I wonder how you feel about....

What if the drunk driver smashes through those expensive glass doors that are in front of the gym and they shatter into an infinite number of needle like shards. Imagine it in slow motion - suppose the driver is in a burgundy Toyota tundra that has a sun roof, and the rear window slides down. Suppose he had the sun roof open, and the rear window all the way down. The interior of his car is a tan cloth, and he purchased the chrome package instead of getting the color coded option. You can see the reflection of the infinite shards of glass in the chrome, and the bright reflection in the glass as it slowly shatters everywhere from the sunlight of a summer mid-afternoon. The driver is wearing a bright yellow polo shirt, tan shorts, a pair of ray-ban sunglasses and has short cropped sandy blonde hair. Now, imagine if you will, he let his insurance lapse on the Toyota tundra after learning his wife was planning on divorcing him. That is why he went out on a drinking binge after deciding he would quit paying his bills and put the house up for sale so his wife couldn't get it in any settlement agreement.

So, as the glass ((in slow motion)) is flying in a gazillion different angles through the air, one long, and very sharp shard falls through the open sunroof and slices this man's jugular vein before the airbag deploys, driving the shard deep into his neck, cutting his esophagus completely open. He dies in a matter of minutes. The girl at the front receptionist desk narrowly escaped the path of the oncoming front bumper of the Tundra, but is sprayed with shards of glass and sustains minor injuries. She sues this gym at a much later date, claiming she was so traumatized by this incident, she cannot sleep at night, or eat regularly and that the front doors should have been reinforced with solid steel instead of cheap aluminum, and instead of glass, should have had plexiglass (which doesn't shatter into sharp shards).

The fact the driver did not have any insurance, was drunk, and violated obvious traffic laws, and was dead - did not leave the gym with many options to get any sizable reimbursement from him. Also, the lawsuit filed by the girl at the front desk bankrupts the gym entirely, forcing them to shut its doors.

Will this solve your problem of too much traffic if the gym is shut down?

Apart from the throat cutting and the Fire and Police Departments flooding the area, and causing a massive headache of a traffic jam, that wouldn't be a big help.

Now if they got sued, and were forced to shut down, it might help somewhat, but if they decided to tear down a brand-new building, then they'd have to pay for all of that, and that itself is another headache I can live without. However, if they had moved the gym further back, and made another road not connected to the busy road, I wouldn't be objecting.
But the Fire and Police traffic jam would only be temporary.

That's true-- it would be, but it's connected to an important bus route, and I would be forced to walk from the Metra to where I'm going, because if the bus got stuck, it wouldn't be able to move, and people would be forced to walk three blocks back to Ashland where the bus can reroute, and then there would be unhappy customers. See my point?
That's true-- it would be, but it's connected to an important bus route, and I would be forced to walk from the Metra to where I'm going, because if the bus got stuck, it wouldn't be able to move, and people would be forced to walk three blocks back to Ashland where the bus can reroute, and then there would be unhappy customers. See my point?

But suppose the accident happened on the weekend - while you were at home and didn't need to be anywhere?
That's true-- it would be, but it's connected to an important bus route, and I would be forced to walk from the Metra to where I'm going, because if the bus got stuck, it wouldn't be able to move, and people would be forced to walk three blocks back to Ashland where the bus can reroute, and then there would be unhappy customers. See my point?

Heaven forbid someone really did get killed driver or not or that truck mowed down a single mother and her 2 children as long as your precious damn bus route isn't disturbed you don't give a damn huh ... get a freaking clue the world doesn't revolve around YOU ... PERIOD !!! UGH :mad2:
But suppose the accident happened on the weekend - while you were at home and didn't need to be anywhere?

Then I'm likely to stay home. I don't need to be going putting my nose somewhere it doesn't need to be. And FYI-- that bus route I was talking about? It runs 24 hours a day. Never stops running. Several buses in Chicago do this, as well as the Red and Blue lines.
Heaven forbid someone really did get killed driver or not or that truck mowed down a single mother and her 2 children as long as your precious damn bus route isn't disturbed you don't give a damn huh ... get a freaking clue the world doesn't revolve around YOU ... PERIOD !!! UGH :mad2:

I wasn't talking about me-- I was talking about customers who would happen to be on the bus if that happened. I am trying to show the bigger picture-- not just me, but others, too.
All this over a place of business where like minded people wish to congregate and compare biological muscular mass smh
All this over a place of business where like minded people wish to congregate and compare biological muscular mass smh

Ah, well. It is what it is. I can't just do what I wanna do-- it would take resources I don't have, and money I certainly don't have, but I certainly hope that all will go smoothly.
Precisely the point I was trying to make before.

Sort of. But what she's talking about is alot of businesses, a lot of houses-more people, that also probably means a lot of road construction. Your worried about ONE business causing traffic jams, effecting the bus line somehow, men leaving the gym attacking people like what the turn into the hulk when the workout or something, and the gym being to close to the road that drunk drivers might plow into........it's all just so freaking bizarre
All this over a place of business where like minded people wish to congregate and compare biological muscular mass smh

Probably not. LA fitness is a franchise gym, so you'd find more overweight people looking to lose weight, older people, moms and dads etc. just regular joe schmoes it's not the kind of place a lot of hard core bodybuilders would go to.
In a way it is kind of a cool idea to have a good gym on a major bus transfer area. When people have jobs in the city everything is a mofo from the time they leave the house until the time they get home. It is really tough to want to go back out and go hit the gym in the local area.
A lot of people like to do their workout in the morning before work and would plan their commute around a stop at the gym and leave there exercised and showered and ready to rock.

I would say straight up all joking aside that while it may add some congestion to the area it has positive points that outweigh the negatives. Working out is good.