Inside - a poem by Kangaroo


New Member
Aug 13, 2003
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From the inside I cried, I longed to fit in,
To everyone around me, it seemed that I did.
No one had a clue how I felt within,
Or had any idea of the pain I hid.

Was I that different in this world of sound,
For deafness lies hidden inside.
My desire to belong at times so profound,
Were as strong my feelings to hide.

I’d nod, smile and mumble replies,
Hoped it answered what had just been said.
Having no choice but to hear through my eyes,
Getting it wrong just fills me with dread.

“You’re just one of us”, they would often say,
Tried convincing myself they were right.
Though deep down inside it wasn’t this way
I felt different as day is from night.

Why I continued this pretence I really don’t know,
Perhaps in a way it is wrong.
I’ve realised I’ve got to move forward and grow
Find my confidence and a way to be strong.

Now that I’m older I see life in a new way
My crying has lessened inside.
Being true to myself becomes easier each day,
My deafness no reason to hide.

Those who see themselves in these words,
Would know life is never set in stone.
No matter how tough or how absurd,
Just know you’re not quite alone.

You always made good Poems that I love Reading..I truely admire Your Poems, Keep Up the Good Work! :thumb:
:( ...that's how I feel sometimes!, Beautiful, Heartfelt Poem there Kangaroo! *clapping*
Oh my ..that hit me right on the spot. You expressed it all for me in words.

Do you mind if I copy that and give it to my family so they could understand a bit more about how I feel? Of course, I will give you credit for that :)
Meg said:
Do you mind if I copy that and give it to my family so they could understand a bit more about how I feel? Of course, I will give you credit for that :)

I just thought of that too , so my family would understand a bit MORE about how I feel!...
This is really good Kangaroo, looks very poetic and deep...I'm sure many of us can relate to this poem one way or times feeling 'alone' and unsure of ourselves or having others around 'us' make us feel less confidence within ourselves too...hopefully as we grow older, we become more wiser and more able to 'brush off' the little things and either confront them boldly or turn from it so it'll not bother us...this poem does speak in volumes of how many Deaf/Hoh individuals might go through in life....very superbly written!!! :thumb:
Thanks everyone who read in here and those who responded. I appreciate your kind words and am glad that some of you got something from it and can relate to it. Sorry its taken so long to get back here.

Angel and Meg, I hope you can copy it and use it as you asked... I'm honoured that it means something to you. Enjoy!!

Kangaroo :)