Is ASL Music an Oxymoron?

Yes, we can put the lyrics or words into music, but that is not for us deafies. I enjoyed dancing with the Native American drums when they are singing their poetry songs about their spiritual feelings and their experience of what they have gone through in time of crisis. I danced around the circle of the Mother Earth ground feeling the drums pounding with rhythm and beats. I love the viberation and it make me happy even though I don't understand what they are singing about. Between the hearing and deaf people we all love our spiritual drums very much and we don't mind the loud sounds from the drums at all. We also love to be in the gathering meeting of family and friends and welcome new people to our traditional dances. May you all walk in beauty. (meaning you walk in peace). So make as much music as you want and still enjoy the viberation like boom boom through the feet and going up to your chest. WOW!
Just a quick add:
Last Saturday we went to a deaf club and the music was BLARING. We (my gal and I) struggled a great deal to balance the intense volume with our receptive skills in order to communicate with the deaf people. It was another revelation regarding how much the hearing rely on their ears ONLY. The volume was actually painful!!

Just a quick add:
Last Saturday we went to a deaf club and the music was BLARING. We (my gal and I) struggled a great deal to balance the intense volume with our receptive skills in order to communicate with the deaf people. It was another revelation regarding how much the hearing rely on their ears ONLY. The volume was actually painful!!


I think the music like metal music or noisy music is realllly loud and painful even with my hearing aid. Yeah, I can feel the viberation coming into my chest a lot and I think that noisy or metal music is a oxymoron and does not make any sense to the music. Is it? I don't know how hearing people can stand all that very painful loud music like that. :ugh3:
I think the music like metal music or noisy music is realllly loud and painful even with my hearing aid. Yeah, I can feel the viberation coming into my chest a lot and I think that noisy or metal music is a oxymoron and does not make any sense to the music. Is it? I don't know how hearing people can stand all that very painful loud music like that. :ugh3:

I understand what you are saying Bebonang. I come from a large family of musicians, and I have always perceived sound very kinesthetically. I feel sound in various parts of my body. Heavy metal music hit me int he chest and makes it feel like it is going to explode. I find it to be a very unpleasant feeling. But something like the Spiritual Drums to which you referred hit me lower in the abdoment, and pull me in rather that repel me like the feeling I get with heavy metal.
Amy's Vlog

What do you think?

I don't care about music so much. My (hearing) roommates play CDs a lot. They have played some loud for me - except big bass it is nothing to me. Sometimes one shows me "great lyrics". I don't know if they are "great", often just writing.

So I don't care about ASL music or "feeling" loud music so much also. I like knowing important music like National Anthem because everyone knows these. I have been to loud d/D clubs. My hearing sister and friends hated these, but the thump in the chest was just another part of the club environment. No problem for me without HAs.

All my family play music - piano, cello, violin. Some sing with choir also. My mom loves music and loved learning ASL songs. Maybe I have a thick brain but nothing special to me for ASL songs. "Song" is just a type of communication like "poem", "essay", or "research abstract". Maybe I don't understand because I don't hear enough music - just loud and bass, but much music seems like "a hearing thing". But my (hearing) roommate says I am too "leftbrain" :dunno2: