Is Club Freedom a scam?

Is Club Freedom a scam?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 12 18.8%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 12 18.8%

  • Total voters
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I vote YES.

I was being taught to not trust to book something in internet...
I am still a member of Quixtar. I am only order products on the line what I need. I did not attend any workshop or meeting like in MD, NC and Florida. It is very expensive to travel expense on flight, hotel, food and workshop.

For example, make up salon on your face as demonstration cost 100 dollars for the day. I did not attend most of those meetings or workshops because I can't afford it. My beloved husband is very fond of Quixtar. When he passed away, I was so furious and threw all the bourchards, etc.. away in the trash. His dreaming was retired earlier and together forever with me. His goal to be successful in the business with Quixtar.

The reason why I like Quixtar products because of no chemical in the soap to laundry on the clothes. It took me 6 months to use a little laundry soap which it saves me alot of money.
Neways Australia - Home Page

Some deaf aussie encouraged me to join this making money system called Neways. One of my deaf friends travel far and wide just for this workshop and meetings!! Also she said these tablets helps to cure her husband's asthma problem, better than Doctor's.

I don't have time for this.
Neways Australia - Home Page

Some deaf aussie encouraged me to join this making money system called Neways. One of my deaf friends travel far and wide just for this workshop and meetings!! Also she said these tablets helps to cure her husband's asthma problem, better than Doctor's.

I don't have time for this.

OMG I wouldn't trust getting that from someone... no dang way.. there was a woman from BC, Canada died from the medication she bought online without dr's note or anything... it's not approved by the health (what's the word they use??)... wow sadly how people can be so lame!!!! I guess some deafies want the fastest easiest way to earn money.. but life is not about taking the easy way out, you succeed when you work hard for it... it's pretty sad!!!
Got my diamond..and now 2 steps away from the 2nd diamond and the 2500. My friend who was above me cycled out 4 months ago and using her e-visa from CDT for food, gas, clothes, and whatnot while she uses her regular earnings to pay off debt. If it was a scam, she wouldn't have gotten the money? People said yes...scams do honor their promises which even confuses me more cuz I thought scams were people promising something but actually they take your money and run? My friend got what she promised so....:dunno:


???????already profile but turn out you said got diamond.????????
I never said anything about believing in Club Freedom, I'm just suggesting that everyone find it out themself what CF is about and I do not encourage everyone to go aslexpo to find out about CF but if they are curious about it and that's their choice to find it out themselves, not pushing them to believe in CF, okay...
I knows it's a SCAM, alright???
But Please Go to ASLexpo and ENJOY, there are alots of fun things to do there beside CF ...GOT IT ???
Geeze, lighten up Francis.... I was responding to your post. You seemed to imply that it was not a scam and it is so a scam. The mathmatical odds of you reaching the top are exponetionally impossible the more people that get involved in the scam. All anyone has to do is search google and you will find that people have been arrested not only because its a scam, but because its ILLEGAL.
Club Freedom is a SCAM - Your pyramid will collapse - They all eventually do

Come on people... WAKE UP - Club Freedom is nothing more that another illegal pyramid scheme despite their claims its not. Just read below the anatomy of a pyramid scheme and decide for yourself. There are additional links at the bottom with more information including how CF is targeting the deaf community. Don't waste your hard earned money on this. When (not if) your pyramid collapses, you will loose your money.


You have to pay a small sum to someone first. This is sometimes connected with a deal involving signing up with some kind of money e-mailing company or sometimes it's a matter of sending cash. You pay the money to Person1 on the list. The list has three (or more) people on it, and then you move everyone along the list by one, put your own name on the list, and wait for the money to come rolling in. The letter will tell you that this is a sure way for everyone to make a fortune, and the explanation seems convincing. After all, if you have been convinced by it and sent the money, others will, so sooner or later an increasingly large number of people will be paying YOU money. So, brilliant, eh?


Well, let's not knock an idea just because it promises to make a fortune. That would be ignorant, as there ARE ways to make a fortune, some of which have not been discovered. It pays to not be too sceptical! Also, with pyramid schemes, SOME people WILL make a fortune. So, what's wrong with pyramid schemes and why should you avoid them? The problem is the mathematics, which can be explained logically and the problem exposed. You don't need Advanced Level Exam mathematics to see this, but O-level helps. Part of the trouble is that the purveyors of pyramid schemes will try to distract you from the mathematical fault. Here, as clearly as can be explained, is the fault: For every person in the scheme who makes money, a preset number (n) will have to pay out money. For any level of the scheme, an ever-increasing next-level will be required. So, even though YOU might make money, sooner or later a lot of people will be sold a deal which will LOSE MONEY. So, you might make money, but others will lose. The problem is that it is very likely that this over-the-hill point has already occurred, so YOU will LOSE MONEY! If this sounds too complex to understand, a simpler explanation is this: As no money is being actually generated and it's just being moved about, there is no real money to be made, at least not long term, by everyone.

So, to sum it up, although a few people may get rich, the chances are it won't be you. Furthermore, whether you make money or not, a very large number of other people will lose money. It's a mathematical fact about the system.

The reason why pyramid schemes fool a lot of people into paying money into them is because, like the Impossible Triangle, it looks convincing from any angle. Most people aren't clever enough to suss out the whole picture and see the fundamental fault in it.

Pyramids schemes are illegal in some countries and not in some other countries, but it's largely irrelevant. People should be educated about the hazards and should not need to be protected by law against folly.

Pyramid schemes are sometimes disguised as MLM / Multi-Level Marketing, and often appear in the background as a sales method for a real product. So, when the whole thing collapses you may end up with a load of soap or some reports or some such thing; well it's better than nothing. However, for any scheme, you should check how much of it is about a real product and how much of it is just blather.

Also, when considering any testimonials, it's worth noting that these are likely to be TRUE. People really DO make money out of pyramid schemes. However, the same is true of gambling, there will be some winners who will have made a fortune on the gambling and be able to speak well of a MIRACLE, and yet you know that a lot of people will have lost and not said anything.

The fact is though, that you are extremely unlikely to make any money out of a pyramid scheme. The people who generally win are those who start the pyramid scheme in the first place. This is best avoided too, for various reasons!

Why do Pyramid Schemes Fail?

Pyramid schemes collapse when a few people drop out or refuse to pay, and new members are not recruited in their place. In order for a pyramid scheme to profit, there would have to be a never-ending supply of potential (and willing) participants. In reality, however, the supply of participants is limited, and each new level of participants has less chance of recruiting others and a greater chance of losing money.

Pyramid Schemes: What Are Pyramid Schemes and How Do They Work
Pyramid schemes
Illegal Pyramid Scheme Targeted At MD Deaf People « Mishka Zena

???????already profile but turn out you said got diamond.????????

Yea diamond. I am changed my views about CDT cuz my uncle who is a business consultant finally got back to me. I had emailed him before joining CDT to ask him for his advice but he never replied so I joined. He FINALLy replied a while ago and told me basically the same stuff rockdrummer said. geez..I totally forgot that I sent him an email last year. :giggle: Yep, I deserve the Darwin award. He said it is legal in Canada but not legal here..ok I learned my lesson. My first time experience joining anything and my friend who works in a law firm was the one who sent me all the legal stuff saying that it is legal so I posted it here. I got my $100 back from selling my diamond to a pawn shop here. Only got 2% of its value. is not worth all the hard work. I dont know about Club Freedom or Quixtar but after my experience with is more trouble than it is worth. OH well...I fell for it so I deserve a :slap:
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*coming in this thread* :zzz: should we :locked: this thread or keep on :blah: if so then let me do this! :iolol:
Club Freedom is fake and scam as the master, of, Vamprox, think of CF word. Vamprox don't think twice enough about the spell of words. Club Freedom word is misspelled to my job business. My job business is that word CF that spell together no space between two words CF. Together. plus add dot biz to CF. There are too many CF companies that people are confused about what CF is about that can tell scam or not. I use my common sense to be careful. I never believe on internet about CF. I know better. How I found out about CFBiz is that my friend in person told me about CF as serious business that I trusted better in my friend than online and the "deaf info" program with VP # on CF and Deaf population of taking job business seriously nonscam that grow real fast as happiness than the income in USA. It is job business that takes a lot of time in beginning and then it depend on enough friends for me to ask 2 to sign up after paying two hundred dollars. and then get 6 thousand dollars anytime. One time 6 thousand dollars could be a good profit than just ssi and ssd that people are so DEPRESSED to do anything. I'm still looking for 2 friends to sign up. that is a lot of job business to do. 2 friends will pay 200 dollars to CFbiz and I will see their nickname id under me in the TREE Root. Just like CHECKERS see friends below to sign forever pushing all of our ids to go cycle. That is all. GOOD LUCK and wish me GOOD LUCK. I have seen real money on one of deaf leader's vp of deaf info on 4 DEAF VPs on the deaf info are the leaders of CFBiz of 4USA regions. If u have questions, email to me once with via. Thanks WitnessYaLater instead of HearYaLater (DeafEarsNoMatterHearingAidsAin'tHearClearWordsAllTime Shrugs) Good Night Later :D
*coming in this thread* :zzz: should we :locked: this thread or keep on :blah: if so then let me do this! :iolol:


This is my thread to make...cuz I want to hear their opinions/discussions on Club Freedom so I might help or warn other deaf people if they should join or not. I not want to see deaf people feel hurt or upset by rip off.

It is my decision to lock this thread or not.

It is ur choice not to come here read more this thread, thanks.
Sorry that ur friends are victims...Can u prove me that it is a scam? So I will show a proof and warn them before they join. :ty:

My friends spent 200 apiece and they never heard anything from club freedom. I have heard some people from Gallaudet who got 2000 but I think it s more or hit and miss. LIke club freedom would give to maybe 50 percent of member while robbed the rest of member. To me , its smart business as club freedom would point out to other members who got $$ and blame vicitms that they dont get enough people to perform task under them.
It NOT SCAM!! I have more prooof pictures here. If you dont believe and still scam then I will report to Upline!! You didn't read it and stop listen story about scam. Your own eye read it!! I carefully read it and not scam!


You cannot read or need new pair of glasses look like ------->

You cannot read or need new pair of glasses look like ------->

Wow, that's funny!!!

Fuck to CF, they are fucking scam and please boycott from their website then get real job.
Wow, that's funny!!!

Fuck to CF, they are fucking scam and please boycott from their website then get real job.

Or just go to lottery and buy tixes. If you like to "risk" yourself , then lottery s best way to go.

Well I says it either both way but I don't know much about Club Freedom, but I sure will find it out myself when I see one, I will not says it's a scams or not, I just won't give a comments!
Of course I did says it's a scams, but right now I don't know if it is or not!

I can ask the Lawyer about this and see what she or he says about this!

Geeze, lighten up Francis.... I was responding to your post. You seemed to imply that it was not a scam and it is so a scam. The mathmatical odds of you reaching the top are exponetionally impossible the more people that get involved in the scam. All anyone has to do is search google and you will find that people have been arrested not only because its a scam, but because its ILLEGAL.
Well Well yourself PePe

Well I says it either both way but I don't know much about Club Freedom, but I sure will find it out myself when I see one, I will not says it's a scams or not, I just won't give a comments!
Of course I did says it's a scams, but right now I don't know if it is or not!

I can ask the Lawyer about this and see what she or he says about this!
For someone that is not sure you seem to express your opinion. The only difference between me and you is that I know it's a scam. There is no doubt in my mind and I truly feel sorry for those that have gotten involved in this. Like I said earlier, pyramid scams have been around forever. I'ts just a new twist on an old scam. It's a shame that the niave still get sucked into this kind of thing. Do your research and you will find out for yourself. I have provided links and valuable information in this thread. Just go back and read it and hopefully you will see right through this scam just as I and others have. Good luck!!
Everyone has the right to express their own OPINIONS...This is a FREE WORLD

Well why didn't someone do somethin' about it like closing down the Club Freedom or Pyramid or or or many other scams, why isn't this being stop right now...Don't feels sorry for me, cuz I haven't join the Club Freedom, do you understand ??? Anyway don't thinks I'm a man and I'm not ...I'm a woman who is a fan of PePe LePew, so well well yourself mister!!!

Don't tell me what to do by tellin' me to go back and read it, I'm not BLINDED by SCAMMERS, got that ???....I'm not what Stupid as Stupid Does or what Blind as Blind does!!!

Why isn't everyone hollerin' for the Government to stop the scams ?


For someone that is not sure you seem to express your opinion. The only difference between me and you is that I know it's a scam. There is no doubt in my mind and I truly feel sorry for those that have gotten involved in this. Like I said earlier, pyramid scams have been around forever. I'ts just a new twist on an old scam. It's a shame that the niave still get sucked into this kind of thing. Do your research and you will find out for yourself. I have provided links and valuable information in this thread. Just go back and read it and hopefully you will see right through this scam just as I and others have. Good luck!!
How does Ron Litherland keep getting away with destroying people's lives?


The "brains" behind Club Freedom is Mr Ron Litherland from the Gold Coast in Australia. He has a long history of preaching "Gods" word one minute and ripping the *** out of friends and other undeserving members of the community the next. His right hand man or (bumboy) as Ron calls him is Mr Ian Grice, someone that has been sucked into Ron's warped little world and can't get out. Though I am not sure to what their relationship outside of work involves????

He is leaving Australia for sunny Thailand this week to avoid paying taxes on the monies he has swindled out of all of us. I can only imagine what sort of other deviant and illegal activities he will be getting up to over there.

I bet his victims don't know about the land that he bought on the Gold Coast for a tidy sum of $3.5 million. Outrageous! People this is our money and we should be taking it back!

My mother in law approched him for a refund and was told that because she only had one leg he might consider giving her back half. He went on to tell her that it's not fair because he has to spend twice as much money on shoes than her.

People, this man is a complete animal and thief. We are all victims of his greed and arrogance.

I have retained a private investigator its worth doing something I reckon, has anyone else fallen prey to this sycophant? We need to band together and make this deviant, dishonest, money swindling bastard return our money!

If anyone else has info - please post, I will be updating as I find out more.

Well why didn't someone do somethin' about it like closing down the Club Freedom or Pyramid or or or many other scams, why isn't this being stop right now...Don't feels sorry for me, cuz I haven't join the Club Freedom, do you understand ??? Anyway don't thinks I'm a man and I'm not ...I'm a woman who is a fan of PePe LePew, so well well yourself mister!!!

Don't tell me what to do by tellin' me to go back and read it, I'm not BLINDED by SCAMMERS, got that ???....I'm not what Stupid as Stupid Does or what Blind as Blind does!!!

Why isn't everyone hollerin' for the Government to stop the scams ?

WOW!.. what you really need is some therapy. You clearly are a mean person who has issues. I was meerly trying to help. Whatever!! I guess its true what they say... There is a sucker born everyday.
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