Is hearie more romantic than Ddeaf/Hhoh?

This question is rather odd for me to give a reasonable answer, is there a deaf romance rule that one needs to know?
They say that life is not a bed of roses, and so is love. Even dating, romance, love, and marriage are not perfect, so to speak. I don t think romance is over-rated. I think it the people who lose interest in the romance department.
I don't think romance is over rated,, even if a guy give me a cheesey gift I still would cherish it. It the thoughts that counts. I don't care if it was cheap or expensive gift as longs I know if a guy love me or crazy about me,, I would love it anyway no matter what. :aw:

I second that.
It doesn't matter which is the best hearing or deaf. Nobody are so perfect. IMO I like hearing man than deaf man for reason. I am comfortable with hearing. He really love me so much. He treated me very well. I don't care how much expensive or cheap gifts. It doesn't bother me.

At first dating we didn't get a present. Just go out of eat and chat to get know. Communication is the important. Be smart about date and relationship.