If you want the hearies to hear you, get involved, here is how! up to you!

Dreamchaser, is there a deadline that all of this to be done?

Actually, the sooner the better to email and just let them know that you are a voting block with issues. Maybe they will address some of the issues at the debates between the candidates.

November will be too late to actually get them to fight over your vote. You need to flood their desks, all of them, with a request for their attention. Not specific issues yet,, just general,, like say you are worried about education, but don't say why, cuz there is not room or time in one email.

What happens is that their staff will read the emails. They are looking for ways to kiss but to anyone that might get them votes right now. If they realize that they are all three fighting for your votes, they will try to outdo each other in helping you.

Just get the ball in their court by flooooooooding them with emails. Get hearies to write them too. It takes about fifty emails from the same coalition, or cause to get their attention at all. But you guys could honestly have a million emails on their desks in a week if you tried.

When they realize that there are so many voters out there that could swing the election their way, they will fight for your attention. So, my advice is to just start sending those emails,,, Today., and everyday until you get an answer. Hook up everyone you know to write and say,,, LISTEN TO THE DEAF COMMUNITY>

YOu need to get the web site up,,, ASAP,,, It will take a little time to get people's opinions on things, and to make people aware that there is such an effort under way. From there, it will begin to take on it's own unique life. You wil be surprised at how many good ideas are floating around in the Deaf community. At least get a list of the problems.

The Democratic convention is in August, but the fight for the nomination is really hot right now,, they don't want to get to the convention without a nominee,, Now is the best time to just start trickling those emails. I wrote one this morning, took about 5 minutes. I also called my state representative to get advice. They thought I was suggesting all the right things.. and they wished me luck...

So, start with emails,, NUMBER ONE priority. Get the web site up... and see what happens,, oh yeah,, most importantly,, let people know what you are doing so they can participate... Any forums you are in,, any friends or relatives,, whatever... This is not about one particular issue.. it is simply opening a door for conversation... While those emails are starting to hit their desks, you need to be ready to answer their questions about your desires. Get at least one person to investigate each issue,, like captioning,,, or BIBI or TC or whatever you want to bring up.. Work place problems??? I don't know... DEaf schools closing down??? I don't know,,,, This is your opportunity, and it will honor me to be able to help in any way that I can. I have my ASL class tonight, and I am going to give out the AD URL and let the other students know what we are doing... I know these guys for two years now... They all care and will send their own emails... :) THen I am going to address the other ASL classes, the lower ones, and tell them..

That is,,, if I have your blessing. :):) so let me know.. I don't want to do anything that you guys don't want. I am just here to offer whatever little talents that I have. I do have access to the hearing community and interpreters that will be interested, but I have no real access to the Deaf community,, cuz, my ears work,, I don't really qualify... :)

IF you set up an account to raise money for a delegation to go to meet with the reps, then I would love to donate... not much,, I am a starving student,, but whatever I can. If a million people donated a dollar, ,you would have money for advertising and whatever.. truly,,, that is exactly how politicians do it. :) YOu might also want to draft some petitions... Make each one about a different issue,,don't mix issues. Take your donations and send them out by mail, or float them at clubs or meeting places... There are lots of options to do for really cheap.. But today, ,you can all email... there is no excuse not to.
apathy is a dangerous thing. You might be suprised at what you may accomplish. Just look at all of the lobbiest's and the influence they have. Perhaps also pressing NAD to get involved would have some positive impact. Many great changes have come about begining with grass roots efforts such as this. If you sit on your hands then you can't complain. No offense intended.

NAD is already involved. I encourage everyone to also visit their website and take advantage of the links that allow you to send emails to politicians regarding all types of legislation that affects the deaf community.

Good post, RD!
How cool. Great idea about the videos. You can make your own.

BIBI= Bicultura-Biligual or sign and english with Deaf culture also being taught in mainstream schools.

What are your ideas on captioning? YOu could post discussions about whatever issues you all feel are important. The important thing is to open the dialogue with the senators. Once they recognize you as a community and voting block, they will be open to hear your issues as they come up over time.

Try to think of maybe three main issues that most people can agree on. The last thing you want to do is to take them a controversy without a majority.

IEPs are one issue. I hear that they are rarely written for the best interest of the student, and they are just trying to save money by not providing needed services.

Actually Jillio, and Shel90 are pretty well informed on these topics. They work in the eductational or psychological industries and have some very informed views of the problems.

There are so many well informed people on AD it is amazing that you haven't already organized something. But like I said, this is a prime opportunity because of the election.

The sad thing is that I am not the one to really do this because I am hearing, and I am probably not seen as somebody that knows what I am talking about,, which I don't. I am learning new stuff everyday. And the more I learn, the sicker it makes me. It is no wonder that most hearies don't get it. No one ever told me... HOw was I suppose to know. THe media makes it look like deaf issues are just fine.

I admire your persistence and passion, dreamchaser! Thanks for the info. You can be assured I will do my part and fulfill my obligation.
I admire your persistence and passion, dreamchaser! Thanks for the info. You can be assured I will do my part and fulfill my obligation.

You are an absolute Godsend Jillio. Forgive me for leaning on your expertise so much, but I think you are right about your education being a gift that you are meant to share. Thank you for all you have done and are doing.

One note about NAD,, they can't send a million emails to represent the vote. That is what will actually move a politician in an election year. NAD has to weigh in too, as well as any other Deaf organizations. There are a few months left to actually do something here. You need to get some commitments from these folks that they will sit down with you BEFORE they become president. After that, you may never really have access to them.

Unfortunately, NAD has to be careful with how hard they come down on an issue. They walk a fine line. But regular voters don't have to be afraid to RESPECTFULLY voice their opinion.

God Bless yall... :) Jeanie... Still chasin the dream for a better tomorrow for all. :)
bad web design.... I'm trying to think of simple design that will deliver message across the world. What it'll include are.... facts, arguments, awareness issues, few videos, links to coalition sites, injustice news regarding mistreatment of deaf people,......

if there's anybody out there who is a graphic/visual designer... please feel free to post your sample of this project!

Exactly right. That sounds wonderful. Once you get a framework started, you will find yourself dreaming up new ideas all day long.

This doesn't have to stop here. The point here is to let the politicians know that you represent votes. Once they get the idea that you are united, they will open the door for you in future conversations over time.

The politicians have raised so much money over the internet, and the whole campaign has been influenced by the ability to communicate and unite because of the internet. You have access to every Deaf brother and sister, woman, man and child right at your finger tips. This is a unique time in history. You don't have to be silent anymore,,, and you don't have to take any more trash. The thought of the new generation of deaf children being subjected to some of the garbage that has happened to the Deaf community is enough to break a person's heart. They just need to understand the issues. They don't need to hear from another lobbyist who is selling their audist stuff. They need to hear from the people that are affected by the laws and lack of education and services. The laws are already there, ADA, but they are not being enforced right. Not only that, but things have changed since some of those laws were written.

Believe me, bad press is something that politicians hate. If they see that you are united and wanting to be heard, they will come to the table. Actually, some of them might even care. You know that there have to be some deaf relatives in the families of the politicians. You want this to be a door opening - a conversation starting - and hopefully a beneficial relationship growing between the governed and the government. They need to understand that the way things are going, is not good enough. There has to be some of them that care.

Some of the organizations like NAD have to be very careful about offending certain factions. But, the average voter has just as much right and power as NAD, (that is if they are united in one voice.) You don't have to just wait for the politicians to listen to NAD or any other organization. Yes, join their effort, but then write your own emails. If a handful of Deaf students at Gallaudet could be heard around the world, then so can you. Maybe the next Deaf President Now movement should be for the president of the US. It is suppose to be "For the People, by the People." You are the people that our constitution is there to protect as equals. Sadly, many hearing folks don't even know that you are hurting.
You are an absolute Godsend Jillio. Forgive me for leaning on your expertise so much, but I think you are right about your education being a gift that you are meant to share. Thank you for all you have done and are doing.

One note about NAD,, they can't send a million emails to represent the vote. That is what will actually move a politician in an election year. NAD has to weigh in too, as well as any other Deaf organizations. There are a few months left to actually do something here. You need to get some commitments from these folks that they will sit down with you BEFORE they become president. After that, you may never really have access to them.

Unfortunately, NAD has to be careful with how hard they come down on an issue. They walk a fine line. But regular voters don't have to be afraid to RESPECTFULLY voice their opinion.

God Bless yall... :) Jeanie... Still chasin the dream for a better tomorrow for all. :)

I agree....I wasn't suggesting that going to the NAD website would serve as a substitute for this campaign. Just that it is possible to say involved on an ongoing basis regarding legislative issues that come up regularly.:)

When you use the NAD links, the email doesn't show as coming from the NAD. The return address on the sentmail is your personal email address. NAD just provides the links for convenience, and will sort your email per your address to go to the proper legislators for your state, county, etc. You can use a template provided by them, or use your own message.
I agree....I wasn't suggesting that going to the NAD website would serve as a substitute for this campaign. Just that it is possible to say involved on an ongoing basis regarding legislative issues that come up regularly.:)

When you use the NAD links, the email doesn't show as coming from the NAD. The return address on the sentmail is your personal email address. NAD just provides the links for convenience, and will sort your email per your address to go to the proper legislators for your state, county, etc. You can use a template provided by them, or use your own message.

How cool. Maybe you could post the link and explain to folks what they need to do. Every little bit will help.

I asked my state representative about the right way to go about this, and they agreed to go to the presidential candidates personal sites was the best idea. It will be good for ongoing purposes to use the state representatives, but for now, it would be so cool for Deaf issues to be a substantive debate topic. Let them stand on a stage and promise before the country to care about Deaf issues. If they are trying to out do each other, it could happen. :) I will check out the NAD link. I visit there all the time, but usually because I am looking for something specific. I didn't realize they offered to direct emails to politicians.. That is great... :)

Question: What do you think is better? Total Communiction or BIBI?
How cool. Maybe you could post the link and explain to folks what they need to do. Every little bit will help.

I asked my state representative about the right way to go about this, and they agreed to go to the presidential candidates personal sites was the best idea. It will be good for ongoing purposes to use the state representatives, but for now, it would be so cool for Deaf issues to be a substantive debate topic. Let them stand on a stage and promise before the country to care about Deaf issues. If they are trying to out do each other, it could happen. :) I will check out the NAD link. I visit there all the time, but usually because I am looking for something specific. I didn't realize they offered to direct emails to politicians.. That is great... :)

Question: What do you think is better? Total Communiction or BIBI?

No doubt in my mind. Bi-bi is a better educational method because of the purity of the langauge models. Far too often, TC provides a confusing linguistic environment. TC utilizes sim-com to a large degree, which provides a distorted model of English and a distorted model of sign. In fact, that is the main difference between TC and Bi-Bi. Bi-Bi can incoporate all of the features of a TC environment but the languages are kept pure.
No doubt in my mind. Bi-bi is a better educational method because of the purity of the langauge models. Far too often, TC provides a confusing linguistic environment. TC utilizes sim-com to a large degree, which provides a distorted model of English and a distorted model of sign. In fact, that is the main difference between TC and Bi-Bi. Bi-Bi can incoporate all of the features of a TC environment but the languages are kept pure.

Thanks for the info. I saw a post futher up that suggested TC, and I don't know enough about it to say one way or the other... but now I know more.:)
Hey Jillio, off topic question: I forgot what the sign means when you put your thumb in your palm with a fist, like a ten, and twist it forward???? It is on a video for my class.. can you tell me what it means.?
This is one way I obtained funding resources for my CI through our congressman. It works, but everyone will have to email a common concern. If they receive emails with only multiple individual concerns, it will only get overlooked. Lets come up with an important single concern that affects most of us, then flood them by email concentrating on that particular concern only. Then we look at what is the next most important concern on the list and repeat the cycle. Thats how we do it together, we won't go far if we send various concerns different from those of the other person.
This is one way I obtained funding resources for my CI through our congressman. It works, but everyone will have to email a common concern. If they receive emails with only multiple individual concerns, it will only get overlooked. Lets come up with an important single concern that affects most of us, then flood them by email concentrating on that particular concern only. Then we look at what is the next most important concern on the list and repeat the cycle. Thats how we do it together, we won't go far if we send various concerns different from those of the other person.

Hey there. You are right, but I was thinking maybe three top priority issues. If you get there ear for a few minutes, you want to address as much as you can put on the table without overwhelming them with controversies or a bunch of personal opinions. You all need to vote on the most important ones. And be ready to explain yourself when they do respond.

SO, I got feeling really guilty about not playing my guitar cuz I was lookin at your guitar and we talked once about music,, so I spent a few hours on Mother's day playing with my son,, which is his very favorite thing to do. Thanks for reminding me that even if I have no time for music right now,, I still have to make time for my kid and his music... :)
Hey there. You are right, but I was thinking maybe three top priority issues. If you get there ear for a few minutes, you want to address as much as you can put on the table without overwhelming them with controversies or a bunch of personal opinions. You all need to vote on the most important ones. And be ready to explain yourself when they do respond.

SO, I got feeling really guilty about not playing my guitar cuz I was lookin at your guitar and we talked once about music,, so I spent a few hours on Mother's day playing with my son,, which is his very favorite thing to do. Thanks for reminding me that even if I have no time for music right now,, I still have to make time for my kid and his music... :)

Do you sign?
bad web design.... I'm trying to think of simple design that will deliver message across the world. What it'll include are.... facts, arguments, awareness issues, few videos, links to coalition sites, injustice news regarding mistreatment of deaf people,......

if there's anybody out there who is a graphic/visual designer... please feel free to post your sample of this project!

If you produce some videos, can you caption them so that hearing parents of deaf kids can understand too?
Do you sign?

I remember, it was interesting to meet a fellow musician. Glad I can help. I tried learning ASL once, but I'm especially rusty in the basics, I had only spelled things out, sometimes using short hand variants only those close to me could understand. I use a CI now, but I have decided to relearn some ASL. Afterall, I am deaf in a way when the CI isn't in use. I will email my part to the candidates if I find out what are the most common issues with everyone at AD. Have a good evening.
I remember, it was interesting to meet a fellow musician. Glad I can help. I tried learning ASL once, but I'm especially rusty in the basics, I had only spelled things out, sometimes using short hand variants only those close to me could understand. I use a CI now, but I have decided to relearn some ASL. Afterall, I am deaf in a way when the CI isn't in use. I will email my part to the candidates if I find out what are the most common issues with everyone at AD. Have a good evening.

Hey, thanks for posting about issues. Did you do an email yet?
Bi Bi=Bilingual-Bicultural Education, It's where they teach American sign language their first language and English as their second language.

I like Total Communication Program. :wiggle:

Hi Cheri, did you read what Jill wrote about the Total Communication program in comparison to the BIBI program. It is good info to know... Just scroll up and see. :)
Wow! I didnt see this thread until now. How could have I missed it? Strange...anyways, yes, I will compose a letter/email and see if I can get my coworkers, parents, friends and family involved too. I need to think on how to go with it. I want to make sure I do this right and get everyone's interest.
How cool. Maybe you could post the link and explain to folks what they need to do. Every little bit will help.

I asked my state representative about the right way to go about this, and they agreed to go to the presidential candidates personal sites was the best idea. It will be good for ongoing purposes to use the state representatives, but for now, it would be so cool for Deaf issues to be a substantive debate topic. Let them stand on a stage and promise before the country to care about Deaf issues. If they are trying to out do each other, it could happen. :) I will check out the NAD link. I visit there all the time, but usually because I am looking for something specific. I didn't realize they offered to direct emails to politicians.. That is great... :)

Question: What do you think is better? Total Communiction or BIBI?

To answer your question, BiBi because it uses appropriate models of language while TC uses anything that works for each student which sounds good but in reality, it is very difficult for a classroom teacher to use different methodologies to meet each student's needs in one lesson. I have worked in a TC program and it was just impossible for the teacher to do it correctly so they ended up using Sim-Com which is even worse because one language ususally gets compromised.

TC would be more appropriate for an one-on-one basis not for a whole class instruction. With BiBi, both languages are kept separate keeping them in their pure form.
Wow! I didnt see this thread until now. How could have I missed it? Strange...anyways, yes, I will compose a letter/email and see if I can get my coworkers, parents, friends and family involved too. I need to think on how to go with it. I want to make sure I do this right and get everyone's interest.

Did you read the email, or rather an approximation of the email I wrote to Obama? It needs to be general at first. I want them to recognize that the Deaf people are a viable voting block, just like the women leagues of voters and others. Once they get flooded with emails that you are out here and you are looking to support a candidate, they will fight for your attention. But it will only work if enough people flood them and let them know that they want an interview with them. You need to pick a few people or delegates as spokes people. Maybe put together some petitions, or testimonials. I think if you can make a good enough argument on paper, you could send it to Oprah, and she might do an interview with you.

Anything is possible if you can get enough support from the whole Deaf community and some of the hearing parents who are disatisfied with their children's education and social development. :) If you get any thoughts, just jot them down real quick, and they can be followed up on. If research is needed, delegate some people to compile what you need. If everyone did just a little, you could have some real proposals ready in no time. The first step is to let the candidates know that you are out here and that you need their helpl. BTW,, I am very lucky to have met you and Jillio. You add to my life daily. And most of all, you give me hope for change. Thanks for all you do.