask and ppointer. I have those questios myself. About mom in laws, my ex has confusion state, bec at first my exwife was so angry and uppset and stuff, which I thought its just a start and will be the changes later, but didn't when her mom persist and her stubborness which drove me to got mad at her(mom in law). And my ex still hold her love of her mom, but the love she got confuse of and she got angry at me and since its constant I threw her moms pic in the trash and thru the years many time I didnot aware of. All my ex wifes fear is losing riches and big house. That's what gotten me frustrated and relationshipp and uncomfortable feeling be sensing feeling presence of her mom in her. My oldest daughter very bittered against that grandmother and now my daughter is in punished bec calling my daughter trouble child. Its horrific expperience in that. My daughters loves me to death bec how I raised and show my love toward them and can't stand seeing me ongoing hurt by mistreating and lies. And also, you are right some guys expperience same way doesn't mean they will be the same as mine. Each has differences. Hehehe I heard the phrae it just a phase. But it depend how you look at. I know you will be different beliefs as I have. When God established marriage man and a woman. Marriage is a serious things and should be well taking care of and sex should be ppure. There are something that spouses should be examine themselves. Men and women are different. Spouses must work together and yes, there will be disagreements. As a sexual issues, anyone who interferes will pay high consequences, bec that can be lead one of the spouse adultries, as I'm focus on that issues, tho there are other reasonings with something else. God does establish sex for marraige ppurpose and plus prevent us to have diseases, bec virgiinity broke and sleep around to many people and same sex and etc. Like my wife and I, its very hard to deal with and challenging. My wife fear to stand up. I like what Dr Phil said, if its your mom, it is your responsibility, if its your wife, that will be her responsibilty. ( that's about the husband love his mom and his wife, husband must make a choice either lover your wife or yoour mother). What people didn't get it, is by thought mean I love my wife and hate my mom or I love my hsband and hate my mom. Which is not true. Still love mom, but spouse is the key of the relationship. I always thought since I love to clean the house and doing gardening and thought women are like that which make wife easier, but it doesn't work that way, bec my wife hardly do much, bec her mom daily took over and even our dissolution of marriage is all the more of her mom controlling. Tho her mom kept thinking why noone understand her feelings, mom have every right to do so attitude. My mom shewed her out, and blamed her for ruining our marriage and fall back into gay relationship. My mom prayed for me which I thankful for. She is now with the Lord since she passed almost 2 yrs ago. I love her dearly, my kids love my mom more and evn my oldest shewed mom in law why don't you can't like grandmother like nanna (my mom), then she got upset and my father in law, beat the tarred out of my daughter. I was soo upset and she can't wait to graduate as she will be junior this fall bec she wants to live with me, bec she's going thru a lot of abuse pphysically and verbally. Many was amazed how tho I make mistakes, but not giving up and how I forgive them for what they did and why should I ask them to fogive me bec I didn't start that, my answer is its not who start it, forgiveness in genuine way makes the differ, yes they hate you lies and refuse to reconcile annd refuse to forgive, I said I leave it up to the altar and let God deal with that. Truthfully, it is healing process. But I'm doing ok and my girls will contact me if things go wrong and I strenthen them, bec I love them dearly
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