How Many Times Did You Go To The Movies This Summer?


New Member
Nov 10, 2004
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My summer has recently concluded and I though back to all the movies I managed to see during my summer. I was wondering how much you guys went to the movies this summer yourselves and what all you saw (if you can recall).

From May 18 - August 12th I saw...

Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (4 Times)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Batman Begins
War Of The Worlds
Fantastic Four
The Island
The Longest Yard

And I believe thats in the correct order as well. That totals to 8 movies total with 11 trips to the movie theater. How about you guys?
Star Wars....

soon -- war of the worlds. i dont go to movie theaters much though
Umm.. I dont really remember, but I will try....

Mr and Mrs Smith (awesome!)

Fantastic Four (awesome, watched it twice)

Bewitched (Lame)

Batman ( alright)

Madagascar (funny)

Thats all I can remember what I saw at the movies, I have blockbuster online so I dont go to the movies much.
ever since i got the job june 21st i watched almost ALL of the movies that's mentioned in here

war of the worlds
mr and mrs smith
star wars revenge of the sith
longest yard
devils reject
must love dogs
wedding crashers
charlie and the choclate factory
the island
dukes of hazards
bad news bears
batman begins
Fantastic Four

sounds abt right i know i may have missed one or two movies.. but after next week it ll be
flight plans
and oldest vigin
and on and on ofc hehehe

will deffy watch harry potter on nov 16th but will have to wait til after EVERYONE seen it due to crowds gonna be so damn busy im gonna be doing 5 days of work i asked my boss abt it she said yes i ll need to do work there for the grand opening week due to the massive ushering i ll need to do so its all good :)
Umm...since May? Umm..I don't think I have went to the movie since a year haha. I suppose to go and watch the war of the world a couple of weeks ago, but never did. I was too bbbuuuusssyyyy!
one, so far. War of the Worlds...I don't go to movie theathers that much. :)
I'm deaf so I didn't go at all for the last 2 years I think.. I wait til they come into the video store... :fruit:
The only movie saw was "Robots" at IMAX.