Instant Messaging

zesty said:
well i don't know if it is him cuz i know a guy named patrick driscoll.. so i am waiting for her to reply to my post.. he is hoh.. and bad news.. womanizer, you name it!! he had a crush on me.. but i kept BLOWING HIM OFF .. he finally gave up on me.. SHEESH!! :ugh:

he could have fooled me.. but i was smart enough! :giggle:

I don't know where he is from. He didn't look that muscular to me.
I use AOL, and as a general rule, my buddy list is blocked to all users. I use a "friend" list and will give certain people access to my buddy list. However, in order to chat with me, you must PM me first. Then, if i choose, I will add you to my buddy list. I have my AOL name listed, but only because I know that people can't automatically IM me.

I also have an MSN user name, but I am not shy about blocking people from my MSN. I have a webcam, but I only cam with people I know. Period!

Be careful, everyone. There's some real weirdos out there.
Ewwwww....Naked on a cam. That is disgusting. I don't understand why someone would do that. That, to me, would be so unattractive and disrespectful to a woman....unless I did it to zesty.
prostock19 said:
Ewwwww....Naked on a cam. That is disgusting. I don't understand why someone would do that. That, to me, would be so unattractive and disrespectful to a woman....unless I did it to zesty.

got the hots for me or something?? :dizzy: :giggle:
dawn said:
Just wanted to share. Earlier today I was online and my yahoo messenger wanted to know if it was ok that someone called patrickdriscoll66 could im me. I never heard of this person so I decided to let him and try to find out who he is. He kept asking me how old I am, which was the big tip off that he was up to no good. Well, I finally found out that he got my messenger name from this site. I'm not sure if he really was a deaf person or just making it up, but he is NOT a member of this site. I also had to suffer the indignity of him using his webcam to show me he was naked, all the while blowing kisses to me. Now, I'm sure I wouldn't mind speaking to quite a few of the people here, but this really crossed the line. I just want to warn other unsuspecting women and maybe some of the men, beware when patrickdriscoll comes calling! :barf:
Dawn, this ain't suprise me.. I do understood how you feeling that way..

Like Recently, I put my own statment already in:

ckfarbes said:
I don't mind that I give my sn of aim, others out to everyone on post ..Unfortunately I Rather not do that... Becuz, CUZ, cuz.. I dislike anonymouses who would annony me on aim, msn, yahoo, on and on without my space time.. anonymouses sometime ask me most ridiculious questions which I was not appericate that.. that's why I not rather to put my sn on this.. I give it to people (as such old skool, workers, relatives, friends on lists) only I know.... Some people could PM me by this alldeaf for good enough, is not it? :D
FROM Aim/yim
zesty said:
well i don't know if it is him cuz i know a guy named patrick driscoll.. so i am waiting for her to reply to my post.. he is hoh.. and bad news.. womanizer, you name it!! he had a crush on me.. but i kept BLOWING HIM OFF .. he finally gave up on me.. SHEESH!! :ugh:

he could have fooled me.. but i was smart enough! :giggle:
don't tell me that's the same guy who owns DM? :ugh:
OMG.. sheesh.. I got IM from that danganbit old jerk... but he had different sn that time.. its been like more than a year ago.. but his name was patrick driscoll... and same age as me.. :(

He is sicko.. Thank god.. I cancel his request to be on cam.. nothing new he has been doing that quite long time..

yes.. I was like.. :barf: and changed my preferences in AIM/Yahoo... pop ups request for webcam..

BUT since we got VP... :( some deafies/or hearies too are go too far crazy.. they go on naked.. and VP us.. we went on and plan to chat.. saw that person naked.. we go like wtf.. and turn off.. before kids see us or ticked us off..
got the number and notify VP.. GOSH!!!! whatever WEBCAM or VP or being on CAMERA.. it doesnt mean that you go on naked!!!.. :fu2: hehe
OMG...this is tooooo weird...I got an IM from him too at my MSN, he wanted to turn on his webcam too and I saw that he was shirtless. I don't know if there was more uncovered, but eeehhh...I made small, polite talk with him for a few minutes. He is from the same city and state I live in. He asked to view my webcam, and I refused. He asked if I am familiar with videophone, and wants me to meet him IN PERSON sometime next week so that he can give me a paper application for a free videophone.

Needless to say, I blocked and deleted him. No THANK YOU.

Also, like Oceanbreeze said - if anyone would like to correspond with me via IM's, I do have a couple of requests - those are simple really - first, please PM me and ask for my screen name...and secondly - please don't PM or IM me looking for anything other than friendship, or tasteful conversation. I am happily married and am not looking to "cyber" or to exchange lewd comments over the computer. :)
Patrick Driscoll from New Jersey? I don't believe so! If you'll google that name up and see what you come up with, LOL!

I have instant messengers (MSN/ICQ/Yahoo!/AIM) but the main reason I don't have them in my profile is that I don't have much times to talk to many people on-line.

I'm sorry that some of you ladies have to get bothered by people with sick minds like that.
ROFL> Katzie..

That time i didnt set my preferences right.. for while.. got advices from friends to check in preferences.. ahh..
all fixed.. havent been bothered by other sickos lately! ::Knock on wood:: lol
i did got Imed on yahoo from a guy but i dont know if its same guy or not... thank god i dont use yahoo that often! and he did asked me to get on webcam
i never replied to it cuz i got a funny feeling and after that he never imed me again. *shrugs* hope i never get to meet a guy like that :-/
I do get some IM from weirdos... I even don't accept if someone say "want see or do cam?"... only ones I talk I accept. There are some bots out there too ask you to view the porn too, I don't reply to bots. I sometimes go in yahoo chatroom, and if someone are very intresting then I will chat with that person. As for MSN and AOL, I haven't got IMed by weirdos.
That's why I set my instant message program on privacy so I don't have to deal with nuck futs. Although it never happened to me before, but I made sure that I'm one step ahead. :wiggle: