I Almost Gave Up...


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
For those of you who remember me on this site, I was taking ASL classes and working on becoming an interpreter. Sadly both my ASL 1 & 2 did not end so well, ASL 1-'D' and ASL2-'C'. And it wasn't because I had a extremely hard time learning it because I didn't. I knew if I studied I could understand the lesson or test. My biggest obstacle was a voice in the back of my head saying, "You can't do this your hands don't move as fast as every else's, you're physically dsiabled and your hands are too stiff".

Well, now it's been a couple of years since I have taken the classes and I've been doing some thinking and really wanna get back into it and study harder to achieve my goals. I plan on retaking ASL 1 this Summer so I can improve my grade.

So, I just made a new skype account about 5 months ago and if anyone who is studying ASL or knows it would be willing to help me refresh my memory on some of the basics that would be great! :D