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Mar 30, 2008
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hi i am willow and i have been HOH all my life, i was diagonosed with a severe hearing loss in my left ear when i was 4 years old, when i was 16 i got my first hearing aid (i had finaly become old enough to overturn my hearing parents dicision that i was normal and wasent wearing no freakin hearing aid) good thing i did to as the hearing in my right ear begain to deteriorte(sp?) i am now 23 and the hearing in my right ear, that was near normal from the time of infancy, has now become severe, the docs say i will loose what is left of it and they dont know how/why, i am getting my 3rd hearing aid tomorow,(the one i am wearing is kuput) and i am trying to decide weather to simply attempt to improve my ASL skills or to get an implant as well when the time comes, i am also looking into a dog for the deaf as there are many sounds i dont hear at all now, and the dog would alert me to those souns, the reason i am trying to go the dog route and not equipment is that the gov well not pay for the equipment other then the hearing aid (i have tried relentlesly scince i was 17 to get them to pay for it) and i am on disability, and guide dogs are payed for by the lyons club for me this is the most sensable route to go, i relize this is turning into a novel so i well end this here.
tgc everyone

its my privigles, im not high enough up, i cant ban ppl, just kick them from chat, and i cant edit posts
Hmm... sounds like a different kind of site, where a chat room is used.

AllDeaf uses vBulletin. :)
:welcome: to AD!

U can do both! ASL and get an implant! I know so many implant users who are involved with both worlds. Doesnt have to be one or the other. Good luck!
if i do get the implant i well do both as with the implant its not a permafix, it only works when its on, and if like i normaly do i forget to keep bateries on me then ill have to fall back on the sign, thanks for the advice tho
Hi there!

:welcome: to AD!

My situation is actually very similar to yours, HOH for my whole life and now I am going deaf. I have a profound loss in both ears now, no high frequency hearing at all, only low frequencies at about 110db.

Also like you, I was trying to decide between a CI, brushing up my ASL, or both. I have decided to hold off on the CI for now though, I am a very good speech reader. I am also applying for a Hearing Ear Dog from the Lions Club.

I wish you the best of luck with all of these hard desicions and with your new hearing aid. I am also getting new hearing aids tomorrow!

As I said at the beginning, :welcome: to AD!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, willowbaby85. Just enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. I hope to see you around. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf.com
You will join it. Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!