"I Admit " Part 9

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I admit that it does happened to me when I was in LA, CA few weeks ago. I had to drive 45 min from my best friend's house to my mom's to get my son. So it sure does look funny! One side is burn and other side is so white! ROFL!!! You might see picture of me in "My CA trip pictures".

Koala said:
I admit to say that I got sunburnt on one of my arm and my other arm is white. My arm was out on the car window today and that's how it got sunburnt. lol
I admit I got a headach......

I admit Im wanting to let this guy I like that I like him!! but he is at work so most likley I won't see him on Thrusday! argh lol
I admit I say.. *low voice* ((scoff)) Thank you being honestly...

Nah, Not necessary! Thanks *smile*
I admit that I am baking chicken pot pie (homemade). YUM! MMMM! Smell yummie! I can't wait to eat it! HEE! DHB65's favorite!
I admit I'm complain and whine about frigg'n ache gas in my somatch... *trying to fart now* ((fusterate)) *Exhales breath away*

Is that TMI for you?

GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm complain and whine about frigg'n ache gas in my somatch... *trying to fart now* ((fusterate)) *Exhales breath away*

Is that TMI for you?


*coughs* eeeekkk your cow in pond smells stinky!

I admit I sprayed freshener in my bedroom.
i admit that i really miss my sweety that i even cried *embarrass*
SherryCherish said:
I admit I am upset about someone pmed me which i didn't do anything wrong.

I admit that maybe try ingore this person who imed you ? :dunno:
SherryCherish said:
I admit I am upset about someone pmed me which i didn't do anything wrong.
i admit that i give sherrycherish a hug!
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