How to change the world?


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
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If you don't have the chances to be member of government or president to change the world..

Then what's your first step to change the world as a USA citizen?


Talking to others isn't the first step because people will ignore you or fight you to death in debate about disagree with your opinions.
Easy: Become a vigilante.

Hard: Do it yourself with the challenges.

Main Entry: vig·i·lan·te
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish, watchman, guard, from vigilante vigilant, from Latin vigilant-, vigilans
Date: 1856
: a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate); broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice
vig·i·lan·tism \-ˈlan-ˌti-zəm\ noun
Thought so, It also have different meanings from google search.

But doing crimes isn't going to change the world.. unless you are looking for destroying the world.. then yea..
Ya you can! Take the law or matters into your own hands and act on that.. You will get national attention immediately.

Unless what kind of change the world do you mean? In terms of revolutionary discovery.. new technology, change culture or race etc?
If you don't have the chances to be member of government or president to change the world..

Then what's your first step to change the world as a USA citizen?

be a very very very rich American citizen. I buy the politicians and/or president to change the world :)
If you don't have the chances to be member of government or president to change the world..

Then what's your first step to change the world as a USA citizen?


Talking to others isn't the first step because people will ignore you or fight you to death in debate about disagree with your opinions.

I have been asking the same thing. My opinion... Not a damn thing can be done unless you can come up with lots of money. But to get the money you would have to join the corruption and most likely you would become corrupt yourself. Or the people in charge would have evidence to blackmail you.

What kind of changes are you talking about?
be a very very very rich American citizen. I buy the politicians and/or president to change the world :)

Thats what I tell people when the fantasy question comes up. "What would you buy if money was no object?". My answer is always the president.
I have been asking the same thing. My opinion... Not a damn thing can be done unless you can come up with lots of money. But to get the money you would have to join the corruption and most likely you would become corrupt yourself. Or the people in charge would have evidence to blackmail you.

What kind of changes are you talking about?

my corruption would be the very least of evil :)

changes = too many to list. suffice to say - restore it back to good ole' America and common sense decency.
My first step would be to take every single politician in Washington D.C. and shove them in the hole in the oil pipe and stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Be yourself.

Become the person you would like yourself to be.
My first step would be to take every single politician in Washington D.C. and shove them in the hole in the oil pipe and stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

junk shot. lol.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.....

I told that to a little bald guy once he liked it and asked if he could use it....I wish I would have gotten his name
If you don't have the chances to be member of government or president to change the world..

Then what's your first step to change the world as a USA citizen?


Talking to others isn't the first step because people will ignore you or fight you to death in debate about disagree with your opinions.

one diaper at a time.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.....

I told that to a little bald guy once he liked it and asked if he could use it....I wish I would have gotten his name


Dalai Lama?

His name is Lhamo Dhondrub.