Hurricane Season Officially Begins Today !


Active Member
May 31, 2005
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MIAMI (AFP) - Americans still shaken by the devastation of last year's Hurricane Katrina, which killed 1,300 people and displaced tens of thousands, wearily braced for a new Atlantic hurricane season as forecasters predicted more fierce storms.

US climatologists said Wednesday that Caribbean and US coastlines were under greater threat in this year's Atlantic tropical storm season, with five out of nine projected hurricanes expected to rank as intense storms. The hurricane season offically began on Thursday.

"There's a little bit of anticipation and a little bit of nerves," Melissa Holt, of Coconut Creek, Florida told The Miami Herald. "But it's also motivating because we're getting our supplies early this year."

University of Colorado climate experts Philip Klotzbach and William Gray said there was an above-average risk of a major hurricane landfall in the Caribbean Sea, and that the US east coast was under a much higher-than-average risk of being struck.

Klotzbach and Gray said they expected in all 17 tropical storms to be generated during the Atlantic season, including nine hurricanes.

The researchers said five hurricanes are likely to become "intense" storms, those classified as Class 3 or higher on the five-point Saffir-Simpson scale. Level three storms on the scale have driving winds of at least 111 miles (178 kilometers) per hour, capable of knocking down large trees and destroying mobile homes.

Their forecast falls roughly within the median of the 1950-2000 period and is line with a prediction of four to six major hurricanes by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The forecast, if correct, would represent a sharp downturn too from last year's 28 storms, 15 of which became hurricanes, including the super-storms Katrina and Rita which devastated the US Gulf of Mexico coastline.

The two said the possibility of a hurricane strike on the US east coast, including Florida, was 69 percent, more than double the historical average of 31 percent.

For the US Gulf coast, which felt the brunt of last year's storms, the risk of landfall was 38 percent, only slightly higher that the historical average of 30 percent.

Katrina ranked as category three on the five-point scale when it slammed ashore near New Orleans, causing the deaths of more than 1,300 people.

Some 100,000 people whose homes were destroyed or severely damaged are still living in mobile homes or trailers, which offer little protection from a hurricane's destructive fury.

And authorities admit they have not finished strengthening the levees that broke after Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf coast on August 29, 2005, flooding large parts of New Orleans.

In New Orleans, where thousands of people were trapped in the flooded city after failing to follow evacuation orders, authorities plan to use planes, trains and buses to get residents out should a hurricane threaten.

In all, 2005 saw a record 15 hurricanes, among an unprecedented 28 named storms that formed in the Atlantic. For the first time on record, seven of the hurricanes were considered major, meaning they hit category three or higher.

It was also the costliest hurricane season, with damage estimated at more than 100 billion dollars.;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
Ugh! Heath, don't remind me, man! :lol:

It's going to be another nail biting season, and I'm really unprepared for it. *sigh*
LakeTahoe said:
I don't want to hear this! I hate to hear any nasty news!

It's not really "nasty" news. It happens to be a fact of life for some of us, so I'm glad we're made aware of it. However, being in such a hurricane prone area does cause some anxiety this time of year for alot of us.
To think of it, my fiance has not EVEN RECOVERED from Hurricane Katrina. He is still without a home. His town is still not restored.

I really feel for him and these people who have to deal with extra stress - qualify of life is really poor down there on Mississippi Coast. :( I pray that these storms wont devastate these already devastated areas.
LakeTahoe said:
I don't want to hear this! I hate to hear any nasty news!

It is not "nasty" ....these folks down in the South have to deal with it. It is reality to them and we should never forget these who already lost everything from Hurricane Katrina. Chaos and destruction is still there.

We need to pray for these people in the South and hope that 2006 will be less destructive than 2005.
Gemtun said:
It is not "nasty" ....these folks down in the South have to deal with it. It is reality to them and we should never forget these who already lost everything from Hurricane Katrina. Chaos and destruction is still there.

We need to pray for these people in the South and hope that 2006 will be less destructive than 2005.

Thank you, Gemtun. I'm one such person. I live in S. Fl, and we were nailed by Hurricane Wilma last year. My family weathered the storm OK, but many people up in Miami still are without repairs to their homes, and are still waiting for their insurance companies to cut them a check, so they can start those repairs.
I do not mean to bring bad news but the news article said it is good news in some ways to get prepared now with a basic supply , food, water, buy ammunition at the gun shop to stop any looters, gun cleaning kits, things that you need.....

Go to the website and click on Printables then go to the one on the right column and click on the download then print out the one that says Prudent Living > Checklist

In addition to that ..... The hurricane checklist that the U.S. Government issues and is available on the internet at:

You all are in my prayers and God Bless ..... :angel:
Heath said:
I do not mean to bring bad news but the news article said it is good news in some ways to get prepared now with a basic supply , food, water, buy ammunition at the gun shop to stop any looters, gun cleaning kits, things that you need.....

Go to the website and click on Printables then go to the one on the right column and click on the download then print out the one that says Prudent Living > Checklist

In addition to that ..... The hurricane checklist that the U.S. Government issues and is available on the internet at:

You all are in my prayers and God Bless ..... :angel:

Yup! I wholeheartedly agree! And, btw, I was kidding with you in my post above.

