How to find sex offender near ur home?

LisaMarie said:
whoa!!! thats a lot! yeah!! i notice that also! i think they need to be restrict from living nearby the school or hopsital because there are numbers of people going in and out. The sex offender could simply study and watch the certain kids or people! ugh... Thats why i thought i would post this website my uncle gave me and warn me they tend to live in community unlikely out of country!!! since i live within downtown!! not good area for my boys!
yea i agree with u.. true and alike sweetheart say.. true police should do something or too late for that..
shit, too many sex offender against children at my home.

There is only one serious rape.
Hey DeafMonkey..

That big problem and you wanted to know about Sex offender near your location..
Canada gov't prefer confindtional... Why is that? Reason doesn't want lose popluation the city or town or else.. Keep people stay there living and closer the job.. *sigh*
Their reason!

Pretty stupid..
What parent really want protection their children safety outside the location area.
GalaxyAngel said:
Hey DeafMonkey..

That big problem and you wanted to know about Sex offender near your location..
Canada gov't prefer confindtional... Why is that? Reason doesn't want lose popluation the city or town or else.. Keep people stay there living and closer the job.. *sigh*
Their reason!

Pretty stupid..
What parent really want protection their children safety outside the location area.
Wow! they wouldnt share the informations? The parents has a right to know!! so they can protect their kids!! ugh. i cant believe they wouldnt provide some info!!!
i have 92 sex offenders where i live ... now im a little freaked
I think for here in Canada, ontario, Sex offender MUST report to the police station or to parole officer prior to their moving into a certain town. It is really sad t hat they wouldnt share that information here in canada.
Hey, let me point out to parents don't forget to talk to your children about that especially if you notice someone near your place that you recognize. Some people look normal and it's a good idea to show your children several pictures of offenders to show them that it's not only a certain stereotype that are offenders. Some are even women, not just men. Just reminding parents. There's really nothing more important that children are told as often as possible to watch out and not talk to strangers. Sometimes parents can't be with kids 100 percent, so it's important that children are taught how to protect themselves.

Not wanting to nag at all, but spreading a reminder like the person who posted :).
ClearSky said:
Hey, let me point out to parents don't forget to talk to your children about that especially if you notice someone near your place that you recognize. Some people look normal and it's a good idea to show your children several pictures of offenders to show them that it's not only a certain stereotype that are offenders. Some are even women, not just men. Just reminding parents. There's really nothing more important that children are told as often as possible to watch out and not talk to strangers. Sometimes parents can't be with kids 100 percent, so it's important that children are taught how to protect themselves.

Not wanting to nag at all, but spreading a reminder like the person who posted :).
you are not even nagging. I aboustely agree with you. Its nice to refresh parents mind to remind and commuinate with our kids about the strangers!
ClearSky said:
Hey, let me point out to parents don't forget to talk to your children about that especially if you notice someone near your place that you recognize. Some people look normal and it's a good idea to show your children several pictures of offenders to show them that it's not only a certain stereotype that are offenders. Some are even women, not just men. Just reminding parents. There's really nothing more important that children are told as often as possible to watch out and not talk to strangers. Sometimes parents can't be with kids 100 percent, so it's important that children are taught how to protect themselves.

Not wanting to nag at all, but spreading a reminder like the person who posted :).

Sorry, I disagree with you. There are sex offenders that are not caught and they're somewhere and you don't know them. It's still better to keep eye on the kids no matter what. I'm sure there's more than you think that aren't in the records.
I am not sure exactly what you are disagreeing with me about.

I know there are sex offenders that are not even on record! That is absolutely true also and looking through the pictures shows just what I am talking about that there are not one stereotypical image that are certain to be sex offenders. Some of them look normal in nice clothes and some are sloppy. My point in saying to show pictures to your children is to remind children to not talk to strangers and not be too trusting even of those that seem so nice and clean cut. Do you see what I mean?
ClearSky said:
I am not sure exactly what you are disagreeing with me about.

I know there are sex offenders that are not even on record! That is absolutely true also and looking through the pictures shows just what I am talking about that there are not one stereotypical image that are certain to be sex offenders. Some of them look normal in nice clothes and some are sloppy. My point in saying to show pictures to your children is to remind children to not talk to strangers and not be too trusting even of those that seem so nice and clean cut. Do you see what I mean?
Yes you are right! I saw some picture of sex offender that live nearby my home. Come to a shock i knew him but he was sooo sweetheart and i didnt even notice any flaw! NOW thats scary! It doesnt matter what or how they dress or look like.. a look can FOOL you! ITS our responsible to educate our kids as much as we can give our knowledge!
ClearSky said:
I am not sure exactly what you are disagreeing with me about.

I know there are sex offenders that are not even on record! That is absolutely true also and looking through the pictures shows just what I am talking about that there are not one stereotypical image that are certain to be sex offenders. Some of them look normal in nice clothes and some are sloppy. My point in saying to show pictures to your children is to remind children to not talk to strangers and not be too trusting even of those that seem so nice and clean cut. Do you see what I mean?

