I Can Hear With My Eyes


New Member
Jun 21, 2015
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Had another visit with my medical peeps.the 20% hearing I had left in my left ear has apparently dropped to somewhere around 12%. And my right ear went from 80% to about 68%

I never had to learn ASL till this past few weeks. But I am learning. And it's amazing how natural feels.
I have another private ASL study session with a friend of mine tomorrow. Half her family is Deaf of HOH.
Guess I should start learning to read lips too eh?

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I don't lipread because I'm more likely get face splatted by their saliva. :lol:
most people even hearing lip read to a point..although I not bad at it the concentration can give me headache
Lip reading helps but not very much at all- I know my skill plummets when I have the aids off. With them on, the percentage still isn't very good... Good on you for picking up ASL :)
What doctor uses %'s ? Db's and Hz's communicate much more info and are more accurate.

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When I was young the Audiologist 'translated' the Db and Hz into % for my mother who is hearing.
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Pretty sure those storefront hearing aid dealers like in Sears stores tell elderly customers percentage.

They aren't really concerned with accuracy or health of the patient, just selling hearing aids.

Would be a good idea at a young age to see a real audiologist and maybe get an ENT referral.
Yeah the % ratio was way off. My audiogram states 60db-80db. However, my mum had always told me 40% in one ear and 60% in the other. Goes to show.
As I understand the matter: deafness is 105db-hear nothing. Thus the inexact converting to percentage.

aside: that is exactly where I was way back in December 2006 when I became bilateral DEAF=loss 105 db..-both ears.

Most people can get an "rough idea" when db is converted to percentage.

Thus the ongoing utilization though not "exact".