It's just draining to think what we may be facing this year. It was such a bad season for us last year. My area was hit by four hurricanes last season, so I'm not exactly thrilled to be dealing with this again so soon! But, I better start dealing. Hurricane season is here. Can't avoid it, so you might as well go with the flow. :lol:
Oceanbreeze said:
Yup! I wholeheartedly agree! And, btw, I was kidding with you in my post above.

It's just draining to think what we may be facing this year. It was such a bad season for us last year. My area was hit by four hurricanes last season, so I'm not exactly thrilled to be dealing with this again so soon! But, I better start dealing. Hurricane season is here. Can't avoid it, so you might as well go with the flow. :lol:

Yes Oceanbreeze, Don't forget I will be moving back to Texas after I graduate from college so I will have to deal with the hurricanes. I was in a hurricane in 1983 and Houston, TX got hit with the hurricane, I think Hurricane Alicia ? Yeah... better stock up on what you can for now and use to shop around for the lowest price for the things you need and try to stick with good brand name things for your hurricane survival kit. All of you are in my prayers and God Bless ..... :angel:
Heath said:
Yes Oceanbreeze, Don't forget I will be moving back to Texas after I graduate from college so I will have to deal with the hurricanes. I was in a hurricane in 1983 and Houston, TX got hit with the hurricane, I think Hurricane Alicia ? Yeah... better stock up on what you can for now and use to shop around for the lowest price for the things you need and try to stick with good brand name things for your hurricane survival kit. All of you are in my prayers and God Bless ..... :angel:

Thank you. We'll be prepared. We always are. From what I heard, though, the EAST COAST (including most of FL), has a higher statical chance of getting hit this year. We'll see. We're under the gun from about Sept through the end of Oct.
Oceanbreeze said:
Thank you. We'll be prepared. We always are. From what I heard, though, the EAST COAST (including most of FL), has a higher statical chance of getting hit this year. We'll see. We're under the gun from about Sept through the end of Oct.

Bunker down and say your prayers. The another option is to get the first plane out to visit your relatives where it is dry land and much more safer at the first sign the weatherman says " Hey we have a hurricane and here is where the hurricane is predicted to hit and make beachhead in approximately 72 hours. Pick up the Videophone or call Relay and make arrangements to be on the first plane out. Your life is much more worth than the short lived excitiement and the dangers of the hurricanes especially when you have a family. God Bless ..... :angel:
Heath said:
Bunker down and say your prayers. The another option is to get the first plane out to visit your relatives where it is dry land and much more safer at the first sign the weatherman says " Hey we have a hurricane and here is where the hurricane is predicted to hit and make beachhead in approximately 72 hours. Pick up the Videophone or call Relay and make arrangements to be on the first plane out. Your life is much more worth than the short lived excitiement and the dangers of the hurricanes especially when you have a family. God Bless ..... :angel:

Not easy to do that - not many have money to do that. Imagine making reservatons at last minute - it would be pricey. Imagine a family of four or five or even six.

Even if have money, everyone else would be booking flights too. If manage to get tickets, traffic jams would be starting and people may not even make it to the airport on time.
Gemtun said:
Not easy to do that - not many have money to do that. Imagine making reservatons at last minute - it would be pricey. Imagine a family of four or five or even six.

Even if have money, everyone else would be booking flights too. If manage to get tickets, traffic jams would be starting and people may not even make it to the airport on time.

True .... just do it very, very early.... and I do mean very early ..... Have your relatives and you split the money on the airplane ticket.
Oceanbreeze said:
Thank you. We'll be prepared. We always are. From what I heard, though, the EAST COAST (including most of FL), has a higher statical chance of getting hit this year. We'll see. We're under the gun from about Sept through the end of Oct.

Geez, I saw many sources everywhere,
but I wonder which source did u hear this from ?
Gemtun said:
Not easy to do that - not many have money to do that. Imagine making reservatons at last minute - it would be pricey. Imagine a family of four or five or even six.

Even if have money, everyone else would be booking flights too. If manage to get tickets, traffic jams would be starting and people may not even make it to the airport on time.

THis is true. We usually evacuate to the area that is the closest to our area as we can. We've also ridden out hurricanes; in a mobile home, no less. It's nerve wracking no matter what. Hurricane Season is just a major pain in the ass! :lol:
Y said:
Geez, I saw many sources everywhere,
but I wonder which source did u hear this from ?

Oh jeez. I don't remember. Our local news. If I had to guess, though, I'd say the information came from the National Hurricane Center.
Heath said:
True .... just do it very, very early.... and I do mean very early ..... Have your relatives and you split the money on the airplane ticket.

That's not practical for us, Heath. But, thanks.
Prayers would do... I recalled reading
an article there was a family gathering together
in a small room Praying in the middle
of a real BAD Storm

Guess What ?

After the Storm, Everything was fully
destroyed and damaged everywhere EXCEPT
that room where family were praying together !
That room was NOT even touched by the storm
at all.... Amazing !
I bet there will be another year of hurricanes in Florida... eek! :eek: