How to decide when time to euthanize


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
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Hard, very hard... decide when the right time to euthanize a beloved pet. Sometimes old, sometimes very sick. I wrote an article with my best friend. She is a veterinarian. I have been training dogs for 20 years, including training police dogs. She and I spent a lot of time thinking and writing. Maybe this article can help when it is time for hard decisions...

Deciding When & How To Humanely Euthanize a Companion Animal

I know it is a hard time to do it. I have gone twice in my life. My first one was pomeranian name Tiny Boy who was abused by my exh I assumed. I had to put him down due to painful neck and cant walk too far. It is not far for him to suffer. My second one was a foster dog as I have mentioned him in this forum called my poor foster dog. He was put down due to enlarged bladder. He was suffering for a very long time. I believe the owner knew it and surrender the dog back in April and I got the dog at the end of May. No one knew about it til the day that my foster dog got attacked by another dog in my neighbor and I guess God was calling him to go Rainbow Bridge. He was such a sweet dog. I cried for their death and have lit the candle for their love and knowing that I did my best to take care of them.