How often you drink coffe?...

I consistently drink about two cups a day. I grind my own beans. Often, I like a dark roast and sometimes strong but not so strong that it eats my spoon! LOL! That's for the cowboys around a camp-fire!
My dad used to drink three POTS a day. He went to the doctor for a physical check up couple of years ago and his doctor ordered him to cut down to three CUPS a day due to diabetes and few other complications. Three phucking POTS a day. Crikey. :shock:
Gawd almighty, Katzie...three pots of coffee a day?? bet he made a path to the bathroom, LOL! I drink it once a great while..i drink mostly green tea..If i have to drink coffee, i gotta flavor it so i use about 3 teaspoon of the English toffee or Mocha flavoring in it just to kill the taste of coffee haha....
The Coffee Bean

I have no idea why i love to drink a Coffee Latter? ha ha.. ha..
I drink coffee sometimes. I only like Folgers though. And it has to be with sugar and milk, not creamer. I can't stand creamer. My grandmother taught me to drink it with milk, and now that I'm older, I can't make myself like creamer. My mother hates coffee so the only time we ever got to drink coffee was when we went to my grandmother's house lol. (thinking of memories with my grandparents drinking coffee...)
that cartoon was funny.. i can tell that caffeine makes you a little crazy in the head :lol: i dont know how my parents stand it.. they drink like three cups a day! Its crazy.. :crazy: But Im not like that, I just prefer a cappincino every so often when Im tired... like on vacation and i need energy.. I just drink that and Im perked up for the day.. :)
Me and coffee seems to go well....

But not the fancy Starbucks crap....spare me that cuz I prefer plain good ol' JFG coffee with sugar n cream loaded and I'll be great.