Institutions for Deaf with problem social ??


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Hello !

I am student in France (sorry if there are errors in English here), I want become an educator.
I would like to work with deaf with difficult in social (example : girls prostitutes, people without home, children with problem family...)

Next year, I can go to foreign country to work for 2 months.

I want to work for deaf with problem social. (It not have in France).
I dream to help deaf in prison.
Is it have in Canada or in USA or in other country : institution works for deaf in prison ?

Or, I can meet young deaf on the street (without school or dont like to go or without idea for the future)...
Is it have a structure for them in Canada or in USA or in other country ?

Or any other institution for deaf with problem social in the world ??

Thank you for your reply (with website of institution and/or his address) !!!

Good night !!!

PS : I dont know where i must post this text, then I put here and in "Our world, our culture".
Hi Aurelie- there was a number of responses in the other thread including a few by me.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07