I got implanted over a year ago and I don't benefit from it (yet)


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Nov 20, 2010
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I was implanted on July 18th, 2012. I admit most of the reason is because I was too lazy to put it on and also lacked motivation to do so. I think I only had four mappings so far. I don't know why I don't bother to put it on everyday especially since it will help with hearing people. One time I had horrible feedback from it that I suffered nonstop ringing in my ear for 2 weeks.

Does anyone have any tips? Another thing is my hair. I have very thick curls. So when getting ready for the day, I wash my hair, put some hairstyling products in it, and let it air dry. I don't like using a blow dryer. This of course can take some times, especially since my roots need to be dry in order for me to put it on. I do trim the spot where the magnet is since I don't have a shaver. I have AB Harmony and AB Neptune (waterproof)...Do you think the AB neptune would be a good idea for when my hairs curly and air drying? I do flat iron my hair and find it easier to use the harmony for when my hair isn't wet.

I guess I just lack motivation to do so. This summer, I want to have a job and be able to hear everything possible. How can I be motivated to do so? I am starting by setting up an appointment for a new CI mapping.

Also, how many mappings/months did it take for your CI to become fully activated?

And did anyone have to get shots after getting their CI? a bacteria shot? my surgeron never told me but my doctor did over the summer...i was supposed to get the second shot last month but cannot recall the name of the shot.
Solution: read my blog. See my my signature below.
the 2 shots recommended to get is the Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax. Find out if you've already gotten one of them, then work on getting the other (or both).

and I think your lack of motivation might be why you aren't benefiting much from your implant yet. You have to work at it. If the CI sounds odd/off, call your audie for a new mapping. You'll continue to get more mappings every now and then over time, as your brain is constantly changing (getting used to the old map so old map doesn't work as well anymore, new strategies or options for the processor, etc). It's pretty much an on-going process to keep the CI working for you. I've had my CI for over 2 and half years now, and I still get new maps every now and then, and am still working at improving my listening skills and making sense of sounds. Some people need to put more work in making the CI work for them and some other people don't need to do as much work. It all depends on how your brain deals with the CI signals.
Try listening to audio books (and reading the book at the same time); maybe try listening to some music that you enjoy and are most familiar with and see how the music sounds with your CI. Play listening games. Go outside and just listen to whatever sounds are going on. Watch TV and practice listening. There are apps/programs that can help with auditory rehab too. There is ABle (from AB) for iPads; Hear Coach for iPad/kindle/etc); Angel Sound Training which can be downloaded for free to use on your computer.

Also, with wet hair, it shouldn't bother whichever CI processor you are using. I've used both Neptune and Harmony with wet hair, no problem. I don't use use hair products though.
Quick question. Do you wear hearing aid on other side? My audiologist suggest.. well.. "make me" take off my hearing aids for two week while I was getting used to CI lol. The first three month was hard because I have to relearn sound all over again. After three month, I noticed I can hear and understand better than my hearing aid.
My suggestion? Call your CI center and make an appt for new MAP. Then dont wear your hearing aid for two week lol. Oh and I dont know if your processor have HiRes Fidelity 120 strategy. Do you have it?

Does anyone have any tips? Another thing is my hair. I have very thick curls.
I really dont have any hair tip since I keep my hair short :lol:

How can I be motivated to do so? Well I dont know. Are you not motivated just because you are lazy? Do you feel the NEED to hear? Can you speak and understand words fine?

Also, how many mappings/months did it take for your CI to become fully activated? My CI is fully activated on my activation day. So far I have 5 Maps and I will get another MAP in Jan.

And did anyone have to get shots after getting their CI?
I got both Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax shots before my surgery. Apparently, it was my clinic's new policy that require patients to have shots before surgery.
How do you expect your brain to get the new input if you don't have the Implant on all the time? Except sleeping. That was the advice given to me 6 years ago when Implanted. It takes time.

The shots were given before Implantation in April/07.

I believe I had 4 or 5 mapping changes.