How to take restaurant orders in ASL?


New Member
Apr 20, 2015
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At my place of employment there's a group of deaf friends who come in every now and again but they cannot speak for the most part and none of my coworkers can sign. I've been learning basic signs for restaurant items (basic things like burger, lettuce, tomato, mushroom, cheese, salt, drink, etc) in order to help them if they ever come in on my shifts but I have never really taken a proper class (my college offers one but it isn't scheduled for next semester).

Would it be possible for people who can sign to send me videos of them ordering things from our menu in order for me to practice? I'm sorry if I'm stepping out of my boundaries as a hearing person, but I do want to be of more help to any customers who have trouble ordering.

This is our menu. We have grilled cheese that's not on the menu and we can cook our burgers medium, well, or rare. We can make things with no salt.

My email is and my tumblr is homebeccer