That doesn't really help that much. They still can grab the kids and run away, kids can't always outrun the offenders when parents or someone isn't keeping eye on the kids.
sequoia, I am sad you think it's no use to talk to your children about that. A lot of children have been saved from parents talk or tv talk shows. You may not think that talking is powerful, but it is. They key is to teach them to be aware of their surroundings and tell them not to hop in people's car or approach them when they ask them to come over. That can be a life saver, and a lot of them won't bother kids if you don't bother them.
sequoias said:
That doesn't really help that much. They still can grab the kids and run away, kids can't always outrun the offenders when parents or someone isn't keeping eye on the kids.
yeah it may be not helping but its DOES help alot if we educate our kids about the stranger.. how to defensive themself against a stranger or offender. I know its probably 50/50 chance but at least we are there to educate and help them to be prepared in case if we werent around our kids.
Every little bit helps. The better the kids understand these people are evil then the more the kids will want to stay away. Try to talk to your kids according to their level of understanding then the kids will understand much better. Say no and explain why. Don't just say Because I am your mother I said so. That will turn off the kid and he will want to come up and say hi to the evil guy then the family are in tears because they have to attend a small child's funeral. It is better to love your kids and explain why then the better the kids understand then the better the kids will listen to you.
i know its hard because it did happen to me!! I was ROBBED by a gunman last Feb in Arizona! ITs very SCARY!! I was all prepared and everything but NAW.. GUN stole all of my power and I just stood there froze! I gave him everything what I own includes all of my ID informations! VERY VERY VERY SCARY experince!! AFter that robbed experince I decided to went and take kickboxing and self defensive classes. I felt MUCH better because I knew what I should do but WILL next time im 100% prepared? maybe not maybe yes.. but the important thing is that I'm educated by how to defensive myself!
That's Sweetheart typing:

Nope, I'm very sad for you- ClearSky and LisaMarie because it wouldn't help. I used to be pregnant with a baby but I got miscarriage, by the way I went to the parent meeting so Mothers could teach me and another young to be mother same like between 14 to 20 years old, they told me about what happened to a mother that almost lose her daughter who is 6 years old, she's smart and she won't talk to the strangers. But she watched on her daughter in the backyard to seeing her have fun to swing, somehow she checked on her other daughter who is 1 year old for ONE SECOND! Then checked on her daughter and she's GONE! She got freak out and panariod and looked for her, cannot find her then she decided to call the police and they been look for her for almost a week but finally found her in the old, ugly house which she was already raped and is in coma, she finally woke up in 3 months and she DOES remember what a man look like, she told the police and they looked for that man and finally arrested him.

SO, no matter how kids are smart, PARENTS HAVE TO WATCH ON KIDS. You are very wrong about Sequoias, he and I would tell our kids to not talking to strangers OF COURSE! But we STILL have to watch for them no matter what! THE WORLD ISN'T SAFE! Not even a place that is safe, Murders, Rapers, Child Molesters, blah that you can say are IN EVERYWHERE! :roll: Use your common sense. I think looking out for kids are MORE safe than being sorry.
sequoias said:
That's Sweetheart typing:

Nope, I'm very sad for you- ClearSky and LisaMarie because it wouldn't help. I used to be pregnant with a baby but I got miscarriage, by the way I went to the parent meeting so Mothers could teach me and another young to be mother same like between 14 to 20 years old, they told me about what happened to a mother that almost lose her daughter who is 6 years old, she's smart and she won't talk to the strangers. But she watched on her daughter in the backyard to seeing her have fun to swing, somehow she checked on her other daughter who is 1 year old for ONE SECOND! Then checked on her daughter and she's GONE! She got freak out and panariod and looked for her, cannot find her then she decided to call the police and they been look for her for almost a week but finally found her in the old, ugly house which she was already raped and is in coma, she finally woke up in 3 months and she DOES remember what a man look like, she told the police and they looked for that man and finally arrested him.

SO, no matter how kids are smart, PARENTS HAVE TO WATCH ON KIDS. You are very wrong about Sequoias, he and I would tell our kids to not talking to strangers OF COURSE! But we STILL have to watch for them no matter what! THE WORLD ISN'T SAFE! Not even a place that is safe, Murders, Rapers, Child Molesters, blah that you can say are IN EVERYWHERE! :roll: Use your common sense. I think looking out for kids are MORE safe than being sorry.
WHOAA you misunderstood me totally! Im not saying its OK to leave kids completely ALONE!!! I'm saying IN CASE if we happen not there.. like for exmaple your friend turn back 1 sec and poof shes gone.. That is what im trying to say.. just IN CASE if we turn our back.. Do u understand?
LisaMarie said:
WHOAA you misunderstood me totally! Im not saying its OK to leave kids completely ALONE!!! I'm saying IN CASE if we happen not there.. like for exmaple your friend turn back 1 sec and poof shes gone.. That is what im trying to say.. just IN CASE if we turn our back.. Do u understand?

Sweetheart typing:

HAHAHA, I do understand you OF COURSE... But I noticed that you agreed with Clearsky which I disagree with her! Because, tell kids to not strangers of course, they are smart... BUT people who are sex offender are MORE smarter than us, know why? They knew how to stop kids' screaming and blah blah like that... Same thing with you, you misunderstand me... I think it's better idea for whole parents to be with kids ALL THE TIME. For their safe... I raised up with my parents, they been watching out on me, won't allow me go to outside until my parents are ready to go, blah like that. I thank my parents for that so I could learn that stuffs from them then I could do that same thing to my kids that my parents did with me.

And, you should say you agree with us if you do, then just say that then add whatever you want to say. You act like that you are right and we are wrong :roll: I knew you are right in some ways, we are right in some ways. No one are perfect...