I'm cold!!!


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
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When's the weather going to warm up again???
Come to Florida. We had our little cold snap of nights being in the 50's and days in the 70's. Now we are back to the 70's-80's.
I was walking around in T-shirts and a sweatpant in 25-35 degree F cabin for a couple of days. Not bad?

70's is like hot.
I'm cold any time the weather drops below 75 degrees :)

You should either find a sweet guy to cuddle you and keep you warm or move to the equator.

Send some cold my way. I am loving 60 degree weather but it's getting hot again :( I wish I lived further north than south Florida.
I was walking around in T-shirts and a sweatpant in 25-35 degree F cabin for a couple of days. Not bad?

70's is like hot.

Too cold for my blood. But I get cold all the time. Wear a big blue fuzzy at home. Not allowed to wear it to work. :(
No No Bott! Cold is BAD!

(so is too hot~ like FLORIDA with all it's gross bugs the size of my naked cats)

I just bought purple plaid mukluk slippers, that started at $26 but on sale and with a $10 gift card , I got for $5.

So I love cold, and I hope it stays cold long enough for me to get the use of my purple plaid mukluk slippers! (by Mudd)

I am wearing them now. :lol: