how would you feel????

darkflare83 said:
how would you feel if someone who you care as friends siblings even sweethearts blocks you on aim or any other chat messngers for no apparent reason?

If it is a cybe friends I have not met in real life - we all have many cyberfriends - I wouldnt give it another thought. I dont need to beg for that person's attention if he/she blocks me out for no apparent reason.

If it is a friend I know in real life - I will email her or him and ask for the whole story and hope that we can resolve it. Friendships are worth saving - these true friendships, that is.

If it is my sweetheart, I would be very hurt and email to inquire why he is mad at me or whatnot. But I would think less of that sweetheart if he did that because it is obvious he didnt think I was important enough to explain his story to me. It will damage the trust.
I wouldn't care because if they're really were my friends then they wouldn't block me in the first place....I wouldn't sit here and beg them to talk to me, I would let them be....

I will admit that I've blocked a few that because I lost the trust in them.....If they were really my " true " friends, they wouldn't backstabbed or pretend to be my friend....I don't like so call friends who are two faces and I don't play that game!
yeah i understamd you all if someone blocks me i feel like flinging thos computer out the window in pure rage i hate being blocked i believe at being direct about their problem if they have an problem with me then tell me so we can solve it that s what i believe
If it is a friend I know in real life - I will email her or him and ask for the whole story and hope that we can resolve it. Friendships are worth saving - these true friendships, that is.

:werd: I will accept if she/he refused to solve this issue with me because it's their choice since I already made a first move to ask her/him why she/he do that.......................

Friendship in real life is total different as online. Its hurt alot because I know people from real life which I thought they are my special friend. They choose somewhere than their friendship with me.

I have few very close online friends whom I often chat with. They make me feel that I know them for years. I can't wait to meet them in REAL LIFE.

For everyone,

I can understand where you come from.

Depend on different reasons why they block you. Perhaps they want to have some break themselves to look around the google etc. etc. without disturb from them. ?

I would not upset when I were you because I will know they have good reason to block me for a while before they start to talk to me BECAUSE I know I done NOTHING wrong.

I have no reason to block anyone. Online people are welcome in my buddy list whatever they like to talk me. I will AIM and talk to them when I have time... (problem is I don't have AIM/msn at work place but home computer).

I would not block the people whom I has problem with because I rather to straight out with them before we settle down. It's fine if they doesn't bother to straight out with me and block me.

I really don't care if anyone backstab me because I will know that they are not my real friend and will consider them as childish. Why should I upset over that false friends? :roll:

Cheri said:
:laugh2: That was me! ;) best friend? me? moi? :aw: that's so sweet! :hug: :ily:

DreamDeaf did a halloween prank on me too at first, then I did Liebling, CODAchild and Cental! :giggle:

Anyone can try it. (You get to see the message after the conversation is over and boy I had some great laughs!) :laugh2:

