Interesting experience last night

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I wasn't trying to be rude, when I am rude, it is perfectly clear.

The whole point is Rain, Deaf people don't need hearing people. The mom didn't need me, why should I step in? I directed the employee to write on the board, like she had been before she figured out that I could hear.

I wasn't saying that, FJ. I'm saying that if anything the girl was probably more surprised at your response rather than her thinking it was a rude respose per se. Yours wasn't as far as I can tell.
no, buddy.. You got it wrong. I mentioned earlier you might wanna read FJ's other posts. Everytime she posts around here it is like, a walk through the valley of the shadow of death for her here. Serious.

This is the absolute truth!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard reading this :laugh2::laugh2:
Wirelessly posted

naisho said:
no, buddy.. You got it wrong. I mentioned earlier you might wanna read FJ's other posts. Everytime she posts around here it is like, a walk through the valley of the shadow of death for her here. Serious.

It's like a lone American pilot flying through MIG Valley with no support.
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I wasn't saying that, FJ. I'm saying that if anything the girl was probably more surprised at your response rather than her thinking it was a rude respose per se. Yours wasn't as far as I can tell.

She just seemed confused. She wasn't upset, and then she (rightfully) continued to communicate with the Deaf family for the rest of the party.
She just seemed confused. She wasn't upset, and then she (rightfully) continued to communicate with the Deaf family for the rest of the party.

Yay! Your action was the right one, rude or not. Some people are simply more sensitive on this one here for whatever reasons. I just shrug my shoulders, no biggie for me on that one.
People agree with me, for the simple reason that I was right! Believe me, I am sure that there are people on this board that LOATHE the fact that they have to agree with me on ANY point :giggle:

Oh my! I SO DISagree there! :laugh2: Regardless of what it is if we agree with you we'll tell you. If we don't agree with you we'll tell you that too.
Are you, like, purposely ignoring what I said or are you just not intelligent enough to understand

Keep telling yourself that.

I suppose this is similar to Galileo being told he's stupid and silly for suggesting the Earth was round, while everyone in the Roman Catholic Church celebrated their ubiquitous "we're never wrong" mentality

Why do you feel like you need to stoop to insulting me personally? You have called me rude, and now implied that I am stupid. Just because you disagree with me, there is no reason to be childish and make it personal.
Oh my! I SO DISagree there! :laugh2: Regardless of what it is if we agree with you we'll tell you. If we don't agree with you we'll tell you that too.

Oh yeah, no one here is afraid to tell me that I might be wrong! :giggle:
Would you prefer I roll my eyes and snicker? Oh wait that wouldn't be rude, that'd be "teaching you an important life lesson".

Would you prefer I roll my eyes and snicker? Oh wait that wouldn't be rude, that'd be "teaching you an important life lesson".


Do you really not get it? Seriously, are you that naive?
That wasn't rude that was teaching me a life lesson I'll never forget, my apologies for trying to destroy this forum and it's culture with my irrational idea of debating on a forum

Do you really not get it? Seriously, are you that naive?

Pot, meet kettle
That wasn't rude that was teaching me a life lesson I'll never forget, my apologies for trying to destroy this forum and it's culture with my irrational idea of debating on a forum

Pot, meet kettle

A little green around here are ya?
That wasn't rude that was teaching me a life lesson I'll never forget, my apologies for trying to destroy this forum and it's culture with my irrational idea of debating on a forum

Pot, meet kettle

"Its" has no apostrophe. It's like "his" "hers".............
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